Tuesday, June 14, 2011

RM1.8 million for a facebook page: Ignorant or pure stupidity

Another bombshell was dropped earlier today, when it was exposed at the Parliament today that the Tourism Ministry spent RM1.8 million for creating and maintainin a facebook page,Impact Creations Sdn Bhd was given a three year contract from 2011 to 2013 to create and maintain the facebook page on behalf of Tourism Ministry, this is a rip off, every Tom, Dick and Harry, and even plain Jane knows that the social site is FREE. Don't tell me that none of the Tourism Ministry employees have any knowledge and experience in maintaining a facebook page, I am pretty sure many of the Tourism Ministry employees indeed have a personal facebook page.

If you could remember clearly, Ng Yen Yen (Tourism Minister) created a furore when she went on a private tour (her husband tagging along), to Australia and New Zealand, which caused a bomb of taxpayers money, and she got the guts to claim that it was a success campaign considering the number of visitors from Oceania who visited Malaysia after her trip. She is the same Minister who is 'horsing' around in Penang currently championing the horse entrepreuners who are operating at the Penang beach which caused a serious mishap recently. My advice to her is to stop horsing around in Penang, and put her own house (Tourism Ministry) in order.

Well I wonder what the two jokers(Abu Zaharain and Zulkifli Nordin) and their master, the Frog Prince (Ibrahim Ali) have to say about this.....Aren't they the fighters of the Rakyat, the defenders of the people.....or do they have selected memory and will only comment on selected issues, if the answer is yes, then the voters should not select them anymore.

What about Bung?...who became infamous for his 'leak' comment, don't tell me he is still on honeymoon, he should be more alert on this kind of'leak' and not the one he became infamous for. Like I have mentioned in my earlier blogs, we could become a much better country if we could control the leaks, we could be much more prosperous....not porous....with leak here...leak there...leak everywhere.....


1 comment:

  1. Ng Yen Yen is learning fast from her masters in UMNO. Waiting for her 'rebuttal' if there is one of course.Expecting her to say she is working hard to promote Malaysian tourism and Opposition only knows how to complain.These kind of comments are so yesterday..but still BN uses them to hoodwink the rakyat. I say, let them sink slowly in their own sh*t
