Saturday, July 2, 2011

New Stadium for Kelantan if PAS falls: Another blatant bribe from Najib

In what suppose to be an official and working trip to Kelantan, for the umpteenth time Najib offered a bribe. This time he dangled a new football stadium for Kelantan if the voters could ensure that PAS falls in the next General Election and returned Kelantan to Barisan Nasional, but believe me, although the news could be verified, recordings are available the Anti-Corruption Agency and Election Commission will have their own interpretation and he will be absolved of any wrongdoing. How do we expect our country to have a healthy economic growth when the Prime Minister is basically mismanaging the Government's coffer? . I would be the first (yes I would) to praise him if the money comes from his OWN pockets or from the UMNO's pocket, then no one would give a damn on what he intends to do. But seriously, what do you expect from a man (does he deserve to be called one?) whose food and beverage bill for his own daughter's engagement was billed to his Ministry.

I also sincerely believe that Kelantanese folks are wise, they don't need to sell their souls to the Satan in order to get a new football stadium, after all they don't need to look further, just take a look at the closest neighbour  Terengganu, who was give an instant 'pakai buang' stadium, which could only be used once, and the roof collapsed....and it remains like that until today, we do not need any more white elephants. And on a personal note for Mr PM, stop having an impression that the Rakyat are all idiots, with low IQ, no principle and easily could be bought. This is not the Ice Age...certainly not.....we deserve to be treated with respect and dignity......GOD have mercy and help us.....happy weekend and ciao.....a.h.baharom


  1. wow...nice and brave opinion my ex lecturer...hehe..

  2. tq....ex takpe.....jangan triple x

  3. hehehe...tu dah jadi bidang gusti En. Baharom...saya setuju ngan opinion En. / will be called a Dr. soon...En. ngajar kat mana skrg nie?

  4. Hahaha. Plus tak pasal pasal jadik fan no 1 red warrior. Memang gali kubur sendiri la untuk next PRU. Ingat rakyat Kelantan heran sangat dengan sebijik stadium tu?
