Tuesday, September 13, 2011

MAS to sponsor QPR jersey: What a slick move by Tony

"The ball is passed into the box, OMG. Tony jumps and poked the ball using his hand, he twist and turn, and he scores.....what a dirty move...and dirty goal...what? its the hand of GOD?....yeah right......"

I am pretty sure by now most of you had read or are aware of the news that MAS is joint sponsoring the jerseys or kit of Queens Park Rangers (yeah....the team recently acquired by Tony Fernandes).I hate to say.....I told you so..... Remember when I wrote previously on the so called smart partnership (what was it called...CCF...duh), some of you politely pointed out that I am jumping the gun, and that his presence is much needed to improvise and enhance the 'operational' side of MAS and you guys painted him as the Messiah....? Remember when I told you that he is no Messiah and he will 'screw' and 'squeeze' MASin every possible way to boost his personal standing and fortune and will have no regards whatsoever for the national carrier albeit MAS? Unless you have the Tun Mahathir syndrome...of ...apa name...saya tak ingat...I don't remember...mudah lupa...I hate to tell you this guys. You are wrong and I am right.

Do you think if Tony is not in the so-called board of decision makers, MAS would have entered into this agreement and pumped money into QPR, a team owned by Tony? Of course Tony and Co would want to differ, and will claim that this is a brilliant stunt and marketing act, yeah right, whose leg are you trying to pull?.Take my word, if left unchecked, Tony will plunder,squeeze,screw,smurf...or whatsoever name you call it,and by the time you people realize, it is too late, the damage is too deep, and you can't turn back the clock.At least now I have the comfort of knowing that...there seems to be a small bandwagon of people led by MASEU (MAS employees Union)...to smell the rat and starts initiating some form of resistance.

Tony, like the legendary Bob Marley sung "you can fool some people some time, but you can't fool all the people all the time"....ciao.......adios.......a.h.baharom  

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