Monday, June 27, 2011

Poem and T-shirts: New Age weapon

It was one of the darkest spot in the Malaysian history, when National Laureate, A.Samad Said was hauled for investigation under the Sedition Act, which is highly believed to be related to the poet that was written by him aptly titled "Unggun Bersih", and published on his blog spot on June 26th 2011. He is accused of fanning and campaigning for the Bersih 2.0 demonstration which would be held on 9th July 2011, but seriously please read his poem which I reproduce at the end of this blog, I can't find anything wrong or seditious about it,Samad Said himself is also baffled why his poem is considered as "seditious" and as a weapon.In another development, the number of people being arrested for wearing the Bersih 2.0 t-shirts are alarmingly on the rise.Among them are the incidence whereby Police  detained eight men who were wearing yellow T-shirts with 'Bersih 2.0' written in Jawi script at Taman Kosas in Ampang Kuala Lumpur.

The comment by Bar Council president Lim Chee Wee that was given to The Malaysian Insider was quite ticklish “By analogy, if one were to be at home wearing a Che Guevara (the Marxist revolutionary) T-shirt listening to a song attacking the institution of royalty by either The Smiths or The Sex Pistols, one faces a very real likelihood of being investigated for waging war against the King. This surely cannot be,” 

It also baffles me when I could see t-shirts with profanities being sold in the opn, and worn freely, while in contrary, wearing Bersih tishirt is a grave offence.....GOD help and have mercy on us......and as I promised earlier, below is the poem by the legendary Samad Said......till we meet again.....good night..a.h.baharom 

Unggun Bersih
Semakin lara kita didera bara—
kita laungkan juga pesan merdeka:
Demokrasi sebenderang mentari
sehasrat hajat semurni harga diri.
Lama resah kita—demokrasi luka;
lama duka kita—demokrasi lara.
Demokrasi yang angkuh, kita cemuhi;
suara bebas yang utuh, kita idami!
Dua abad lalu Sam Adams berseru:
(di Boston dijirus teh ke laut biru):
Tak diperlu gempita sorak yang gebu,
diperlu hanya unggun api yang syahdu.
Kini menyalalah unggun sakti itu;
kini merebaklah nyala unggun itu.
24—25, 6.11. A. SAMAD SAID

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