Wednesday, November 9, 2011

National Feedlot Corporation: The laughing stock?

After laying low for quite some time, Sharizat Jalil emerged trying to clear up the air on the NFC issue, but rather than clarifying and clearing the murky issue, she is trying to fish for sympathy.Too many versions of the stories are being reported, but no matter what, it still remains a thorny issue for the Government. how do you expect them to justify the award of the project to the husband and children of Shahrizat, who is an active Minister of the cabinet? No matter how hard Noh tried, no matter how vigourous KJ tried to assist, it falls flat on their face.

While the issues of hundred of millions of Ringgit are given to the Corporation is debated, whille the issue of millions of Ringgit are given to the sister company as discount is being aired, while the issue of close to a million Ringgit is claimed to be siphoned for a family trip is reported, the opposition certainly kept the best (or is it the worst?) for last. The breaking news is that millions of Ringgit from the soft loan are being used or laundered to buy a posh condominium in Bangsar. What the F***!....While the rakyat is suffering from inflation and ever increasing food prices, made worse by the recent floods in our neighbouring countries, while the rakyat are finding difficulties in making ends meet, while the Rakyat are facing challenges in securing loans , even for a few thousand they are enjoying the taxcpayers money like no body's business.

Shame on Shahrizat, Shame on on Noh, and Shame on KJ as well as all those who are involved in approving,securing,disbursing the loan or keeping an eye closed, they should all resign if they have dignity.....but.what do you expect..Sigh!

NFC is supposed to feed the nation....not certain cronies


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