Sunday, June 12, 2011

RM100 million blown away in a day : Daylight robbery by Rais Yatim

It is despairing, nope, it is disgusting, in the name of promoting arts, by organizing 2011 Artiste Day, Rais Yatim made sure he will still stay in the limelights, at least for the time being. This is the guy whose middle name is 'controversy'.If you could remember, he obtained hi PhD by submitting a thesis titled "ISA should be abolished", and yet when he is back in the Government, he backtracked and said it should be retained and that his thesis was just an academic exercise, nobly, he should have done the honourable thing to do, which is to surrender his Doctorate since his study is invalid. This is the same guy, while in the now defunct Semangat 46, praised and idolized Tok Guru Nik Aziz, and claimed that, he had never met anyone with such characteristics like Tok Guru, "syumul' or pure, and when he is back in the Government, labelled Tok Guru as the the biggest 'Satan" (God Forbids). 

Yes he was the same guy who arrogantly mocked a journalist who asked a question in English during a Merdeka Day press conference.He is the same guy who was 'accused' by one of  the Indonesian NGO of raping his Indonesian maid. He claims it was a slander and the case is pending in courts.. He was the same Minister who blew away big chunks of the rakyats money in erecting 1Malaysia monument, and kept silent when the Perlis Mufti issued a fatwa against it. Yes, he is the one again who claims to 'champion' of Bahasa Kebangsaan and portrays himself as the most patriotic guy alive (yet he didn't blink an eye when he blew away RM100 million of hard earned taxpayers money ), what makes it more painful is that it was done when the rakyats have to face subsidy cuts and inflation, this guy is spending the rakyats money like nobody's business. He is not only arrogant, but incompetent as well. He have committed his most heinous act to date when he blew away RM100 million in a day on a mediocre event where artiste didn't bother to turn up, he owes us an explanation, but having said that, I don't foresee an apology will be swept under the carpet...and as time pass by....Malaysians will usual....please I beg you...for once...prove me wrong...adios ...a.h.baharom   

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