Saturday, June 18, 2011

Langkawi International Dialogue: KJ vs Tun Mahathir

One of the worst kept secrets of Malaysia is the bad blood or animosity between Tun Mahathir, the former premier and Khairy Jamaluddin or better known as KJ, the son in law of another former premier, Tun Abdullah Badawi. It (the relationship) was further strained when KJ pipped Mukhriz, Mahathir's son, to the post of UMNO's Youth Chief, a coveted position envy of many.. Mahathir got back at KJ and earned some consolation, when he managed to influence the current premier, Najib, to appoint Mukhriz to a cabinet post, albeit Deputy Mister, while KJ, though the reigning Youth Chief, ended emptyhanded.

Langkawi International Dialogue(LID) is the brainchild of Tun Mahathir, and this year's edition started on the wrong foot when one of the intended invitees was none other than Omar al-Bashir, Sudanese President, who has a arrest warrant issued by International Crime Court (ICC) hovering above his head.Thank GOD common sense prevailed, though it is unclear, whether Omar al-Bashir himself cancelled the trip or the Malaysian Government cancelled his invitation.

The other VIP attendee is Robert Mugabe, the controversial Zimbabwean President, who is a close confidante of Tun Mahathir. What many could not understand  is why are these two invited in the first place and what can they contribute to the dialogue?. While  Omar al-Bashir's atrociousnesses were well known and widely reported, Robert Mugabe's mishandling of Zimbabwean economy is not something that is a secret neither.Under his regime Zimbabwe experienced the worst economic crisis ever and was crippled by a unthinkable hyper inflation which reached an inflation rate of millions percent (yes).

KJ have been actively twittering his protest against LID, he claimed that we should have stopped organizing such dialogues long time ago. However it is ambiguous on his reasoning, and none could be detected at the time of this blog was written, we could also sense that none is forthcoming. The way his twitters are flying, it is quite clear that he is quite adamant and is showing his displeasure clearly, no clear reply from Tun Mahathir could be seen right now, not even from his hugely popular blog, chedet blog, but knowing Tun, I believe many quarters are indeed holding their breath waiting for his reply, no holds barred kind of reply.Another interesting matter to be considered is that the current host of the dialogue (LID) is Najib, so indirectly KJ is also implicating Najib by shooting down LID....I wonder what he is up to...and I believe the readers also wonder.
Until we meet again......ciao.......a.h.baharom.

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