Saturday, August 20, 2011

Rocky II: The onslaught against Najib?

Words or rather blogs are abuzz with news that Rocky Bru a.k.a Datuk Ahiruddin Atan is planning to do next, after leaving Redberry group at the end of his contract in May. Strong signals are being detected that Rocky would be leading an online media onslaught against the current Premier Najib Tun Razak. In case you have forgotten, Rocky is credited for ousting former Premier, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, his government and the New Straits Times. He used to great success his blog and his network of blogger and journalist friends, and by the time Pak Lah  realized, it was too late.He later aligned himself to Najib, becoming one of his trusted friends or more aptly known as within the circles guy.
Boy oh boy, what a shocking turn of events, in a Hollywood kinda of script, there is a sequel for this blockbuster, rumours are spreading like wildfire that Rocky’s on the loose again, this time he’s gunning for Najib. If that doesn;t shock you, wait till you hear who's behind it. As reported by the

But the really interesting thing is who is backing his new venture financially. If you were to find out you would think these were some of Najib’s closest allies. After all it includes people linked to, wait for it, ….Hishammuddin Hussein and Muhyiddin Yassin – the two men who have been pushing Najib to the right, cornering the PM, and basically trapping the PM. 

Wonder whether any of the Hollywood producers are interested in making it into a movie, one thing for sure, it will definitely be full of twist and turns and many sequels.....ciao.....a.h.baharom

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