Monday, December 26, 2011

Barisan Nasional and James Bond: The striking similarities

With Astro showing re-runs of old James Bond movie's, and the jostling and fighting for candidacy in the next General Election (PRU13), I realized a striking resemblance between them. Ever since Najib announced the "For Your Eyes Only' sermon that BN will only field winnable candidates, and reiterating that he has the "Licence to Kill" and terminate the candidacy, every Tom, Dick, Harry and Shahidan are promoting and portraying themselves as one, and they want to hold on to their fort crying..."Live and let die".....though the rakyat have been chanting,,,,'You Only Live Twice'......sigh!.And the non-stop expose of corrupt leaders in BN, to name a few, Khir Toyo, Sharizat and family, not forgetting Liong Sik and family, who seems to accumulate wealth as though......'The World is Not Enough" and "Tomorrow Never Dies"

Najib seems to be the "Dr. No"with "A View to a Kill"  with a secret plan to demolish "The Man With the Golden Gun" alias Anwar, sending Saifool on "Her Majesty's Secret Service", and now Anwar is framed in a scandal with "The Spy Who Loved Me", if that's not enough to finish him off, the back up plan is to paint him "Octo-pussy" crazy, this time with China dolls.It seems that Anwar's days seeing the "The Living Daylights" are numbered, or would he live and "Die Another Day"?

Rosmah the "Goldfinger" lady (or is it diamond finger?), is quietly singing, "Diamonds are Forever".

GOD help us....adios......a.h.baharom

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Malaysia among most vulnerable to euro crisis, says Nomura

The article below appeared in the Malaysian Insider on 7th December 2011

Malaysia among most vulnerable to euro crisis, says Nomura

December 07, 2011

Subbaraman said Malaysia’s high public debt could preclude continued stimulus spending. — Pictures by Jack Ooi
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 7 — Malaysia will be hit harder than its Asian peers by the economic crisis in Europe due to its relatively weak public finances and dependence on commodities, said Nomura International today.
Its chief economist for Asia ex-Japan, Robert Subbaraman, said that unlike most countries in Asia, Malaysia will be negatively affected by an expected drop off in commodity prices while the government will also find it difficult to keep up stimulus policies.
“Malaysia is one of the economies that will weaken the most; it is in the weaker group of economies,” said Subbaraman at a media briefing here today.
Nomura economist for Southeast Asia Euben Paracuelles said Malaysia’s growth in the first three quarters of this year was largely led by government spending, but as public finances were relatively weak, he doubted that it would be sustainable.
Subbaraman also noted that Malaysia ranked third in Asia ex-Japan in terms of exposure to European bank claims, after Hong Kong and Singapore, which could mean a drying up of liquidity should European banks start to cut their exposure to the region.
Figures provided showed that European bank exposure to Malaysia amounted to US$50 billion (RM155 billion), or about 19 per cent of GDP, double that of the Asia ex-Japan average of nine per cent.

Commodities would dip by 15 per cent if a slowdown hits, says Paracuelles.
Only the financial centres of Hong Kong and Singapore had higher exposures, at 77 and 55 per cent of GDP respectively.
“As European banks pull back exposure, it will show up as net capital outflow and availability of funding will start to dry up,” said Subbaraman.
He noted, however, that Malaysia still has a large current account surplus at 13 per cent of GDP, which should help support the ringgit against hefty depreciation against the US dollar, due to its trade performance.
Paracuelles said that if a global downturn happens, there would be a 15 per cent decline in commodity prices.
Malaysian government economists earlier said their economic projections were bolstered by expected continued high rubber and palm oil prices, which would help boost rural area spending.
Petronas said in a briefing last week that it expects oil prices to decline to US$85-87 per barrel next year, from US$110 currently.
In its November Asia Economic Monthly report, Nomura noted that Malaysia faces the prospect of unsustainable fiscal support.
“Given the public debt to GDP ratio of 55 per cent, the second highest in Asia, scope to continue with a very expansionary fiscal policy next year could prove to be limited,” said the report.
The report forecast a growth of 3.6 per cent for the first quarter of next year but rising to 7.3 per cent by the fourth quarter to give a full year growth of 5.1 per cent.
Subbaraman also said the risk of a hard landing in China is “not trivial” although the threat is greater after 2013-2014, following the handover of power to the next generation of leaders.
Nomura expects growth in Asia to drop to 6.6 per cent next year, from 7.5 per cent this year, and revised its 2012 global growth forecast from 3.8 per cent to 3.2 per cent.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

NFC: Goalpost keeps mo(o)ving, stories keep spinning

The stories that are published, statements that are being issued, clarifications that are being aired, jokes that are being passed around, all these never fails to amuse me. And now, the latest, the manner  how the infamous deputy IGP, the UMNO friendly senior official, issuing the findings,in lighting speed, the timing carefully planned during the UMNO General assembly clarifying that no CBT is committed, at least during the preliminary investigation. Wow... that's fast....but...then again...what do you expect? It is not surprising at all....after all, he is the IGP in waiting.....

Shahrizat promised to clear the air during the general assembly....but sigh!....all she did was bashing the opposition ladies...Zuraidah and and Wan Azizah, she went as far as disassociating herself completely from the NFC project (Gasp!....Can you belief that ?) She is taking for granted that the UMNO Wanita members as cows basically, I wonder whether they bought her story, if they did...moo....good for them....bad for the country.

More and more things are being uncovered, from cow condos to holiday trips, the more they try to explain, the more murkier it gets.

Its about time the rakyat shows that 'depa bukan lembu yang boleh dicucuk hidung dan ditarik kesana-sini mengikut telunuk mereka'

GOD, please have mercy and help us.......adios.....a.h.baharom

Who lied – Najib/Muhyiddin or Chua Soi Lek? Or all three?

Note to readrers: The article below is from the blog of Lim Kit Siang

The 65th UMNO General Assembly closed yesterday with one big question among thinking and patriotic Malaysians, regardless of political affiliation: – “Who lied – Najib/Muhyiddin or Chua Soi Lek? Or all three?”

At first the lies and poison were only told and used at closed-door UMNO meetings. Then they were spread by anonymous UMNO blogs and cybertroopers on the Internet, followed by the UMNO media.

When these lies and poison failed to achieve the desired public and political impact with the approach of the 13th General Elections, UMNO strategists became more irresponsible, reckless and desperate.

In the past week, these lies and poison became the staple diet of UMNO leaders in the meetings preparatory to and during the sessions proper of the 65th UMNO General Assembly, with the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, in their capacities as UMNO President and UMNO Deputy President giving their personal stamp of approval by adopting and retailing these lies and poison to sway votes in favour of UMNO in the coming polls.

Culminating in Muhyiddin and Najib, one UMNO leader after another in the past week have taken to the public pulpit in a carefully-orchestrated campaign to demonise the DAP and frighten Malay voters with the lies that the Malays will lose their rights and power should Pakatan Rakyat win more federal seats in the next general election, or in the words of the UMNO information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan, “the Malay language will be lost, say goodbye to the Malay Sultans, Say goodbye to Islam because they (DAP) are agents of Christianisation”.

Muhyiddin was completely unabashed in playing the race card when he falsely accused the DAP of being anti-Malay, anti-Islam and anti-Malay Rulers, even telling the lie that the DAP’s agenda is to establish a Republic in Malaysia.

Muhyiddin made history as the only Deputy Prime Minister in the world who was caught out telling a bare-faced lie, for he had been completely silent to my challenge to him to substantiate his allegation that the DAP wanted to abolish the constitutional monarchy and establish a Republic.

I had publicly said that Muhyiddin’s “despicable, irresponsible, incendiary and seditious” allegation that the DAP’s agenda is to form a republic is completely founded on a lie, particularly his rhetorical question to buttress his allegation:

“If not, do they dare to suggest the prime minister’s position be selected based solely on elections and without being chosen by the Yang di Pertuan Agong? What is the meaning of this?” (Muhyiddin quote)

This suggestion and rhetorical question are a complete figment of Muhyiddin’s imagination (or that of his ghost writer) and show the length certain irresponsible, unprincipled and unscrupulous UMNO leaders are prepared to go in order to tell lies and spread poison to mislead, scare and panic the voters in multi-racial Malaysia.

This is certainly not the action of an honest, honourable, principled and patriotic Malaysian political leader.

As I had declared for the record in my immediate response on Wednesday to Muhyiddin’s falsehood, DAP had never proposed that “the Prime Minister’s position be selected based solely on elections and without being chosen by the Yang di Pertuan Agong”.

Right from the beginning, the DAP had declared in Parliament in my first speech 40 years ago in Parliament on Feb. 23, 1971 that DAP fully supported the system of constitutional monarchy and that we “do not and have not questioned the sovereignty of Rulers”.

In his winding-up speech yesterday as UMNO President, Najib adopted the Muhyiddin and UMNO lie that DAP is manipulating PKR and PAS, specifically alleging that PAS is “under the thumb” of DAP.

This line of allegation is totally at variance with the accusations which the MCA President Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek and his cohorts have been hurling against the DAP – that the DAP is the stooge of the PAS.

Who has lied? Najib and Muhyiddin or Chua Soi Lek?

The UMNO and MCA leaders cannot all be telling the truth – as the DAP cannot be a stooge of PAS and PAS also a stooge of DAP one and the same time.

Either UMNO or MCA leaders have lied.

There is of course another scenario – which is the true and correct position. Najib, Muhyiddin and Chua Soi Lek have all lied.

Unlike Barisan Nasional where UMNO is the hegemon and the other Barisan Nasional political parties completely subservient to UMNO agenda and interests, Pakatan Rakyat is a coalition of equal political parties based on mutual respect and political consensus founded on common policy programmes founded on the fundamental features of the Malaysian Constitution.

In Pakatan Rakyat, no political party plays the role of Big Brother like UMNO in Barisan Nasional – which means that Najib, Muhyiddin and Chua Soi Lek have all been perpetuating lies in their struggle to keep their political parties alive in the next general election.

The Malays will not lose power when PR win more seats in the next general election as those who will really lose power will be UMNO and UMNO-putras.

In fact, the ordinary Malays stand to gain more rights and power when PR win more seats in the next general elections as UMNO and UMNO-putras will have to return and surrender the rights and power that they have seized and hijacked from the ordinary Malays in the past few decades.

This entry was posted on Sunday, 4 December 2011, 1:42 pm and is filed under DAP, MCA, Muhyiddin Yassin, Najib Razak, UMNO. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

'Cowgate' scandal is getting murkier

Today, NFC brought some selected journalist from selected media's for a press conference, while unselected journalist and unselected medias we're locked out. The PC was given by Mr Shahrizat (Shahrizats husband) and accompanied by his lawyer (no prizes for guessing who...who else Muhammad Shafee Abdullah la.....) The PC looks so the saying of old Malay proverb...'cuba nak tegakkan benang basah'

Mr Shahrizat tried to justify....the location of NFC restaurant Meatworks' in Mont Kiara,“We chose Mont Kiara because it's cosmopolitan and the response was very good. The bosses at Tesco, Carrefour, Jusco ate there and placed orders straight away for our meat,” he said.Dr Salleh also justified NFC purchase of two condos in Bangsar, saying it was a sound investment.NFC had bought each condo for RM6.9mil each. And each condo was rented out at RM70,000 a month giving NFC a yield of RM900,000 each which was a 12.9% return on investment.He said if they had put the money in a fixed deposit instead, they would have only received 2.6% to 3.25%.

My foot.....the money that was given to you was MEANT for what? Not for you to make sound investment decisions, it is simple...produce BEEF.....stop treating the rakyat as 'cows'....come clean...admit....and ask your other half to resign with dignity.


Political Development (Courtesy of a Good old Friend

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

'Cowgate' Scandal: The beginning of the end for UMNO?

Whats with UMNO and the 'cows', previously, UMNO played with a cowhead to destroy the oppositions in Selangor, it falls flat on their face, now the 'cow' made a return, in the form of 'Cowgate' scandal, it create factions among UMNO, and it might be the beginning of the end for UMNO.

While Shahrizat and family, Noh, KJ, Kota Belud rep, and many more tried valiantly to justify it, the rakyat just refused to buy it. Now Shaziman (the work Minister) and Zulhasnan (ex-FT Minister) are also implicated in the same scandal. The impact is so severe than some of the big shots in UMNO have distanced themselves, leaving those implicated to clear the air and fend for themselves.

They didn't see the attacks within BN, from the infamous Bung and Aziz Seri Gading coming at all. It was totally unexpected, or is a part of shrewd strategic plans within factions within UMNO?...mmmhhh...conspiracy theory....never say never...especially im UMNO politics.

Whatever  it is...this time, the cut is too deep, the damage is quite severe, I am pretty sure Najib will try to prolong GE as later as possible, he definitely doesn't want to witness another 'tsunami'....he simply cannot afford to...


KR1M:What's the fuss all about?

All of a sudden, Mydin Wholesale Hypermarkets are enjoying free advertisements, albeit thru their sister store, KR1M (Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia), supposedly the hypermarket for the lower income groups, a personal initiative of Najib.KR1M is nothing more than Mydin, repackaged or rebranded, with staunch support from the Government in the form of soft loans, publicity gimmicks and announcements. In return they champion the aspirations of Najib's 1Malaysia. Basically, it is you scratch me, I scratch you thingy....

Lately KR1M have been making the headlines without fail, mostly for the wrong reasons, from comparatively higher price to comparatively inferior quality. They produce mostly generic goods rebranded as KR1M, which was supposedly be cheaper than branded goods, yes they are, agreed, but if you compare an apple for an apple, compare them to other generic goods such as Tesco or Giant brand, they are generally comparatively much more expensive, so now you tell me, is it an attractive avenue for the rakyat, or is it an avenue for Mydin to make a quick buck?

Worse developments have surfaced, some of the goods are found to be healthwise not good, such as the the ketchup (consumer group claims a lab test shows higher-than-permitted levels of lead and mercury in the product.and milk (found to be contaminated) , to name a few, what does these tells you? It is a daylight is the opposite of Robin Hood, they are robbing the poor to feed the disgusting is that?


Monday, November 14, 2011

Malaysia 15th Largest trade partner with Israel: Cakap tak serupa bikin ka?

Below is the excerpt from Harakah Daily, Apa sudah jadi? Sudah tukar ka?....Lain di mulut, lain dihati ka?


(Harakah Daily) - The Barisan Nasional government's secret trade ties with the Zionist regime in Tel Aviv have come under renewed scrutiny with the revelation of a new document by a DAP member of parliament.
Citing a report on Europe-Israel trade ties published by the EU's European Commission of Trade on June 8, 2011, Bakri MP Er Teck Hwa revealed that the report placed Malaysia at the 24th spot in a list of 50 countries in their value of import trades with Israel. It also placed the country at the 11th position for export and an overall 15th for trade with Israel.

Click on link to download the full version of the EU report (Excel file, 655 kb)

“The revelation of this document clearly shows we have trade ties with Zionist Israel,” said Er in a statement to Harakahdaily, which includes snapshots of a customs-registered document bearing the serial number W20204004087.

“In the document it was clearly stated that the importer was Chayon Distributor-Computers Limited, 4, Haomanut Street, 42504, Netanya, Israel, and worse, the document has a chop of International Trade and Industry ministry,” he said.

Strengthening the claim of official trade links with the regime, Er pointed that the International Air Transport Association's rate weighing system also clearly spelt out the charges for materials sent from Kuala Lumpur to Tel Aviv.

“IATA’s rate weighing system is used at all entry points to the country. IATA will not display rate for countries which do not have ties with Malaysia,” he stressed.

Earlier this month, Dewan Rakyat speaker denied Er (right) a chance to question International Trade and Industry Mustapa Mohamad over alleged trade ties between Malaysia and Israel following a revelation on the internet.

Er (right) revealed that a cabinet decision on November 9 as mentioned by Mustapa’s deputy, Mukhriz Mahathir in his 2012 Budget debate, had apparently ignored the Customs Act in allowing multi-national companies to have transactions with Israel.

“This raises the question whether the country is faced with a big crisis so much so that laws can be set aside by the cabinet,” he said.

Er further added that the revelation only confirmed UMNO's hypocrisy in its well-publicised Gaza humanitarian mission.

Last month, senior UMNO leader and Youth and Sports minister Shabery Cheek drew criticism for personally intervening to allow an Israeli kickboxer into the country, despite immigration regulations prohibitng those carrying Israeli passports.

Shabery later accused the Selangor state government of approving Ilya's participation, drawing a strong denial from Selangor's tourism exco Elizabeth Wong who maintained the PR state's support to the Palestinian cause, and pointed out that immigration matters were under the Federal government.

Wanna know the secret to rocketing share price?: Appoint the PM's son

Harvest Court Industries Bhd, one of the lesser known firm on the Malaysian, have been hogging the lime lights, I am not sure whether it is for the right reasons or the wrong ones. Bursa Malaysia had been forced to pull the reins on it's shares following an outrageous surge in trading following a report that the PM's son has been appointed a director. The shares which we're hovering around 8 sen, is now priced at RM2.14 as of 4 pm yesterday, that is an increment of 2,575 percent, and all these within the frame of, less than one month. Wow!, 'ini macam lagi untung dari meniaga unta'.

What was the reason behind the phenomenol increase? None other than the appointment of Mohd Nazifuddin Najib, PM's second son, albeit with the former wife, Tengku Puteri Zainah Tengku Eskandar. it is reported byThe Edge Financial Daily that Nazifuddin bought 2 to 3 million shares or equivalent to 1.7 percent shares, while his business partner, one by the name of Raymond Chan, controls 13.83 percent, and both of them we're appointed as Directors of Harvest Court Industries Bhd on October 28th 2011.Raymond Chan is the man behind $agajuta (Sabah) Sdn Bhd, which was responsible to develop 1Borneo Mall in Kota Kinabalu.By the way, Nazifuddin is the Chairman of $agajuta.

Mmmm.....something fishy?...I bet you could also smell the rat from miles away....but what do you expect, this is the Boleh land.....I bet the MACC(pronounced as MA Sissy) has a blocked nose...especially those not regarding the oppositions.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

NFC: Nation For Cronies/National Feeder for Cronies?

As been pointed out and requested by one of my 'old' friend, NFC is indeed proving to be 'cash cow' for the cronies rather than being the 'cow feeder' for the Nation. How else could you explain the recent developments? Some quarters (believe me, these are either the minorities or cronies) vehemently protested on my article. They claim that NFC is a runaway success and I should not keep harping on the shortcomings alone. I asked them one simple question, how do you recognize it as a success? They we're taken aback....they threw back the question to me and do I deem it to be a failure?

Well, firstly, they didn't meet up the expectation of production....isn't that a failure?...Secondly....the price of beef is on the way up...RM18...RM19...RM20...RM21....and climbing high to a new high of RM23.00 per kilo,.... isn't that a failure? Many small scale cow herders....without any single help from the Government could produce much more efficiently, when in the first place....NFC should have the economies of scale..and what rubbish is KJ is talking about when he claimed that RM250 million that was given to NFC was not only for production, but as well as enhancement of logistics and infrastructures betterment of the whole industry as well...what?...Are they are going to build new roads  for cow transportation?...or special airport for 'cows'...maybe KJ is referring to  the new joint venture between AirAsia and NFC....Go and fly a kite KJ....take a hike...get lost...if possible are a disgrace to the 'Oxbridge' elitist...unwanted by your own party...shame on you for seeking cheap publicity...and creating some B-grade stunts and gimmicks.And for Noh, from helping the genuine poor farmers, you rather help your fellow cabinet member who is already super rich....'Tarak malu punya orang'....



National Feedlot Corporation: The laughing stock?

After laying low for quite some time, Sharizat Jalil emerged trying to clear up the air on the NFC issue, but rather than clarifying and clearing the murky issue, she is trying to fish for sympathy.Too many versions of the stories are being reported, but no matter what, it still remains a thorny issue for the Government. how do you expect them to justify the award of the project to the husband and children of Shahrizat, who is an active Minister of the cabinet? No matter how hard Noh tried, no matter how vigourous KJ tried to assist, it falls flat on their face.

While the issues of hundred of millions of Ringgit are given to the Corporation is debated, whille the issue of millions of Ringgit are given to the sister company as discount is being aired, while the issue of close to a million Ringgit is claimed to be siphoned for a family trip is reported, the opposition certainly kept the best (or is it the worst?) for last. The breaking news is that millions of Ringgit from the soft loan are being used or laundered to buy a posh condominium in Bangsar. What the F***!....While the rakyat is suffering from inflation and ever increasing food prices, made worse by the recent floods in our neighbouring countries, while the rakyat are finding difficulties in making ends meet, while the Rakyat are facing challenges in securing loans , even for a few thousand they are enjoying the taxcpayers money like no body's business.

Shame on Shahrizat, Shame on on Noh, and Shame on KJ as well as all those who are involved in approving,securing,disbursing the loan or keeping an eye closed, they should all resign if they have dignity.....but.what do you expect..Sigh!

NFC is supposed to feed the nation....not certain cronies


Monday, November 7, 2011

Dr Juanda: The next fall guy?

For some quarters, Dr Juanda (Mufti of Perlis) is an exemplary Muslim Scholar, for others (especially staunch Najib supporters), he is a thorn in the flesh. While Juanda's supporters yearn for more Muslim Scholars, especially those who are in executive positions to be at least as brave, honest and GOD fearing (and not Najib fearing or in fear of loss in source of income), those staunch Najib followers, or apple polishers, or cronies, or partners in crime, must be clamoring for his head. Might Juanda have gone too far this time? or like the analogy in the famous movie, A few good men, is it the time for code red?

So you might be asking, what did Juanda do this time around, well the controversial (is he?) Mufti, questioned and requested further clarification on the report by BERNAMA, the tweet by Najib as well as reports by the TV news, on the completion of the Haj pilgrimage as per claimed by them on 06th of November 2011, Dr Juanda claimed that this is just not possible, he further reiterated that it will mean an incomplete Haj and requested those in powers, especially Muslim scholars to clear the air. Juanda definitely have stirred the hornets nest, he has ruffled some feathers. with some claiming that the writings are already on the wall. Sigh! just what examples are we setting for the kids......Follow Nallakaruppan....don't follow Aziz Bari.....follow Ezam Kotak.......don't follow....Juanda...yucks! sucks!...are we paving the way to Hell!...and distancing ourselves from Heaven?


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Malaysian Senator-ship: Reward for the 'dogs'?

I thought we had already hit the rock bottom, when Ezam Kotak was rewarded with senator-ship for his incessant barking at the opposition, was I dead wrong, I was astonished to read a recent newspaper report on the appointment of Nallakarrupan ( his name is literally translated as Goof Black Man in Tamil (Is he?)) as a Senator. I keep repeating these low can Najib go? How else do you justify the awards to these two 'criminals' (it is a fact that they do have criminal records...go and check it out).

Who is next in line? Zulkifli Noordin?....Berahim Ali?...Nothing surprises me anymore in the Boleh land....Malaysia. If you are against are bound to be gagged...harassed...arrested...detained... ostracized...and God knows what...if you follow their orders....bark and per their are bound to be else do you explain the happenings? Do not try to make sense.....chances are you can't.......

GOD....please help are the Merciful....

Adios.....Salam Aidil Adha.....Life needs many forms.......are you game for it?.....Or you want to  bark and roll as well, it is your choice...but remember...the time will come...we will have to face the very afraid....


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Reward for stating the facts and telling the truth: Suspension for Aziz Bari

OMG! How low can we go?, Poor Professor, one of the most respected Academician in the area, was slapped with suspension order. What was his offence again? Stating the facts...for telling the truth....for standing up for his principles...for being an obedient Muslim...for being Honest...for being Sincere...for adhering to ethics...and the list goes on...and on...and on......Darn!

It is indeed the saddest day for academicians...the blackest day for Malaysia....GOD, please help us...GOD please have mercy on us.

Rather than listening to him (Aziz Bari), whom do they listened to? They listened to Rais Yatim (the guy who doesn't believe in even his own thesis)...They listened to Zulkifli Nordin (the guy who betrayed his own voters)...they listened to Ezam Kotak (the guy who betrayed everybody, and doesn't believe in his own boxes of evidence)....They listened to the editor of Utusan (the most dangerous poison article writer and King of spin....)....They listened to Tun Dr Mahathir (the guy who couldn't remember most of of his own actions...Apa nama...?)...they listened to TV3 suku...(the station full of lies and slander).....and the list goes on...and on...and on.....Darn!

No wonder Malaysian universities keep slipping away in the don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out...How do yo you expect to retain the 'brains'....if you can't appreciate them? I bet if he(Aziz Bari) is pro-government....he would be somewhere up there now...

I really hope that they are aware of the saying...for every action...there is a reaction.....Only GOD knows what in store for us. those who could inflict a situation with a stroke of afraid , be very afraid...there is after would be questioned on your actions...are you prepared?


Yucks! : CSL and KJ stooping to a unthinkable low

Politic sucks.... that's a well known factor, but never imagined in my wildest dreams it will suck this bad. Chua Soi Lek aka the Prez aka the self confessed porn actor aka MCA leader proudly claimed that gutter politics is the norm today, and it was reported in his party owned newspaper, The Star.Again , he shows his .'liking'. to 'boots', by boot licking UMNO, justifying the use of gutter politics against Lim Guan Eng’s son.It is not only arrogant, but a shameless act of condonoing something so cruel against a poor soul, who didn't commit any wrongdoings, the only 'wrong' he did was being born to Lim Guan Eng, the Chief Minister of Penang, and the senior leader of DAP, the oppositions. And it was found out later that in this case, there is no truth whatsoever in the allegations as opposed his own infamous unnatural sex expose whereby , the incident was real. The best (or is it worst?) part was the adulterer/wife cheater/boots lover was elected to lead the second largest party in the coalition (BN).

Now on KJ, he was supposed to be an educated man, coming from the 'Oxbridge' elitist group, but he showed his true colours, by getting involved in the same incident, by tweeting and supporting the allegation against Lim Guan Eng Jr. without verifying the facts of the cases, what a cheapskate, and imagine he is the youth leader of the largest party in the coalition UMNO/BN).

Now imagine this.....if the same mandate is given to the current coalition aka BN, you are going to be led and represented by parties with shameless, arrogant and dumb politicians as above. Scary eh?....Embarassing eh?
Disgusting eh?...Feel wanna puke?.....The ball is in your court.....make a wise decision, 

Say 'Tak Nak" to arrogant leaders
Say 'Tak Nak" to shameless leaders
Say 'Tak Nak" to dumb  leaders
Say 'Tak Nak" to immoral  leader


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Great Truths: Courtesy of Malaysian Chronicle

The piece below appeared on the Malaysian Chronicle and was shared by a friend...enjoy reading...well...I did.



1. In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is the Malaysian Parliament.

2. If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.

3. Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Parliament. But then I repeat myself.

4. I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
This is otherwise known as 1Malaysia Boleh.

5. A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money.

6. Democracy in Malaysia must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.

7. Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.

8. Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.

9. Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.

10. Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.

11. I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.

12. If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free!

13. In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other (after pocketing most of it).

14. Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you!

15. No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while either the Malaysian Parliament or the Malaysian Court is in session.

16. Talk is cheap...except when Parliament does it.

17. The Malaysian government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a
happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.

18. The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.

20. The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin.

21. The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.

22. There is no distinctly Malaysian criminal the Malaysian Parliament.

23. What this country needs are more unemployed politicians.

24. A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.

25. We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.


1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for...another person must work for without receiving.

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work, because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation!

Can you think of a reason for not sharing this?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sisters in Islam (SIS) or Anti-Islam Sisters (AIS)?

I was flabbergasted and disgusted to read to comments and reply by so-called Sisters in Islam (SIS) which appeared in Sunday Star's column today, they branded Hudud as intolerant, cruel, biased and belligerent engender...I was shocked...wait....shocking would be an understatement,,,,,I am lost for words to describe my feelings.I seldom curse....but I am making an exception for this case....Shut the F*** up think logic could be used for everything?...Well you are dead wrong.The Hudud laws are not man is from the Al-Mighty, so branding it as what you have done....would be degrading the Al-Mighty....'Nauzzubillah'

Where are the.Islamic Scholars?...especially those in powers...Jamil Khir B...(I don't want my name to be associated with him)....why the deafening silence....afraid of losing your source of income?

What gender equality and justice are SIS talking about?....There is always a reason on every inequalities, I thought you people are supposed to be smart, What you people want? Same treatment for both genders....Women can marry four...women can have the same aurat as men?....What would be the repercussions?  Think with your brains...and not with....

SIS is full of craps....and the other side loves them so much.... that's why they always have great media coverage....but for me their stupidity have no bounds...that is why SIS have leaders who still uses the name...that literally translated into prostitute....and refuse to get married at the age of 50....because of frustration against the male gender especially the Muslim brothers.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

MCA and HUDUD: WTF (What the Fuss?)

It is actually mind boggling, baffling and absurd of the highest standard the way MCA 'jaga tepi kain orang'...why the 'busy bodiness' on the issue of Hudud. For the umpteenth time it does not covers non-Muslims, zero impact on them, so I seriously do not see the need for them to start a signature drive against it.Indirectly it also further strengthen the  notion of UMNO being not a honest partner in the coalition, not educating and explaining Hudud properly to its partners. The signature drive initiated by Ipoh Timur division is nothing more than a stupid publicity gimmick aiming for cheap political mileage.....what a cheapskate party....well....on the other hand...what do you expect from a party which is helmed by a self confessed porno video actor aka the Prez aka Chua Soi Lek and flanked by indecisive comrades in Liow Tiong Liar...ooppss sorry...Lai....and the soap opera actor...Wee Ka Siong.

I just wonder why Utusan or Perkasa or Sisters in Islam or Women's Ministry Minister or the so-called Independent Front MPs do not want to start a signature drive against MCA for abusing the women. First , the Prez abused a woman who was not his wife in a pornographic movie (it is not an accusation....he confessed...right?}....and recently they 'used' or was it 'abused'  some pretty women (whose membership is yet to be clarified) to boost it's image as though MCA is now very attractive.....but then know and I know that these groups are very selective in issues to pursue....or as they call it in my not have the balls...


Post Budget 2012: Its Complicated!

Finally, I am going to write something on the latest budget....albeit budget 2012. Many quarters we're curious on the absent of any blog entry from Malaysianeconomomey on the budget...err...mmm...well, I need to read and understand on the Budget as a whole, including the hidden asterix, the inbetween the lines and 'udang sebalik the batu'....Many names we're given to the budget....the peoples budget....teachers budget...caring government's budget...brave budget...and the usual....election budget, but one name attracted me the most....Muhyiddin's conspiracy budget...(!!??)...they claimed that Muhyiddin had a hidden arm twisting the budget to benefit his Ministry and teacher's generally to boost his standing (!!???!!)...baffling?....don't think too hard....

Back to the budget, while the apple polishers we're  as usual praising their numero uno, saying that this is a brave budget, planned and meticulously prepared with the rakyat in heart, the other's are showing their concern on the continuos deficit budget, they are indeed very concerned on the burgeoning or balloning debts.It seems like Najib and Co seems to put their position as their primary concern, getting the mandate is seen as the main objective, as for the repercussions on the viabilty or the manageability of the buget...'we'll cross the bridge when we come to it' kinda of attitude.

But for me personally, on the Budget 2012, it is more 'rhetoric' rather than meaningful, read the Budget line by line....and you will understand.The teachers......will vouch for that, the Government servants will vouch for that....the rakyat (if they really read and understand the documents rather than relying on media reports or comments from politicians) will vouch for that.

In Malaysia....generally you could divide the population into three groups, the poor, the super rich and others(which is the majority).The poor undoubtedly benefitted from the budget, the super rich don't bother while the others (you, me and most of the people are) be honest....almost nil...the impact of the budget.

Some ridicluous announcement includes...upraising the bar of the maximum price of the houses that can be bought under the special program for those earning RM3000.00 and below, well what is the point if they can't afford, how do you expect them to pay more or less RM2000.00 per month for the next 30 years...why don't you make it more attractive, increase the price bar to RM1 million....doesn't make sense at all.Secondly, a one off payment of RM500 is expected to tackle  the misery of inflationary that is the solution, than the least we could do is reccomend them for a Nobel Prize.And I wonder how are they going to implement it....I mean identifying households who earned RM3000.00 and relying on information provided by Tok Penghulu or UMNO/MIC/MCA divisional heads?....Imagine the abuse....or what a nightmare?

Announcing that teachers final salary is increased from RM6K something to RM8K something..this is nothing more than a work of an illusionist, for those who understand the way the salary movement in public sector works, would appreciate it better....previously we had three different categories of salary movement....P1.P2 and P3, what they actually did was collapsing it to a single tier....RM6K something used to be at most bottom tier whilst RM8K used to parked the end of the top most tier.Another absurd announcement is the minimum increment rate...they proudly announced that it is now increased to RM80.00 per annum (yessss.....eighty).....Sigh!what a cheapskate the saying...celah gigi only...

Like I is complicated....for some it is fantastic budget....for some it is worrisome...for others NA(not applicable)


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hassan Marican: Unwanted at home,much sought after abroad

I am pretty sure most of you knows the guy very well, he used to helm Petronas till somewhere February 2010, 15 years at the top, steering Petronas magnificently, in fact he is widely credited with turning Petronas into the only other state-run major international player in the oil and gas space apart from Norway's Statoil. so what happened?...You might ask......well....he fell on the bad book of Najib.....or Najib woke up on the wrong side of the bed (or is Rosmah?), Two of Hassan Marican's so called glaring mistakes we're:-
  1. He and a few other board members clashed with Najib on the apointment of Omar Mustapha, the former aide of Najib
  2. Petronas under his tutelage had also decided not to sponsor the Malaysian-backed Lotus F1 Racing team going instead with the Mercedes Formula One team
While he is ditched in Malaysia, the same can't be said overseas, he is a much sought after person, especially across the causeway whereby he has accepted several directorships with Singapore GLCs including at Sembcorp, SembCorp Marine, and Singapore Power. To top it all, now he has accepted another directorship outside Malaysia this time at US oil and gas giant ConocoPhillips, Damn! Ditching Hassan Marican is surely a great loss to Malaysia, and one of the most weirdest and dumbest decisions. For the readers kind information, ConocoPhillips is a global integrated energy company and is headquartered in Houston with approximately 29 900 employees US$160 billion of assets and US$244 billion in annualised revenues as of June 30 2011.Good for you Hassan....Sigh!.......and yet...he're we are bringing in sub-standard expatriate while letting go our own 'brain'


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Pre-Budget2011: Which is better, Higher Income or Lower Price?

Talks have been rife on the expected gist of the upcoming budget which will be revealed tomorrow, while it is widely expected that civil servants would be the group that will enjoy the most (after all they make the largest group of voters) the form of increased income and monetary benefits, the real issue here is , this is a nominal increase, increase in NOMINAL wage and not REAL wage. It would be meaningless if the increase in nominal wage is 20% where else the increase in price is more than 20%, it would mean in other words a decrease in the REAL wage.

While NOMINAL reflects your salary/income/wage or whatsoever you want to call it........on paper, REAL will reflect your Purchasing Power....but sigh!.....most of the people are more interested on the NOMINAL value compared to the REAL value. Don't get me wrong, I am not against the increment, but what is the point if in fact you are poorer compared to before.With the General Election looming, of course popular decisions are prefered to right decisions, and somehow I also have the exact same feeling with some quarters, that this is going to be a 'morphine' the short run you are in the long run you will be in the bloodiest 'Hell'.

I strongly believe and vouch for a better policy planning and execution which could ensure a lower and stable price, which in turn will enable a prosperous and healthier life, compared to higher income which is meaningless.


Parliament,Legislators and Malaysian Economy: What is the striking similarity?

It is interesting to note that there is a striking similarity between the Parliament building, our legislators and the Malaysian economy.....they all leaks.....I mean major leaks, the next question is would they land up as the next Titanic..mmmhhh? Shaziman mansor, the Works Minister announced that the Parliament would go thru another round of repair with the cost estimated to be around a whopping RM520 million.How many rounds of major repair does the building needs to go thru?, I am pretty sure it is still fresh in the rakyat's memory billions of Ringgit spent by Samy Vellu, yet, the problems are not resolved yet? I just wonder if the Parliament could be listed in Guiness World Record Book as the most expensive Parliament building in the world to be maintained. I also wonder if the damages are too severe, would it be rendered unsafe after many more millions are spent? I seriously think the powers to be owe it to the Rakyat a detailed explanation on what kind of repairs we're done, would be done, who got the project, why are the problems reccurring etc...or maybe a white paper on it?

Now to the legislators and the Malaysian Economy, even the Tun, I mean Tun Mahathir have mentioned that the rakyat are getting disgusted at some of the appointed representatives who are flashing their new gotten ill wealth, how they got it is anybodys guess, did they puncture the Malaysian Economy to create leaks so they could ......errmmm....mmmhhh....arrrgghhh....well...your guess is as good as my guess. And look at the Malaysian Economy, we should be doing well, the rakyat should be rejoicing, and not complaining and whining, but it is only possible if it is managed well, the leaks are controlled, you do not need a Nobel prize winner to become our Finance Minister, only honest and sincere person, and we could stop or at least minimize the leakages, and the rakyat could prosper.....or else both the legislators and the Malaysion Economy would sink as well... I wouldn't mine the legislators sinking but certainly not the Malaysian Economy


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Police did break SOP in Tung Shin Hospital incident: Would Liow Tiong Lai apologise?

It is found that Police, who vehemently denied that they had broken any SOPs, and rigorously defended the Health Minister, Liow Tiong Lai, had indeed broken their SOPs, would the Health Minister do the honorable thing, apologise? For once....please act gentlemanly....or else it will further tarnish MCA's reputation which is already bad, headed by Chua Soi Lek, the self confessed porn video actor, and now will be known as deputized by Liow Tiong Liar.....please read the report below by The Malaysian Insider report below for further facts, and for those MCA/BN still want to be associated with the Party headed by self confessed porn video actor and deputized by Liar....Tepuk dada tanya selera


Police fired tear gas, broke rules in Tung Shin incident
UPDATED @ 12:04:52 AM 05-10-2011
By Shannon Teoh
October 04, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 4 — Riot police broke their own standard operating procedures (SOP) by firing tear gas and water cannons when dispersing Bersih 2.0 rally marchers at the Tung Shin Hospital on July 9, a Health Ministry investigation has concluded.

Home Ministry secretary-general Tan Sri Mahmood Adam said tonight that errant policemen would be referred to the police’s disciplinary board.

File photo of tear gas in the Chinese Maternity Hospital car park, next to Tung Shin Hospital at the July 9 Bersih rally.“The investigation results concluded that there were unethical actions which were beyond the SOP of the Royal Malaysian Police when enforcement was performed on rally participants who were wrongly using the hospital premises,” Mahmood said in a statement.

Putrajaya and police had earlier denied any wrongdoing despite proof given by Bersih 2.0 and those at the rally.

The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) is now waiting for police to answer questions into the incident after a complaint from Bersih, which held the rally to call for free and fair elections.

The Health Ministry probe confirmed police fired water cannons at demonstrators who were converging at the hospital.

“This action was solely to disperse groups of protesters who were gathering at the hospital area,” said Mahmood.

But Mahmood also said that tear gas was only fired in the direction of a car park outside the hospital compound and not into the hospital itself.

The report also found that smoke bombs were hurled by police at demonstrators who gathered in the car park of the neighbouring Chinese Maternity Hospital.

But it noted that the maternity hospital had ceased operations since September 2006 and would only reopen in December.

Mahmood said the Home Ministry “will not compromise on disciplinary action if it is found that there are (staff) who are proven to have violated operational guidelines.”

Police had absolved themselves of any wrongdoing during the July 9 rally after setting up six internal teams to investigate claims of police brutality that followed after nearly 1,700 were arrested, scores injured and an ex-soldier died during chaotic scenes in the capital.

But Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai ordered a second probe into the Tung Shin incident on July 14 after a group of medical consultants had written to the media refuting the hospital board and police who claimed that no gas canisters or water cannons were fired into the hospital.

The DAP then accused the authorities of sweeping the incident under the rug as its eye-witnesses were told by the Health Ministry in August to join “the police in building an investigation report that will be held soon.”

Police finally admitted on July 21 that Tung Shin was hit with tear gas canisters and water cannons during the rally, but denied shooting directly into the compound.

But this claim flies in the face of various video clips uploaded on the YouTube video-sharing site showing water cannons and tear gas being fired into the hospital

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hudud: If that's what Kelantanese wants, that's what they are going to get

Lately, many people have people have become experts in the field of Islamic law albeit Hudud. While it is a common knowledge that we have two 'Professor Serba  Tahu' in the form of Tun Mahathir and Dr Chandra Muzafar (both these people think that they are experts of everything, from Economic to Religion, and the world should listen to them...Duh!), we now have new players who have jumped on the wagon, Zainah Anwar, the former head of widely despised and hated Sister's In Islam (SIS) (yeah! its true....ask around) also wrote on the subject in a column in the weekend Star daily.Even Chua Soi Lek is making comments (doesn't make sense right?....hudud is for Muslims).What made me sad is, while it is acceptable for non-Muslims to not understand it and blindly opposing it, what about the Muslims who opposed it.

It is really disgusting to read comments  such as it is not suitable for a mixed racial country such as Malaysia, labeling it cruel law, it is not suitable for current time and much more.....unreasonable comments. I am not a religious scholar, I admit. I am not an expert in the field of Islamic Studies, I agree, but one thing for sure, I am indeed a God fearing person.By labeling Hudud as cruel, indirectly they are implying God is cruel, labeling Hudud as not time proof nor society proof, you are implying the God can't foresee the future, guys are wrong...dead wrong.God is Fair, God is Al Mighty, God is Great, Hudud comes from him, thus it is time invariant and suitable for all time and all kind of society and places. So ....please....I beg you people, if you do not want to implement Hudud, just say so, do not shift the blame on Hudud.

And back to Kelantanese, if that is want they want, Tuan Guru Nik Aziz have to respect their wishes and implement them, unless outsiders are so very afraid that it will be hugely successful and it will reflect badly on them....well go and fly a have no business interfering in Kelantan, and remember....there is after life...where you will be brought back from the dead...and questioned.....How are you going to very afraid.


Chua Soi Lek vs Anwar Ibrahim

It is funny that immediately after I posted the blog entry on Chua Soi Lek a number of rebuttals we're received, some of them we're pointing out that PKR is no different, it is being led by Anwar Ibrahim, another immoral leader, well I pointed out politely, there are world of difference among those two, while Chua Soi Lek admitted that he is indeed the actor in the porn video, Anwar Ibrahim is fighting for his innocence. While Chua Soi Lek received the assistance from relevant agencies to stop the distribution of his confirmed video.....can the same be said for Anwar's case....think will find the answer.

Note: The blogger wish to state that he is neither the fan of Anwar nor the sworn enemy of Soi Lek, he is just a human being trying to think the wise saying....with grey hair comes wisdom, with age comes some common sense....


GE13: MCA staring at Game of Survival or Game of Death?

Looking at the aggressive, sometimes overzealous approach adapted by Chua Soi Lek and his trusted comrades...err...nope....suspicious comrades (don't forget, at one point of time Liow Tiong Lai and Wee Ka Siong we're staunchly against him), some quarters have pointed out that Chua Soi Lek is playing the Game of Survival, and that his approach would ensure the survival of MCA, well I for one beg to differ, I am pretty sure he is playing the Game of Death, yes, I am dead serious and pretty sure.He thinks he is leading a crusade against Pakatan, asking people albeit the voters to deliver the killer blow, rejecting them totally, well I have a strange feeling, and I pray and hope that the voters would be delivering the killer blow, but not flooring the Pakatan, but MCA, oh GOD please ensure the demise of MCA on GE13.

No sane people would want to be associated with a self confessed immoral person, whats more having him as a leader or having a coalition pact with such party.Wake up guys.....think....use common sense!.I felt a sense of relief when he inflicted self damage to his party, when he vented his anger on Ong Tee Keat, the former President of MCA, suggesting that he should leave MCA and for his portrait to be removed from the HQ (there is a section in the HQ where portraits of former Presidents are displayed) he expected Ong Tee Keat to come out fighting, but Ong Tee Keat did the opposite, he welcomed the move and announced that he himself doesn't want his portrait displayed besides an immoral person (CSL)....what a deft reply...!

Chua Soi Lek is trying to play a game in which he thinks he is smart, by playing the inner sentiments of the voters, well I am not sure whether he is smart or not, but one thing for sure....he is him the door, like the famous dialogu by Ahmad Nisfu in the P.Ramlee movie......Ada nampak itu pintu....Get Out. Deliver the killer blow for MCA, let the be the next GERAKAN, mati segan hidup tak mahu.....say No to immoral leaders....say No to MCA....


GE13: MCA staring at Game of Survival or Game of Death?

Looking at the aggressive, sometimes overzealous approach adapted by Chua Soi Lek and his trusted comrades...err...nope....suspicious comrades (don't forget, at one point of time Liow Tiong Lai and Wee Ka Siong we're staunchly against him), some quarters have pointed out that Chua Soi Lek is playing the Game of Survival, and that his approach would ensure the survival of MCA, well I for one beg to differ, I am pretty sure he is playing the Game of Death, yes, I am dead serious and pretty sure.He thinks he is leading a crusade against Pakatan, asking people albeit the voters to deliver the killer blow, rejecting them totally, well I have a strange feeling, and I pray and hope that the voters would be delivering the killer blow, but not flooring the Pakatan, but MCA, oh GOD please ensure the demise of MCA on GE13.

No sane people would want to be associated with a self confessed immoral person, whats more having him as a leader or having a coalition pact with such party.Wake up guys.....think....use common sense!.I felt a sense of relief when he inflicted self damage to his party, when he vented his anger on Ong Tee Keat, the former President of MCA, suggesting that he should leave MCA and for his portrait to be removed from the HQ (there is a section in the HQ where portraits of former Presidents are displayed) he expected Ong Tee Keat to come out fighting, but Ong Tee Keat did the opposite, he welcomed the move and announced that he himself doesn't want his portrait displayed besides an immoral person (CSL)....what a deft reply...?

Chua Soi Lek is trying to play a game in which he thinks he is smart, by playing the inner sentiments of the voters, well I am not sure whether he is smart or not, but one thing for sure....he is him the door, like the famous dialogu by Ahmad Nisfu in the P.Ramlee movie......Ada nampak itu pintu....Get Out. Deliver the killer blow for MCA, let the be the next GERAKAN, mati segan hidup tak mahu.....say No to immoral leaders....say No to MCA....


Chua Soi Lek fighting for free press: Look who's talking?

On one side it looks like the perfect saviour of press freedom, but wait a second, who? Chua Soi Lek? The MCA president? The self-confessed porn video actor? The guy who Wee Ka Siong used to loathe, but now idolize and address as the Prez? The guy who is in-charge either directly or indirectly the top selling English medium daily the Star? Yeah right....whom are you trying to kid, are you trying to pull a fast one...don't tell me it is one of the worst joke (or is it nightmare?) of the decade.

The Star have  taken almost a 180 degrees turn compared to yesteryears, I for one who have been an avid reader of The Star, since Tunku Abdu Rahman, Malaysia's Independent Father (yeah...I know you are going to say....technically we were never colonialised....thus....sigh!) was behind the scene, who could forget his column, 'As I see it', those we're they days.....Damn! I missed those golden days when they we're one of the independent daily around, and you know and I know, that led the daily to be banned during the infamous 'Ops Lalang'.....sigh. Pause, fast forward, and now, look where is The Star now, in fact I am disgusted to call it a newspaper, tabloid would be much more appropriate.

Notice how it would barrage the oppositions with white lies, unproven accusations, while highlighting the MCA cause and uplifting MCA until you feel wanna puke? Not forgetting the two infamous column writers(or are they ghost writers?) know whom am I talking about.....Mr B and Miss my sincere advice to Chua Soi Lek is....clean up your own backyard (of course I am talking about The Star, not the bedroom)...before you start advocating press freedom.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Crossover offer for DAP rep: Muhyiddin claims it might be a harmless joke, Duh!

Last week the Bentayan assemblyman, Gwee Tiong Hiang made a sensational allegation( Was it sensational?..I believe by now we are all accustomed to such news). He claimed that he had been enticed to leave DAP and become a BN friendly independent rep. He further claimed that the offer is 'huge', although the cash is just RM150 000.00, the other perks accompanying it are too good to resist.As usual, neither the MACC nor the Election commission has any comments, the deafening silence from these agencies are expected, imagine if it was the other way around, every Tom, Dick and Harry, from various agencies, not forgetting the flimsy non-governmental organizations would have jumped from all angles, it would have made front page news in all the BN controlled main medias.TV3 would have been playing the recordings every 5 minutes....... There even would be 'puking' comments from the so-called independent front, consisting of filthy frogs..... Berahim Ali might have called a press conference by now claiming that he could easily assembles 12 million supporter and will sent a memo to the King, Tun Mahathir would have commented....Apa nama...depa....pembangkang ni memang macam ni sejak dulu....Apa nama.....saya tak berapa ingat BN pernah buat macam ni...

Back to what I actually trying to highlight here is the comment made by the DPM, Muhyiddin, when asked by reporters, he claimed that it is usual for BN members who usually jokes about this, they would jokingly invite those on opposing sides to cross over, and it is a harmless joke, whose leg are you trying to pull?...You seriously expect us to believe your reply? What a sick joke and a sick reply from you Mr DPM, people.....imagine if he could stoop so low and give these kind of comments for things like this, what kind of sick and stupid replies could he give if he DID become the PM.......Scary eh?


Monday, September 26, 2011

Tora! Tora! Tora: Najib leading the onslaught against Pakatan

The last few weeks had seen the amazingly fierce onslaught against Pakatan, with the media's such as the Shhhtar, Utusan Meloya, Berita Hairan, Not so Straight Times and of course the infamous TV3suku, playing crucial parts and dedicating major parts of the their broadcast or prints on news aiming to create wedges amongst the parties in Pakatan, mainly PAS and DAP. It clearly shows that Najib seriously subscribe to the tenet of 'divided they fall'.The waves of attack are so huge, fierce and strong, it seems like it is make or break for Najib and Co.

The eagerly awaited PRU13, seems to be bane for most, in fact some of us are wishing if we could just get thru it to lead a normal life, and so that they(whoever is given the mandate) could finally steer the economy and administer the country wisely without thinking and talking politics.Given the current scenario, and all the recent unwrappings of crazy and unbelievable incidents, one could be forgiven if they thought they are a part of Hollywood or Bollywood movie.The outcomes of the PRU13 is also going to be difficult to be predicted seeing the pendulum of support swinging violently from one end to the other. If Najib succeeds in his shrewd and strategic plans, he could wipe out Pakatan and delivers a killer blow that Pakatan would find it difficult to ever recover, however bear in mind, if he takes one wrong step, it could backfire, and the damage would be on the National front (BN).

The latest twist and attack is on the Hudud issue, which was brought back into limelights by all the media's, while Najib vehemently protested and was against it, which could be seen as an initiative to win the hearts of the non-Muslim voters(mainly chinese voters), he should not forget that it could also the trigger the mass losses of Muslim voters.The most ludicrous and ridiclous thing about it is, Hudud does not have anything to do with non-Muslims (baffled?) why is there a need to convince the non-Muslims?.It puzzles me as to why Gerakan,MCA (and DAP included) are so violently against Tuan Guru Nik Aziz pointed out has nothing to do with the.....then....why the furore? really beats me....

The sad thing about it is when Najib, and strongly supported by Muslim cabinet members who parroted him are arguing and claiming that Hudud is not suitable in a multi-racial country such as Malaysia...or unsuitable during the modern times...Wake is the law of the is valid throughout all time and all kind of society, if you do not want to implement it just say so.....don't twist and turn the facts...

Another silly mistake done by the current ruling Government is when they decided to put a stop to the airing of the UNDIlah video clip by Pete Teo, with the reason of it being laced with hidden Pakatan agenda (Duh!...Grow up), but the best thing coming out of it was when the people finally realized that what a silly guy was Rahman Dahlan a.k.a Kota Belud....who all these while having portrayed himself as the smart alex....when some of us know that he belongs to the dumb and dumber exclusive group....just read at his tweets and comments on the issue....


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Difference in opinions: Why the hostile approach?

At first I chuckled when I read the comments by Mick McCarthy, the Manager of Wolverhampton Wanderers (Wolves), a football team in the Barclay's Premier League, on the recent twitter accusation by a Queens Park Ranger's newly acquired bad boy a.k.a Joey Barton, but then again after a while I realized that it makes perfect sense and are indeed wise comments and shouldn't be taken lightly and brushed aside, in fact it is a general statement and valid across the board , in fact quite appropriate for the Malaysian so called experts and analyst in the political and current affairs(including yours truly!) who keep shooting out words without thinking, blinking or evaluating.

His first comment when a reporter asked for his opinion of Joey's tweet was:
"Opinion's are like backsides-we've all got them but it's not always wise to air them in public"

OMG! How true it is. Do you realize that how people in Malaysia especially, voicing out their opinions on certain matters, or people, without even an ounce of knowledge or any inkling on the subject matter?. have you realized that some of them simply jumps on the bandwagon and starts criticizing without even evaluating it? I will give you two great examples, the first, a few years back when they ridiculed the book by Shahnon Ahmad aptly titled..."SHIT!".....the worst part is the majority of the commentators didn't even bother to browse the book....let alone reading it.

The second example is when all quarters start ridiculing and condemning Mat Sabu for his speech or statement or whatsoever you call it...and again....majority of them doesn't even have a clue on what he actually said.....flabbergasted would be a understatement...disgusted...would be close...but still...I can't find a perfect word to explain it....

The second reply from Mick McCarthy was better....he further said...."With grey hair comes a bit of wisdom and with age comes a bit more common sense...."

Spot on Mick, you certainly have class (hey....I am still an ardent Fan of Man Utd...and admirer of sir Alex...)......
How I wish all of us could have the same dignity..and wisdom of Mick....


Friday, September 16, 2011

Scare tactics and absurd reasoning: Wake up guys, it is outdated

It is baffling, puzzling, and absurd of the highest standards when the ruling coalition resort to scare tactics, scaring the Malays of the consequences if they lose the power. They are claiming that it is compulsory for them to remain in power, and if the unthinkable happens, then the world will come crashing down, chances are Lim Guan Eng or Lim Kit Siang will end up as Prime Ministers and only they (Barisan Nasional and UMNO) can prevent it from happening.But what is puzzling is where were this people all these while, why the deafening silence when in Penang for as long as we could remember, even when UMNO was the majority state seat holders the Chief Ministers post was not held by UMNO. Was Chong Eu a Malay or an UMNO member? Was Koh Tsu Koon a Malay and an UMNO member? Why the double standards?

Why is there a different sets of rule for you guys and the others? This is the new millennium, scare tactics are outdated, wake up....come up with something new and original.Another strange thing is how UMNO members could still keep quiet as though nothing happens and they still keep sleeping and waking up on the same bed as MCA, a party which is tainted, with a number of its Presidents being dragged to court for major offences, Tan Koon Swan, Ling Liong Sik, Chan Kong Choy, and even now headed by a self-confessed Porn actor, yet they have the guts to point their finger into the direction of the PAS, and saying that they should stop courting with DAP. Tell me how many senior members of PAS and DAP are brought and charged in court for major criminal cases.

Sorry guys, like the great Baihaqi once said, "Say what is true, although it may be bitter and displeasing to people."

Take a deep look into the mirror, be sincere and honest, remember there will come a time, when we would be answerable to the Al-Almighty......what and how are you going to answer?


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Najib's Malaysia Day Announcement:Reason to rejoice?

I contemplated for a long period before blogging today, there seems to be some quarters who have painted me as someone who always see the glass half empty...sigh! Does criticizing, commenting and voicing out your opinion makes you a villain?, Then after dwelling on the matter for a while, and after some soul searching (seriously!)....I said this to myself....What the *smurf*....It is just some people's perception, I am gonna keep my momentum, will keep voicing out, as long as I believe in my principles.. Oh! *Smurf* you....some people are going to win their bets today....they are going to say....there...I told you so....he will come up with some negative comments about Najib again.....well to be honest.....I don't give a *smurf*

Okay, back to our topic, I am pretty sure most of you have read or heard the major points of the so-called Malaysia Day announcement by Najib, while the Blue Corner....albeit the back benchers are hailing it as historical and brave, and Najib really meant it when he said that he is going to transform the country, he also says these changes were part of the reform strategies initiated when his administration took over two years ago. In contrast people from across the political divide albeit the Green Corner  remain skeptical .They claim that whatever being announced are at best   half-baked reforms: They reiterated that Art 149 remains and two new preventive laws are being formulated, At the same time nothing concrete seems to be happening on Police Act, on top of that licence for newspapers is seen as a joke.As for comments from Rights activists, they  say that laws replacing the ISA cannot allow arbitrary detention, while media activists say permit requirements must be lifted.

While the back benchers are claiming that the rakyat should rejoice, the Green corner begs to differ, and the most intriguing comments are coming from some political analyst a.k.a conspiracy theorist, who are claiming that this is Najib's way of getting back at Mahathir who seems to be meddling actively nowadays, albeit by denouncing whatever is championed by Mahathir...mmmhhh while for some it may sounds absurd, for makes perfect sense.Some even claim that this is a sign that GE13 is indeed around the corner

As for me, it is still too early, it would be foolish to ignore the in between the lines, I will rather wait, and reserve my comments till later after actually seeing, reading,understanding,evaluating....etc.

Wait a second, I didn't say anything bad or negative, did I?, so I guess, you are not going to win the bet just as yet.

Till then....adios...a.h.baharom

Whats with 'Khir' and 'lavish houses'?

Previously it was Khir Toyo a.k.a the former Menteri Besar of Selangor and his Balinese concept million ringgit bungalow in Shah Alam, and the case is still pending in court, and now it is Jamil Khir Baharom (no relations whatsoever with me) and his multi-million ringgit renovation of his house(or is it called mansion?) in Batu Caves. After lying low for a couple of days, finally Khir Baharom came out fighting, claiming that the renovation project was funded by no-one, and that it all comes from his hard earned salary during his tenure in Army, with his last position as Major General, and that he also obtained gratuity and retirement benefits due to his services.He also claimed that his need for a big house is justified because his parents are staying with him and that the large number of vehicles in front of his house is of his six children who are staying with him (the justification sounds similar...deja vu...ah.....similar with the late Zakaria).He is also willing to take oath in the name of the God. I am not saying anything more, all I can say is God Al Mighty is watching....whoever in the wrong better watch-out, be it the one who accuse or accused......ciao.....for now....a.h.baharom

Khir number 1

Khir Number 2

Lodging police Report: The new craze in Malaysia

Ever wonder on this new 'phenomenon' of making or lodging police reports against an individual or a group on trivial matters? Yes, sometimes the reports can be in hundreds, and it leaves me wondering, what are their real motives or intentions. they come in droves, carrying placards, and they will invite the media's and showcase their antiques. Sometimes it clearly shows their foolishness, not understanding the fundamentals of  the Malaysian law. And the media (TV and printed) will keep tab and continue announcing the number of these reports as though there is a competition or record to be broken. Favourite victims of these reports are such as Mat Sabu and Karpal to name a few.

Multiplying the number of reports does not add extra weight to the case neither does it proves the guiltiness of the parties involved. It only burdens the Police department, giving unnecessary work loads and many man hours of the Police officers are drained out doing unproductive work leaving the other critical areas unattended. How I wish the lawmakers could come up with some suggestion to penalise those who make these unnecessary reports and make them pay for their ignorance and stupidity.Most of these people are only publicity crazy and crave for public attentions and they should be taught a stern lesson.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Malaysia: Land of "Associations"

Sometimes it is baffling and tickles me to the bones to see the number of mushrooming associations in Malaysia, and it beats me, the real reasons of their existence.Another strange thing is that most of the so-called Presidents or Chairmen or whatever name you call them....are the same recycled face.... They also try to come up with fancy acronyms and jostle for places in the local media's, be it printed, or others. To name a few, we have PAPA which claim to be championing the cause of employment agencies, we have MAMA for the maid employer's cause and welfare, we have ANAK the PAKATAN version of the group that champions the later generation of Felda settlers, which is opposed by BAPAK, the Barisan Nasional's version, than we have Ghani Jiman, the infamous Penang guy who seems to head a number of groups including Suara Anak2 Pulau Pinang, lately we have PERBIT, the association for mobile phone owners ( read it right!), you have PEMBINA (Persatuan Belia Islam Malaysia) as opposed to ABIM (Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia, Persatuan Pengundi Malaysia (Malaysian Voters Association....whats next?.....It is scary ..... eh! ....adios.......ciao.......a.h.baharom

MAS to sponsor QPR jersey: What a slick move by Tony

"The ball is passed into the box, OMG. Tony jumps and poked the ball using his hand, he twist and turn, and he scores.....what a dirty move...and dirty goal...what? its the hand of GOD?....yeah right......"

I am pretty sure by now most of you had read or are aware of the news that MAS is joint sponsoring the jerseys or kit of Queens Park Rangers (yeah....the team recently acquired by Tony Fernandes).I hate to say.....I told you so..... Remember when I wrote previously on the so called smart partnership (what was it called...CCF...duh), some of you politely pointed out that I am jumping the gun, and that his presence is much needed to improvise and enhance the 'operational' side of MAS and you guys painted him as the Messiah....? Remember when I told you that he is no Messiah and he will 'screw' and 'squeeze' MASin every possible way to boost his personal standing and fortune and will have no regards whatsoever for the national carrier albeit MAS? Unless you have the Tun Mahathir syndrome...of ...apa name...saya tak ingat...I don't remember...mudah lupa...I hate to tell you this guys. You are wrong and I am right.

Do you think if Tony is not in the so-called board of decision makers, MAS would have entered into this agreement and pumped money into QPR, a team owned by Tony? Of course Tony and Co would want to differ, and will claim that this is a brilliant stunt and marketing act, yeah right, whose leg are you trying to pull?.Take my word, if left unchecked, Tony will plunder,squeeze,screw,smurf...or whatsoever name you call it,and by the time you people realize, it is too late, the damage is too deep, and you can't turn back the clock.At least now I have the comfort of knowing that...there seems to be a small bandwagon of people led by MASEU (MAS employees Union) smell the rat and starts initiating some form of resistance.

Tony, like the legendary Bob Marley sung "you can fool some people some time, but you can't fool all the people all the time"....ciao.......adios.......a.h.baharom  

Friday, September 9, 2011

Prepaid mobile 6% service tax: What's the furore?

Effective 15th Sept 2011, prepaid mobile users will need to pay a six per cent service tax whenever they buy a starter pack or reloads.So what does it means literally or to the man on the street? Well. basically it means, a customer will need to pay RM10.60 for a RM10 prepaid reload..Urghhh? Why? Why now? What is a service tax?

The Service Tax Act 1975 requires telecommunication companies to levy service tax at the prevailing rate on telecommunication services, including mobile prepaid services. This is similar to the service tax levied on food and beverage purchases from restaurants and hotels,and since it is an indirect tax, it could be passed and charged to the consumers.Why all the furore? It is not something which is alien to us, argghhhh.....but now it hits you hard, right?

Since the launch of mobile prepaid services in 1998, mobile operators have been absorbing the service tax.
According to mobile operators, the move was to ensure mobile prepaid services remained competitive compared with postpaid.So the question is, can't they keep absorbing it? Of course they can, but back to Econs101, the main or ultimate objective of these firms is profit maximization, ant not social obligation nor charity.Can't we force them? You could.....after all you have the consumers power, don't forget without you, they doesn't solidarity.....unity....fight back!

While the operators claim that it is unavoidable with prepaid rates progressively reduced over the years and it is currently offered at very competitive rates, in contrary they are raking billions of dollars in profits. Though telecommunications analysts view the news as "generally positive" for mobile operators, with DiGi.Com Bhd seen as the biggest beneficiary and Maxis Bhd benefiting the least, it will be hitting hard on the people, and we do not deserve this, especially during hard times like now, with all the inflation etc.

As at June 30 this year, 83 per cent of DiGi's customer base comprised prepaid users. In contrast, about 75 per cent of Maxis' customers were prepaid users.Today, prepaid users are spending about RM36 to RM51 a month on an average, imagine the service tax they could recoup.....Analysts believe the implementation of the service tax is unlikely to reduce prepaid users spending significantly, or in Econs, we call them inelastic demand


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tony and MAS: Cracks appearing?

Well, while at one point it seems like Christmas came early for Tony Fernandes, it seems now that all is not that rosy, as expected by many, Tony is finding some resistance. Though it was widely reported and understood that Tony's expertise was much needed for the operation side of MAS, his invaluable experience and knowledge was expected to restore MAS, pulling it out of the doldrums and out of RED. Though many expected (including yours truly) a difficult and almost impossible marriage, considering the conflict of interests, it was swept aside by powers to be.who were quite optimistic, even Tony kept ensuring that it will be beneficial for MAS especially.

Well, now the honeymoon or rather the Christmas is over, MASEU, the largest union representative of MAS, smelling something bad, have already taken the aggressive step before it is too late and damage is to bad to be reversed. Words are being passed around of a massive restructuring, though MAS in a late reply confirmed in the negative.And another bigger news, which is fresh from the oven, is that Tony is forcing FireFly to move out completely from KLIA and to operate from Subang only. Not many knows or realize that FireFly do operate from KLIA, from the selected fleet of airplanes.And it seems that  the powers to be are keeping quiet on the forced removal of FireFly.

Well, I guess it is high time for Tony to be told that he can't have it his way all the time and to get his wishes granted whenever he fancies, he is a businessman, for him it is always the dollars and sens that matters, he is no national hero as some quarters painted, and as for MASEU, do something before it is too late.


E & O and Kenchana shares purchase : Securities Commission privileged information?

Does the name Azizan Abd Rahman rings a bell?, well he is the husband of SC chairman, Zarinah Anwar, Well, he is the one who caused a ripple in the market recently when he purchased nearly half a million Eastern & Oriental Bhd shares this year (before Sime Darby made a RM2.30 payout to buy 30 per cent of the company, only from the major shareholders of the company). That news has certainly got people riled up, whats more it is coming hot on the heels of the incident whereby Azizan also emerged as a substantial shareholder of Kencana Petroleum Bhd in July, just days after an offer was made to take over the company at RM3 a share!

If you think that is puzzling and mind boggling, how do you think the folks albeit the shareholders of Ramunia Bhd would have felt upon learning and finding out that their chairman was a substantial shareholder of a rival oil and gas firm? And back to the E&O issue, it has been spreading like wildfire on the bloggers circa on the strange relationship, or could we say the sharing of beds between Sime Darby and E&O, triggering a conclusion of a possible insider trading by the Chairman of E&O, Dato Azizan Abdul Rahman. Like Rocky Bru jotted in his blog, though Azizan was not party to the sale but considering that other E & O board members who were party to the sale had also bought E & O shares from the open market, one is left wondering: Did the Board members know of the coming "windfall"? It seemed Azizan did not just buy for himself but tipped his long time business partner and collaborator, Dato Kalimullah to buy into E&O. Whether Kalimullah went in also is not certain, but ECM Libra definitely went in big time.

Well , like they say, Malaysia is the boleh land, anything goes, but to preserve the good name of SC, voices are getting strong urging Zarinah to leave......whatever it is ....Selamat Hari Raya...hey...its still Syawal... adios...a.h.baharom

Friday, August 26, 2011

Immigration Officers: What a tough balancing act

As a sequel to my previous blog entry on the 'unsung heroes' albeit the Immigration Officers, just spend some time on my scribbles below, at least you have some ideas what a tough job it is, what a difficult balancing act they have to perform, they don't deserve all the brickbats aimed at them, yes, it cannot be denied that there exist some bad hats, but those belong to the minority group.Some brief background on the department and the task they have to shoulder.
The Immigration Department of Malaysia is under the Ministry of Home Affairs, which provides services to Malaysian Citizens, Permanent Residents and Foreign Visitors.

The functions of the department are as follows:-
  1. Issuing of passports and travel documents to Malaysian Citizens and Permanent Resident.
  2. Issuing of visas, pass and permits to Foreign Visitors entering Malaysia.
  3. Administering and controlling the entry and exit of people at authorized entry points.
  4. Enforcing the Immigration Act 1959/63, Immigration Regulations 1963 and Passport Act 1966.
(source: The official website of the Malaysian Immigration Department)

We will start from the top, they (the officers) are responsible to issue travel documents, while it is easier said than done, they have to be very careful and cautious in executing this task, only those deserve to be issued documents need to be issued, while those under the refused list due to numerous reasons (ex: bankrupt, criminals,tax evaders etc) would have to be refused, but more often than not, those who are refused will use several platform and channels to show their displeasure, especially political channel.

As for the second function, only genuine Foreign Visitors need to be entertained, it is not a right but a privilege, again the officers would come under undue pressure from many quarters, jabbed left and right from various organization, they cannot be too strict neither they can be lax.

The same problems are faced while administering function number three and number four, and again more often than not, their decisions will be overruled by PTD officers who normally act out of self interest.Now you tell me, isn't it an arduous task, almost impossible balancing act? Doesn't it sounds like head they lose, tail they don't win?

My prayers for them, and my wish like I mentioned earlier is for the department to become a fully closed department one day...GOD willing.....till then GOD have mercy and help them

To all the Immigration brave souls out strong....Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri...ciao....a.h.baharom

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Rocky II: The onslaught against Najib?

Words or rather blogs are abuzz with news that Rocky Bru a.k.a Datuk Ahiruddin Atan is planning to do next, after leaving Redberry group at the end of his contract in May. Strong signals are being detected that Rocky would be leading an online media onslaught against the current Premier Najib Tun Razak. In case you have forgotten, Rocky is credited for ousting former Premier, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, his government and the New Straits Times. He used to great success his blog and his network of blogger and journalist friends, and by the time Pak Lah  realized, it was too late.He later aligned himself to Najib, becoming one of his trusted friends or more aptly known as within the circles guy.
Boy oh boy, what a shocking turn of events, in a Hollywood kinda of script, there is a sequel for this blockbuster, rumours are spreading like wildfire that Rocky’s on the loose again, this time he’s gunning for Najib. If that doesn;t shock you, wait till you hear who's behind it. As reported by the

But the really interesting thing is who is backing his new venture financially. If you were to find out you would think these were some of Najib’s closest allies. After all it includes people linked to, wait for it, ….Hishammuddin Hussein and Muhyiddin Yassin – the two men who have been pushing Najib to the right, cornering the PM, and basically trapping the PM. 

Wonder whether any of the Hollywood producers are interested in making it into a movie, one thing for sure, it will definitely be full of twist and turns and many sequels.....ciao.....a.h.baharom

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Below are the excerpts from the working paper that I worked together with lead author Prof. Mansor Hj Ibrahim. The paper is summarized and most of the technical parts are removed to provide an easy reading, the paper was also presented in the 2nd Langkawi International Finance and Economics Seminar which was held in 2010. The full copy of the paper could be found on the net, with the proceedings published by


Mansor H. Ibrahim
A. H. Baharom

Over the last two decades, the international financial markets have experienced a series of financial crises and turbulence in different parts of the world. Among them include the Mexican crisis in 1994, the Asian financial crisis in 1997/1998, the Russian crisis in 1998, Brazilian crisis in 1999, the Argentine financial crisis in 2001/2002 and most recently the US subprime crisis in 2007 and Greece’s financial crisis in 2009. In all cases, these crises resulted in drastic drop and excessive volatility in the stock markets of the crisis-originating countries. The national markets of other economies suffered as well through the “contagion” effect. These adverse financial shocks brought substantial costs to the crisis-affected countries as the shocks were translated into banking distress and economic slumps. As an example, the 1997/1998 Asian crisis brought the market index of Thailand, the crisis-originating country, to nosedive from a peak of 1410.33 points in January 1996 to 214.53 in August 1998. Other regional markets particularly Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines nosedived as well, observing their market prices to shred by more than half over roughly the same periods. These shocks were then propagated to the real sector. The growth rates of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand in 1997 were respectively 4.7%, 7.3%, 5.2% and -1.7%. In 1998, these figures dropped drastically for all countries to -13.1% (Indonesia), -7.4% (Malaysia), -0.6% (Philippines) and -10.2% (Thailand).

The recurring heightened volatility in the stock markets is normally viewed to impose substantial risk to stock investment. Existing studies on stock market risk have a predominant focus on characterizing the risk using GARCH-type models and whether the risk can be diversified through international diversification. The risk dynamics have been examined for not only developed markets, which occupy majority of studies, but also to emerging markets as far as Lithuania (TeresienÄ—, 2009). Studies on the benefits of international diversification tend to suggest increasing interactions among national markets and their interactions are more intense during crisis episodes and accordingly limit the benefits of diversifying away financial risks originating from a specific market (Lee and Kim, 1993; Arshanapalli and Doukas, 1993; and Meric and Meric (1997). These studies thus highlight the need to identify other types of financial assets as a protection against this risk.and Greece’s financial crisis in 2009. In all cases, these crises resulted in drastic drop and excessive volatility in the stock markets of the crisis-originating countries.

The national markets of other economies suffered as well through the “contagion” effect. These adverse financial shocks brought substantial costs to the crisis-affected countries as the shocks were translated into banking distress and economic slumps.The crisis episodes seem to conjure up the image of gold as an alternative investment asset or an important part of assets in financial portfolios. The emerging interest in gold in times of crises perhaps stems from its historical use as a medium of exchange and standard of value and its stable purchasing power over times. In light of these, few studies have raised an empirical inquiry as to whether gold can at least diversify portfolio risk or at best provide a safe haven. Notable among these studies are recent works by Capie et al. (2005), Hillier et al. (2006) and Baur and Lucey (2010).

Capie et al. (2006) examined whether gold serves as a hedge against fluctuations in sterling-dollar and yen-dollar rates and arrive at a conclusion that gold possesses the exchange rate hedge property. However, they also note that the extent of hedging tends to vary over time. Baur and Lucey (2010) estimate the relations between U.S., U. K. and German stock and bond returns and gold returns. They document evidence for the hedging role of gold. Moreover, gold also provides a safe haven in extreme market conditions.

The present paper attempts to contribute to this line of research by examining the role of gold in financial investment from an emerging market perspective, Malaysia. We focus on the emerging Malaysian market since it is the emerging markets that frequently exhibit volatile market movements relative to the advanced markets and, in Malaysia, the importance of gold was strongly voiced during the Asian crisis. In the analysis, we assess whether gold investment can provide diversifying role, hedging role or safe haven role for stock market investors as recently defined by Baur and Lucey (2010), which is based on correlations between gold returns and stock market returns. Simply stated, gold is said to provide a diversifying role if its return is positively but less than perfectly correlated with stock market return. Gold serves as a hedge if its return is independent from or negatively correlated with the stock return. Finally, if this hedging characteristic of gold investment also prevails during periods of market turmoil or stress, the gold is considered to be a safe haven.

In the analysis, we look at the relation between domestic gold and stock market returns within a regression framework. Based on daily data from August 2001 to March 2010, our analysis covers both full sample and two equally-divided sub-samples. The latter is implemented such that we can roughly address possible changing relations between gold and stock returns in the recent period marked by heightened volatility during years surrounding the US subprime crisis. The heightened volatility of financial markets sparked by a series of financial crises in different parts of the world has raised serious concern over stock investment risk and,consequently, necessitates the need to identify alternative financial assets that can ameliorate investment portfolio risk. In light of this, we empirically investigate whether gold can serve as a diversification, a hedge, or a safe haven asset for the case of Malaysia. We look at the issue from Malaysia’s investment perspective by estimating the relations between gold and stock returns using daily domestic gold and stock market data from August 2001 to March 2010.

In general, we find gold to serve as a diversification asset. The analysis also reveals two important findings. First, during periods of extreme market conditions, the relations between gold and stock market returns tend to be stronger. This signals the weakened diversification benefit of gold investment during period of large market downturns. And second, based on two equally-divided sub-samples, gold is found to provide a hedge against stock market risk and a safe haven during extreme stock market downturns during the first sub-sample. However, these properties of gold tend to disappear during recent years. Thus, the investment role of gold has been degraded to be a diversification asset. Again, the diversification benefit seems weakened during extreme market conditions. In short, the investment role of gold is time-varying. Probably, in the case of Malaysia, the degradation of gold from a hedge or safe haven asset to a diversification asset over recent years is due to the prolonged volatility of the market during years surrounding the sub-prime crisis.