Monday, November 14, 2011

Malaysia 15th Largest trade partner with Israel: Cakap tak serupa bikin ka?

Below is the excerpt from Harakah Daily, Apa sudah jadi? Sudah tukar ka?....Lain di mulut, lain dihati ka?


(Harakah Daily) - The Barisan Nasional government's secret trade ties with the Zionist regime in Tel Aviv have come under renewed scrutiny with the revelation of a new document by a DAP member of parliament.
Citing a report on Europe-Israel trade ties published by the EU's European Commission of Trade on June 8, 2011, Bakri MP Er Teck Hwa revealed that the report placed Malaysia at the 24th spot in a list of 50 countries in their value of import trades with Israel. It also placed the country at the 11th position for export and an overall 15th for trade with Israel.

Click on link to download the full version of the EU report (Excel file, 655 kb)

“The revelation of this document clearly shows we have trade ties with Zionist Israel,” said Er in a statement to Harakahdaily, which includes snapshots of a customs-registered document bearing the serial number W20204004087.

“In the document it was clearly stated that the importer was Chayon Distributor-Computers Limited, 4, Haomanut Street, 42504, Netanya, Israel, and worse, the document has a chop of International Trade and Industry ministry,” he said.

Strengthening the claim of official trade links with the regime, Er pointed that the International Air Transport Association's rate weighing system also clearly spelt out the charges for materials sent from Kuala Lumpur to Tel Aviv.

“IATA’s rate weighing system is used at all entry points to the country. IATA will not display rate for countries which do not have ties with Malaysia,” he stressed.

Earlier this month, Dewan Rakyat speaker denied Er (right) a chance to question International Trade and Industry Mustapa Mohamad over alleged trade ties between Malaysia and Israel following a revelation on the internet.

Er (right) revealed that a cabinet decision on November 9 as mentioned by Mustapa’s deputy, Mukhriz Mahathir in his 2012 Budget debate, had apparently ignored the Customs Act in allowing multi-national companies to have transactions with Israel.

“This raises the question whether the country is faced with a big crisis so much so that laws can be set aside by the cabinet,” he said.

Er further added that the revelation only confirmed UMNO's hypocrisy in its well-publicised Gaza humanitarian mission.

Last month, senior UMNO leader and Youth and Sports minister Shabery Cheek drew criticism for personally intervening to allow an Israeli kickboxer into the country, despite immigration regulations prohibitng those carrying Israeli passports.

Shabery later accused the Selangor state government of approving Ilya's participation, drawing a strong denial from Selangor's tourism exco Elizabeth Wong who maintained the PR state's support to the Palestinian cause, and pointed out that immigration matters were under the Federal government.

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