Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Malaysia: Land of "Associations"

Sometimes it is baffling and tickles me to the bones to see the number of mushrooming associations in Malaysia, and it beats me, the real reasons of their existence.Another strange thing is that most of the so-called Presidents or Chairmen or whatever name you call them....are the same recycled face.... They also try to come up with fancy acronyms and jostle for places in the local media's, be it printed, or others. To name a few, we have PAPA which claim to be championing the cause of employment agencies, we have MAMA for the maid employer's cause and welfare, we have ANAK the PAKATAN version of the group that champions the later generation of Felda settlers, which is opposed by BAPAK, the Barisan Nasional's version, than we have Ghani Jiman, the infamous Penang guy who seems to head a number of groups including Suara Anak2 Pulau Pinang, lately we have PERBIT, the association for mobile phone owners (yeah...you read it right!), you have PEMBINA (Persatuan Belia Islam Malaysia) as opposed to ABIM (Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia, Persatuan Pengundi Malaysia (Malaysian Voters Association....whats next?.....It is scary ..... eh! ....adios.......ciao.......a.h.baharom

1 comment:

  1. Ada lagi..ada lagi...PENAWAR!kehkehkeh...what remedies they want to offer?
