Monday, November 7, 2011

Dr Juanda: The next fall guy?

For some quarters, Dr Juanda (Mufti of Perlis) is an exemplary Muslim Scholar, for others (especially staunch Najib supporters), he is a thorn in the flesh. While Juanda's supporters yearn for more Muslim Scholars, especially those who are in executive positions to be at least as brave, honest and GOD fearing (and not Najib fearing or in fear of loss in source of income), those staunch Najib followers, or apple polishers, or cronies, or partners in crime, must be clamoring for his head. Might Juanda have gone too far this time? or like the analogy in the famous movie, A few good men, is it the time for code red?

So you might be asking, what did Juanda do this time around, well the controversial (is he?) Mufti, questioned and requested further clarification on the report by BERNAMA, the tweet by Najib as well as reports by the TV news, on the completion of the Haj pilgrimage as per claimed by them on 06th of November 2011, Dr Juanda claimed that this is just not possible, he further reiterated that it will mean an incomplete Haj and requested those in powers, especially Muslim scholars to clear the air. Juanda definitely have stirred the hornets nest, he has ruffled some feathers. with some claiming that the writings are already on the wall. Sigh! just what examples are we setting for the kids......Follow Nallakaruppan....don't follow Aziz Bari.....follow Ezam Kotak.......don't follow....Juanda...yucks! sucks!...are we paving the way to Hell!...and distancing ourselves from Heaven?


1 comment:

  1. probably Najib and co were paying Dam for this to shortcut the pilgrimage time..wallahualam bissawab
