Wednesday, November 16, 2011

'Cowgate' Scandal: The beginning of the end for UMNO?

Whats with UMNO and the 'cows', previously, UMNO played with a cowhead to destroy the oppositions in Selangor, it falls flat on their face, now the 'cow' made a return, in the form of 'Cowgate' scandal, it create factions among UMNO, and it might be the beginning of the end for UMNO.

While Shahrizat and family, Noh, KJ, Kota Belud rep, and many more tried valiantly to justify it, the rakyat just refused to buy it. Now Shaziman (the work Minister) and Zulhasnan (ex-FT Minister) are also implicated in the same scandal. The impact is so severe than some of the big shots in UMNO have distanced themselves, leaving those implicated to clear the air and fend for themselves.

They didn't see the attacks within BN, from the infamous Bung and Aziz Seri Gading coming at all. It was totally unexpected, or is a part of shrewd strategic plans within factions within UMNO?...mmmhhh...conspiracy theory....never say never...especially im UMNO politics.

Whatever  it is...this time, the cut is too deep, the damage is quite severe, I am pretty sure Najib will try to prolong GE as later as possible, he definitely doesn't want to witness another 'tsunami'....he simply cannot afford to...


1 comment:

  1. I so like this short comment. But I haven't read or been fed by the whole picture. Do you have any idea where i can get hold of a more complete story of it, Ba'om?
