Wednesday, June 8, 2011

WIEF: It is high time for PM to walk the talk

As this blog is written, PM Najib is making his speech at the 7th World Islamic Economic Forum. What is WIEF? The WIEF Foundation was established on the 6th March 2006 to institutionalise the World Islamic Economic Forum. (WIEF). It is currently headed by Tun Musa Hitam ('ve read it right) as the Chairman of WIEF.It started off from a modest beginning as the OIC Business Forum which was held on 15th October 2003, in conjunction with the Tenth OIC Summit in Putrajaya, Malaysia. The inaugural OIC Business Forum sought to create a business 'face' of the OIC. The Forum also aims to realise the hopes of millions of Muslims in the OIC member States through economic cooperation and business partnerships.

Headquartered in Malaysia, the Forum is to reflect the inclusion of Muslim business communities in other parts of the world and also to include the participation of the non-Muslim business community interested to establish good business relationships with the Muslim world.. The 7th WIEF 2011 is held for the first time in Central Asia, in Astana, Kazakhstan from, 7th to 9th June 2011.

Okay enough of the intro, a couple of days ago Dr Dzul from PAS created a furore, when he claimed that Najib is using this visit as vehicle, whereby his real reasons are to discuss the possible marriage between his daughter and the potential bride is the son of some powers to be in Kazakhstan. . He (Dr Dzul) branded Najib as practising something that is against the morals and ethics of a leader (since when do moral and ethics exist in the political Dictionary?). He further claimed that this was not the first time the PM is doing this (remember the graduation in the United States?) That aside....back to our main Najib is giving out the speesh now , his youth leader (KJ, who else, what? you thought Mukhriz, you are naughty)...tweets and broadcast his speech.Yes, KJ finally comes to his senses, he realized that the only way forward( or is it upward?) is to kowtow and polish the apple, below are some of the excerpts of Najib's speech., but before that, get a tissue, plastic bag, or a doggy bag, because some might cry, some might wanna laugh, and others puke.:

."The Central theme of his speech is good governance,he further reiterated that good governance must be the mainstream value of all Muslim countries, He claimed that his focus for the forum was on the fundamental issues issue of good governance. This is what we are trying to achieve through the GTP, ETP and NEM.
( Why didn't he include JKR,LLN,TNB,SPM......) Governments should have no fear of criticism from the people they serve.(Sometimes I wonder does this guy ever read speeches prepared by his writers? If he does read, does he understand?...NO....I don't think so...).If he really read and understands, then I seriously think it is high time for him to walk the talk....or....don't talk..ciao....a.h.baharom

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