Thursday, October 13, 2011

Post Budget 2012: Its Complicated!

Finally, I am going to write something on the latest budget....albeit budget 2012. Many quarters we're curious on the absent of any blog entry from Malaysianeconomomey on the budget...err...mmm...well, I need to read and understand on the Budget as a whole, including the hidden asterix, the inbetween the lines and 'udang sebalik the batu'....Many names we're given to the budget....the peoples budget....teachers budget...caring government's budget...brave budget...and the usual....election budget, but one name attracted me the most....Muhyiddin's conspiracy budget...(!!??)...they claimed that Muhyiddin had a hidden arm twisting the budget to benefit his Ministry and teacher's generally to boost his standing (!!???!!)...baffling?....don't think too hard....

Back to the budget, while the apple polishers we're  as usual praising their numero uno, saying that this is a brave budget, planned and meticulously prepared with the rakyat in heart, the other's are showing their concern on the continuos deficit budget, they are indeed very concerned on the burgeoning or balloning debts.It seems like Najib and Co seems to put their position as their primary concern, getting the mandate is seen as the main objective, as for the repercussions on the viabilty or the manageability of the buget...'we'll cross the bridge when we come to it' kinda of attitude.

But for me personally, on the Budget 2012, it is more 'rhetoric' rather than meaningful, read the Budget line by line....and you will understand.The teachers......will vouch for that, the Government servants will vouch for that....the rakyat (if they really read and understand the documents rather than relying on media reports or comments from politicians) will vouch for that.

In Malaysia....generally you could divide the population into three groups, the poor, the super rich and others(which is the majority).The poor undoubtedly benefitted from the budget, the super rich don't bother while the others (you, me and most of the people are) be honest....almost nil...the impact of the budget.

Some ridicluous announcement includes...upraising the bar of the maximum price of the houses that can be bought under the special program for those earning RM3000.00 and below, well what is the point if they can't afford, how do you expect them to pay more or less RM2000.00 per month for the next 30 years...why don't you make it more attractive, increase the price bar to RM1 million....doesn't make sense at all.Secondly, a one off payment of RM500 is expected to tackle  the misery of inflationary that is the solution, than the least we could do is reccomend them for a Nobel Prize.And I wonder how are they going to implement it....I mean identifying households who earned RM3000.00 and relying on information provided by Tok Penghulu or UMNO/MIC/MCA divisional heads?....Imagine the abuse....or what a nightmare?

Announcing that teachers final salary is increased from RM6K something to RM8K something..this is nothing more than a work of an illusionist, for those who understand the way the salary movement in public sector works, would appreciate it better....previously we had three different categories of salary movement....P1.P2 and P3, what they actually did was collapsing it to a single tier....RM6K something used to be at most bottom tier whilst RM8K used to parked the end of the top most tier.Another absurd announcement is the minimum increment rate...they proudly announced that it is now increased to RM80.00 per annum (yessss.....eighty).....Sigh!what a cheapskate the saying...celah gigi only...

Like I is complicated....for some it is fantastic budget....for some it is worrisome...for others NA(not applicable)


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