Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Parliament,Legislators and Malaysian Economy: What is the striking similarity?

It is interesting to note that there is a striking similarity between the Parliament building, our legislators and the Malaysian economy.....they all leaks.....I mean major leaks, the next question is would they land up as the next Titanic..mmmhhh? Shaziman mansor, the Works Minister announced that the Parliament would go thru another round of repair with the cost estimated to be around a whopping RM520 million.How many rounds of major repair does the building needs to go thru?, I am pretty sure it is still fresh in the rakyat's memory billions of Ringgit spent by Samy Vellu, yet, the problems are not resolved yet? I just wonder if the Parliament could be listed in Guiness World Record Book as the most expensive Parliament building in the world to be maintained. I also wonder if the damages are too severe, would it be rendered unsafe after many more millions are spent? I seriously think the powers to be owe it to the Rakyat a detailed explanation on what kind of repairs we're done, would be done, who got the project, why are the problems reccurring etc...or maybe a white paper on it?

Now to the legislators and the Malaysian Economy, even the Tun, I mean Tun Mahathir have mentioned that the rakyat are getting disgusted at some of the appointed representatives who are flashing their new gotten ill wealth, how they got it is anybodys guess, did they puncture the Malaysian Economy to create leaks so they could ......errmmm....mmmhhh....arrrgghhh....well...your guess is as good as my guess. And look at the Malaysian Economy, we should be doing well, the rakyat should be rejoicing, and not complaining and whining, but it is only possible if it is managed well, the leaks are controlled, you do not need a Nobel prize winner to become our Finance Minister, only honest and sincere person, and we could stop or at least minimize the leakages, and the rakyat could prosper.....or else both the legislators and the Malaysion Economy would sink as well... I wouldn't mine the legislators sinking but certainly not the Malaysian Economy


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