Sunday, June 19, 2011

Khairy Jamaluddin : Version 2.0

Lately there have been many twist and turns in the life of KJ, the infamous son-in-law of Pak Lah. After winning the much coveted and much chased after UMNO Youth Chief position, by defeating Mukhriz, his political career seems to nosedive.He was not selected for any cabinet post, which is considered an embarrassment and humiliation for a UMNO Youth Chief. There was even the talk of taking a break from contesting in the next General Election.(which came from his own mouth).In fact not only him, the UMNO Youth as a whole was almost non-existence, paving the way for Ibrahim Ali to manoeuvre thru and taking the opportunity of the position of peer pressure group to the Government on the traditional and sensitive Malay issues.He even took the so called "break" and joined the voluntary territorial army (wataniah) paratroopers, and gained some measures of publicity (his photo's during the 'graduation' was splashed all over the mainstream newspapers which are primarily owned and controlled by the ruling coalition).

After lying low for quite sometime, suddenly he sprung into action (did he hire a new image consultant? I am not sure but the way things are developing, it seems more like it). It looks like he is rebuilding his battered image and the image of UMNO Youth. In the last couple of weeks, a number of incidents are pointing towards it. When the Malaysian  Premier, Najib, came under fire the PAS counterparts (Dr Dzul and the gang) on his 'abuse' of Government fund during his visit to Kazakhstan for the World Islamic Economic Forum, he (KJ) sprung to defence before Nazri (the usual savour could blink his eye and make his move). Of course it was prolonged to a twitter fight to other KJ matters such as  KJ's ECM-Libra share issue right to the Parliament.After that incident,KJ grouped together his faithful comrades in the Youth movement and announced the decision to take it to the streets, also on 9th July, to oppose Bersih 2.0, a decision which was warned by his predecessor Hishamuddin,  the Home Minister but KJ was adamant on getting on with it.

That decision was followed by his sharp criticism on Langkawi International Dialogue, whereby he controversially questioned the need of having such dialogue. He also further questioned the wisdom of inviting Robert Mugabe and Omar Al-Bashir. His moves are a clear indication of open confrontation with Tun Mahathir, the man behind the creation of the dialogue and the person who is responsible to identify the invitees. However the deafening silence by Tun Mahathir on KJ's objection took many quarters by surprise, Tun refused to comment, no feedback could be obtained from him, not even from his blog. The ways and the rate of developments of these issues are indeed signs of re-branding by KJ, but one thing is for sure, it is either make or break for KJ, he will either elevate himself to a more permanent and long-standing position (for once without his father-in-law's support) in UMNO, or it will be the end for his political career or in other words, political suicide.Till we meet again....Ciao....a.h.baharom

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