Friday, September 16, 2011

Scare tactics and absurd reasoning: Wake up guys, it is outdated

It is baffling, puzzling, and absurd of the highest standards when the ruling coalition resort to scare tactics, scaring the Malays of the consequences if they lose the power. They are claiming that it is compulsory for them to remain in power, and if the unthinkable happens, then the world will come crashing down, chances are Lim Guan Eng or Lim Kit Siang will end up as Prime Ministers and only they (Barisan Nasional and UMNO) can prevent it from happening.But what is puzzling is where were this people all these while, why the deafening silence when in Penang for as long as we could remember, even when UMNO was the majority state seat holders the Chief Ministers post was not held by UMNO. Was Chong Eu a Malay or an UMNO member? Was Koh Tsu Koon a Malay and an UMNO member? Why the double standards?

Why is there a different sets of rule for you guys and the others? This is the new millennium, scare tactics are outdated, wake up....come up with something new and original.Another strange thing is how UMNO members could still keep quiet as though nothing happens and they still keep sleeping and waking up on the same bed as MCA, a party which is tainted, with a number of its Presidents being dragged to court for major offences, Tan Koon Swan, Ling Liong Sik, Chan Kong Choy, and even now headed by a self-confessed Porn actor, yet they have the guts to point their finger into the direction of the PAS, and saying that they should stop courting with DAP. Tell me how many senior members of PAS and DAP are brought and charged in court for major criminal cases.

Sorry guys, like the great Baihaqi once said, "Say what is true, although it may be bitter and displeasing to people."

Take a deep look into the mirror, be sincere and honest, remember there will come a time, when we would be answerable to the Al-Almighty......what and how are you going to answer?


1 comment:

  1. baharom.... something to share from my blog....
