Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Journalism in Malaysia: How low could we get?

I am astonished how journalist nowadays stoop so low and let themselves to be used or rather abused as political pawns.I was having my teh tarik this evening and couldn't help but glance at the national language mainstream newspaper owned by the ruling party (I have stopped reading this particular newspaper for a very very long time, let alone buying it). it shocked me on the coverage that was  given to news related to PAS in today's edition, almost 4 full pages!

Then there was a second shock, one of the columnist is Zulkifli Nordin, yes the same guy that was treated as an outcast, ridiculed,condemned and you know what ( it is a kind of reversal fortune for the ex-mufti of Perlis, Dr.Asri, who used to be a columnist, but now an outcast). The third shock was when Zulkifli Nordin praised Jocelyn Tan of an English newspaper owned by another associate party, the same Jocelyn who HE used to curse, praising her for coming up with an accurate understanding of PAS current affairs. (This is the same Jocelyn who RPK quipped, even Jocelyn was granted an interview with me....wink...wink..). I am and ardent follower of this newspaper since childhood, way back when Tunku Abdul Rahman has an interest in it, till now, but I can easily vouch that today's version couldn' even come close to yesteryears, what more with journalist (can you find any other word? I don't think these people deserved to be called journalist) like Jocelyn and Baradan running two disgusting columns in the newspaper.

These are specialised spin doctors, a small misunderstanding among Oppositions parties will be painted as though they are on the verge of breaking up, on the other hand big feud among the parties of their paymasters, will be portrayed as a storm in the teacup.Back to Zulkifli Nordin, his article today made me (and I believe many more) feel disgusted, it was written with clear malafide, a low class article with no taste at all.If ever there are Razzies for Malaysian Journalism, these three people would be front runners. And one more very important thing is, when these powers to be will ever can fool some people some time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.....adios for now.....a.h.baharom

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