Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sisters in Islam (SIS) or Anti-Islam Sisters (AIS)?

I was flabbergasted and disgusted to read to comments and reply by so-called Sisters in Islam (SIS) which appeared in Sunday Star's column today, they branded Hudud as intolerant, cruel, biased and belligerent engender...I was shocked...wait....shocking would be an understatement,,,,,I am lost for words to describe my feelings.I seldom curse....but I am making an exception for this case....Shut the F*** up think logic could be used for everything?...Well you are dead wrong.The Hudud laws are not man is from the Al-Mighty, so branding it as what you have done....would be degrading the Al-Mighty....'Nauzzubillah'

Where are the.Islamic Scholars?...especially those in powers...Jamil Khir B...(I don't want my name to be associated with him)....why the deafening silence....afraid of losing your source of income?

What gender equality and justice are SIS talking about?....There is always a reason on every inequalities, I thought you people are supposed to be smart, What you people want? Same treatment for both genders....Women can marry four...women can have the same aurat as men?....What would be the repercussions?  Think with your brains...and not with....

SIS is full of craps....and the other side loves them so much.... that's why they always have great media coverage....but for me their stupidity have no bounds...that is why SIS have leaders who still uses the name...that literally translated into prostitute....and refuse to get married at the age of 50....because of frustration against the male gender especially the Muslim brothers.


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