Thursday, September 15, 2011

Najib's Malaysia Day Announcement:Reason to rejoice?

I contemplated for a long period before blogging today, there seems to be some quarters who have painted me as someone who always see the glass half empty...sigh! Does criticizing, commenting and voicing out your opinion makes you a villain?, Then after dwelling on the matter for a while, and after some soul searching (seriously!)....I said this to myself....What the *smurf*....It is just some people's perception, I am gonna keep my momentum, will keep voicing out, as long as I believe in my principles.. Oh! *Smurf* you....some people are going to win their bets today....they are going to say....there...I told you so....he will come up with some negative comments about Najib again.....well to be honest.....I don't give a *smurf*

Okay, back to our topic, I am pretty sure most of you have read or heard the major points of the so-called Malaysia Day announcement by Najib, while the Blue Corner....albeit the back benchers are hailing it as historical and brave, and Najib really meant it when he said that he is going to transform the country, he also says these changes were part of the reform strategies initiated when his administration took over two years ago. In contrast people from across the political divide albeit the Green Corner  remain skeptical .They claim that whatever being announced are at best   half-baked reforms: They reiterated that Art 149 remains and two new preventive laws are being formulated, At the same time nothing concrete seems to be happening on Police Act, on top of that licence for newspapers is seen as a joke.As for comments from Rights activists, they  say that laws replacing the ISA cannot allow arbitrary detention, while media activists say permit requirements must be lifted.

While the back benchers are claiming that the rakyat should rejoice, the Green corner begs to differ, and the most intriguing comments are coming from some political analyst a.k.a conspiracy theorist, who are claiming that this is Najib's way of getting back at Mahathir who seems to be meddling actively nowadays, albeit by denouncing whatever is championed by Mahathir...mmmhhh while for some it may sounds absurd, for makes perfect sense.Some even claim that this is a sign that GE13 is indeed around the corner

As for me, it is still too early, it would be foolish to ignore the in between the lines, I will rather wait, and reserve my comments till later after actually seeing, reading,understanding,evaluating....etc.

Wait a second, I didn't say anything bad or negative, did I?, so I guess, you are not going to win the bet just as yet.

Till then....adios...a.h.baharom

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