Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Land of the 'Con's: GOD help us

Historians and antropologist are shaking their heads in disbelief, they have discovered a new land, which they though is impossible to exist, even Nostrodamus couldn't have predicted it.Not so far far away there is land, a land headed by 'con'men, who 'con'ciliate and 'con'spire with 'con'sultants who in turn 'con'coct plans and advice them how to 'con'ceal important information and secrets, which will enable them to achieve their goals and targets,. 'Con'ceptually this might look a bit complex, but their plans would be very 'con'vincing and the 'con'clusion would be that  they will be able to 'con'stitute their desire.. they are very 'con'cern about achieving their own agenda's with the unbelievable 'con'cept  that sooner or later the rakyat will be 'con'demned and will 'con'cede defeat.Their plans are so 'con'crete and it will 'con'duce their objectives and rakyat will be hit by a 'con'cussion'and others would only be able to offer 'con'dolence.The 'con'men working hand in glove with the 'con'sultants. would be able to 'con'vince the rakyat that the rakyat will be 'con'curring with the 'con'men and will 'con'done their every move.One thing that is 'con'firmed is that the rakyat will not have a place to 'con'fide and will have to 'con'form to everything, and anything that is against the 'con'men's 'con'cept will be 'con'fiscated and the owners will be 'con'demned and 'con'fined.The whole plan will be 'con'ducted in such a way that it will be executed 'con'currently and the 'con'clusion is that we will lose our 'con'science and be 'con'fused and left with no choice but to 'con'done their actions and can't 'con'front them.The 'con'sequences are devastating (for the rakyat at least) and for the 'con'men. they will be able  to 'con'stitute their Land of the 'Con'men, BUT the 'con'solation is the 'con'tamination process is still going on, and before they 'con'firm the 'con'stitution of their (and ours of course) land, there is still adequate time for the rakyat to 'con'vene among the few good men left and 'con'sider carefully their next moves to enable them to 'con'test, and to gain 'con'trol before it happens.

I tried to be 'con'cise in telling this story, imagine if I elaborate on the 'con'cubines that these 'con'men 'con' will take at least 6 days and 5 nights to finish writing....adios for now....a,h,baharom 

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