Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bersih 2.0: Death Threat is an act of cowardice

Mass sms are sent to Ambika and other Bersih 2.0 leaders, death threats are embedded in these messages. In the first place, why are certain quarters so against it? After all it is just meant to be a peaceful demonstration or walkabout demanding a clean General Election. They meant to submit a memo underlining 8 points of request to the relevant authorities to conduct a fair and clean election. What is wrong with that? Or are these people (Bersih 2.0 opposition)  implicitly against it are implying that they doen't want a clean and fair election? All the rumours about the chaos and unrest that will be caused by the peaceful demonstration is unfounded. Some irresponsible parties are stroking and provoking hatred against Bersih 2.0.It reached a boiling point and I am dumbfounded and disgusted that it reach a point that they resort to sending 'death threat' laced messages to the leaders of Bersih 2.0.

For me, these people are cowards, it is a cowardice act of the lowest standard to send the messages from an anonymous mobile number. If they have valid reasons to oppose it, come out in open, state your case, defend it dilligently, and you will be revered.The hundreds of police report lodged against Bersih 2.0 is another mind boggling act. They claimed that the road closures will have a negative impact on the business operators in and around Kuala Lumpur. I am pretty sure all of us are aware that the heart of Kuala Lumpur is not new to closures of roads, every now and then it is done, be it for the Cycling race or National Day Parade, be it for Citrawarna or Flower Fest, to name a few examples. It actually contributes to and boost the economic activity in and around Kuala Lumpur, imagine having tens of thousand people there, from drink peddlers to food operators, from textile dealers to whatsoever businesses. I really hope that common sense will prevail, and the people who really need protection are those who are involved in the noble cause of having a clean and fair election.......adios......a.h.baharom

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