Thursday, June 9, 2011

Labelling the Subsidized Goods: Most Absurd Suggestion of the Year

Ahmad Maslan,  the UMNO's Information Chief (Malaysia's largest ruling party.....on paper that is) made a proposition which he is seriously considering to forward and obtain the approval of the Malaysian PM (Najib), a proposal to have all the subsidized goods (i.e. flour) to carry labels showing that the Government is subsidizing them. Can someone tell me what is the IQ level of this guy?. For your further information, he is currently the Member of the Parliament of Malaysia for the Pontian constituency in the State of Johor. Come on people of Pontian, don't tell me you can't find a more suitable candidate, I am sure 99.9% of the people on this planet have much superior IQ than this joker.Maybe in the next GE he will be voted out (God willing).Does he ever consider the extra cost of these labels? Or he considers that the cost is okay as long as the ruling party gets all the limelights? Has he ever considered the morals and ethics? 

Does he thinks that the subsidy comes from the parties coffers? The subsidy is the people's money, the Government is just a caretaker to manage and administer them. I would agree to this absurd condition on one condition, all the MP's carry a sign on the forehead with exactly the same label "Subsidized by the People", all their mansions, including the multimillion mansion owned by the infamous dentist carry's sign of the same label on the front gate. What ever visits made by the powers to be (explicit or implicit) (one stone one bird or one stone two birds) including marriage proposals and convocation (US or Kazakhstan) they will have to carry buntings or banners proclaiming "subsidized by the people", what ever programs carried out under the false impersonation of so called 1Malaysia, or 'meet the people session" will also need to be announced as "subsidized by the people"

I dare you....if you agree to my condition, I will be one of those who will work day night without pay labelling all the subsidized goods and cease to blog, and will try to encourage many more people to join me. If not then I suggest you to shut up and ship out...shame on certainly trying to do the unthinkable, people will never ever think of it, let alone trying to implement it...don't ever forget, there will come a time, when you will be called upon to answer to the Almighty...your PM will not be there to help you. Nazri the Clown wouldn't be there, Ibrahim Ali would have switch camp for the 900th time... you will be alone....scary eh!....ciao....a.h.baharom 

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