Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tony and MAS: Cracks appearing?

Well, while at one point it seems like Christmas came early for Tony Fernandes, it seems now that all is not that rosy, as expected by many, Tony is finding some resistance. Though it was widely reported and understood that Tony's expertise was much needed for the operation side of MAS, his invaluable experience and knowledge was expected to restore MAS, pulling it out of the doldrums and out of RED. Though many expected (including yours truly) a difficult and almost impossible marriage, considering the conflict of interests, it was swept aside by powers to be.who were quite optimistic, even Tony kept ensuring that it will be beneficial for MAS especially.

Well, now the honeymoon or rather the Christmas is over, MASEU, the largest union representative of MAS, smelling something bad, have already taken the aggressive step before it is too late and damage is to bad to be reversed. Words are being passed around of a massive restructuring, though MAS in a late reply confirmed in the negative.And another bigger news, which is fresh from the oven, is that Tony is forcing FireFly to move out completely from KLIA and to operate from Subang only. Not many knows or realize that FireFly do operate from KLIA, from the selected fleet of airplanes.And it seems that  the powers to be are keeping quiet on the forced removal of FireFly.

Well, I guess it is high time for Tony to be told that he can't have it his way all the time and to get his wishes granted whenever he fancies, he is a businessman, for him it is always the dollars and sens that matters, he is no national hero as some quarters painted, and as for MASEU, do something before it is too late.


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