Saturday, December 3, 2011

NFC: Goalpost keeps mo(o)ving, stories keep spinning

The stories that are published, statements that are being issued, clarifications that are being aired, jokes that are being passed around, all these never fails to amuse me. And now, the latest, the manner  how the infamous deputy IGP, the UMNO friendly senior official, issuing the findings,in lighting speed, the timing carefully planned during the UMNO General assembly clarifying that no CBT is committed, at least during the preliminary investigation. Wow... that's fast....but...then again...what do you expect? It is not surprising at all....after all, he is the IGP in waiting.....

Shahrizat promised to clear the air during the general assembly....but sigh!....all she did was bashing the opposition ladies...Zuraidah and and Wan Azizah, she went as far as disassociating herself completely from the NFC project (Gasp!....Can you belief that ?) She is taking for granted that the UMNO Wanita members as cows basically, I wonder whether they bought her story, if they did...moo....good for them....bad for the country.

More and more things are being uncovered, from cow condos to holiday trips, the more they try to explain, the more murkier it gets.

Its about time the rakyat shows that 'depa bukan lembu yang boleh dicucuk hidung dan ditarik kesana-sini mengikut telunuk mereka'

GOD, please have mercy and help us.......adios.....a.h.baharom

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