Wednesday, November 16, 2011

KR1M:What's the fuss all about?

All of a sudden, Mydin Wholesale Hypermarkets are enjoying free advertisements, albeit thru their sister store, KR1M (Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia), supposedly the hypermarket for the lower income groups, a personal initiative of Najib.KR1M is nothing more than Mydin, repackaged or rebranded, with staunch support from the Government in the form of soft loans, publicity gimmicks and announcements. In return they champion the aspirations of Najib's 1Malaysia. Basically, it is you scratch me, I scratch you thingy....

Lately KR1M have been making the headlines without fail, mostly for the wrong reasons, from comparatively higher price to comparatively inferior quality. They produce mostly generic goods rebranded as KR1M, which was supposedly be cheaper than branded goods, yes they are, agreed, but if you compare an apple for an apple, compare them to other generic goods such as Tesco or Giant brand, they are generally comparatively much more expensive, so now you tell me, is it an attractive avenue for the rakyat, or is it an avenue for Mydin to make a quick buck?

Worse developments have surfaced, some of the goods are found to be healthwise not good, such as the the ketchup (consumer group claims a lab test shows higher-than-permitted levels of lead and mercury in the product.and milk (found to be contaminated) , to name a few, what does these tells you? It is a daylight is the opposite of Robin Hood, they are robbing the poor to feed the disgusting is that?


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