Monday, December 26, 2011

Barisan Nasional and James Bond: The striking similarities

With Astro showing re-runs of old James Bond movie's, and the jostling and fighting for candidacy in the next General Election (PRU13), I realized a striking resemblance between them. Ever since Najib announced the "For Your Eyes Only' sermon that BN will only field winnable candidates, and reiterating that he has the "Licence to Kill" and terminate the candidacy, every Tom, Dick, Harry and Shahidan are promoting and portraying themselves as one, and they want to hold on to their fort crying..."Live and let die".....though the rakyat have been chanting,,,,'You Only Live Twice'......sigh!.And the non-stop expose of corrupt leaders in BN, to name a few, Khir Toyo, Sharizat and family, not forgetting Liong Sik and family, who seems to accumulate wealth as though......'The World is Not Enough" and "Tomorrow Never Dies"

Najib seems to be the "Dr. No"with "A View to a Kill"  with a secret plan to demolish "The Man With the Golden Gun" alias Anwar, sending Saifool on "Her Majesty's Secret Service", and now Anwar is framed in a scandal with "The Spy Who Loved Me", if that's not enough to finish him off, the back up plan is to paint him "Octo-pussy" crazy, this time with China dolls.It seems that Anwar's days seeing the "The Living Daylights" are numbered, or would he live and "Die Another Day"?

Rosmah the "Goldfinger" lady (or is it diamond finger?), is quietly singing, "Diamonds are Forever".

GOD help us....adios......a.h.baharom

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