Monday, June 13, 2011

Bersih 2.0 vs Perkasa: Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest

Bersih 2.0 is a demonstration which was planned quite some time ago, in fact it is the sequel to Bersih which was held in 2007, which was led by Mat Sabu, only with a slight twist, it will now be headed by Ambika, the current head of the Lawyer's Council..Bersih 2.0 would organise the "Walk for Democracy" protest as the government had ignored its demands for electoral reform. That aside, now Perkasa is counter organizing its own demonstration, which is aimed at stopping the Bersih 2.0 demo (dumb eh?).

Ibrahim Ali, the head of Perkasa, in his media conference held at the Parliament lobby, accompanied by his two new found 'loyal' comrades (Abu Zaharain and Zulkiflee Nordin)...or could we say parrots? since they are echoing almost everything that Ibrahim Ali have been saying. They have also been busily promoting their new found vocab Anwarinas, repeated like crazy on the national idiot box.Ibrahim also went further expressing his concern that the Bersih 2.0 demo will include stone throwing and burning of public vehicles (dumber eh?....mmmhhh....I wonder where does he gets his idea from...or is Perkasa up to something...fishy right?}

Concluding his media conference, he proclaimed that the demonstration by Perkasa is for the benefit of Malaysian people (Dumbest statement).He further claimed that Bersih 2.0 is headed by those whore are anti-Islam (shouldn't he be investigated under Sedition Act? Or does he really has the immunity). Why are these people so against a demonstration that is held to act as a pressure group to force the relevent agencies to conduct fair elections (Don't they want fair election) and since when do these jokers were given the mandate to act on behalf of the Malaysian people,  If fair election is held, I am 100% (of course God willing) sure that they will be booted out, unless their constituents are made of pure cuckoos....My main concern is that, if ever any untoward incident happens on that day, the blame will almost definitely be on Bersih 2.0, I am pretty sure these Jokers are trying to provoke Bersih 2.0, to the Police, we really hope, that they will be true to their slogan, "Sedia Berkhidmat" to the rakyat and not to certain parties, in the mean time GOD help and have mercy on us. If a year ago, I told you that Ibrahim Ali, Abu Zaharain and Zulkiflee Nordin will be working hand in glove, in a pact, on the same said, you would have sent me to an asylum...That's politics, anything is possible, but to these people a small reminder, sooner or later you will have to meet the Creator, the Almighty, no matter how swift you could spin and twist the facts now, it is all useless during the encounter, and like the 'King' a.k.a Elvis said,“Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't goin' away.”
Till we meet again........ciao.......a.h.baharom

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