Modern welfare states include countries such as Norway and Denmark which employ a system known as the Nordic model. The welfare state involves a direct transfer of funds from the state, to the services provided (i.e. healthcare, education) as well as directly to individuals ("benefits"). The welfare state is funded through redistributionist taxation and has been referred to as a type of "mixed economy"
He further claimed that what the BN government had implemented for the people so far, including its national development agenda, very clearly conformed to the meaning of a welfare state.
"It is true (that we are a welfare state?) in terms of what have been done - we give out aid. It is welfare that we make sure the people get assistance in the form of welfare aid; aid for prosperity, their well-being," he said.’ But wait a minute, that is 'welfare' as per se but definitely not Welfare State.It looks more like a welfare department handing out assistance to the needy.
Below are some of the definition of Welfare State:
As per the definition by The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2003. Published byHoughton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Welfare State
1. A social system whereby the state assumes primary responsibility for the welfare of its citizens, as in matters of health care, education, employment, and social security.
2. A nation in which such a system operates.
As per the Economics Dictionary
Welfare State
An economic system that combines features of capitalism and socialism by retaining private ownership while the government enacts broad programs of social welfare, such as pensions and public housing.
As per the Politics Dictionary
Welfare State (Politics Dictionary)
A state or government that promotes public welfare through programs of public health, pensions, unemployment compensation, public housing, and the like. The expressionwelfare state is often used by those hostile to government intervention in these areas.
Looking at all the definitions, Pak Lah was way off mark in his announcement, but lets hope and pray whoever governs Malaysia after this will ACTUALLY turn Malaysia into a real Welfare State, and not treat the rakyat as people who needs attention from the Welfare Department.
Ciao for now.........a.h.baharom
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