Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bersih 2.0: Why some refuse to see the bigger picture?

Bersih 2.0 was indeed a success, no matter which angle you look at it. After all the warnings, roadblocks, intimidation and even blackmailing by the authorities, Bersih 2.0 manage to bring together  thousands of people, multi racial, multi religion, all level of rakyat with differing education, politic and social backgrounds. It was a carnival like atmosphere.What irks me is the action of certain irresponsible groups painting a negative picture, relating it to certain links of individuals or racial, political and religious links.

Bersih 2.0 is not about Ambiga, neither it is about Anwar, it is neither about DAP, nor it is about PAS, but it is definitely about the Rakyat, Even Marina Mahathir, was among the crowds.It was suppose to be a peaceful walkabout seeking reforms on a cleaner and fair election. If planned carefully and handled wisely, it could even be transformed to a carnival and might even boost the local economy..Some quarters are barking senselessly  saying that there are other channels to voice out their dissatisfaction. well, for your kind information, these group(the rakyat) have exhausted their avenues. How else could you justify the sequel to Bersih 2007. The Election Commission didn't bother to meet them, let alone entertain them. Only after the support for Bersih 2.0 snowballed and gained momentum, the Election Commission claimed that they were priorly busy with the Sarawak Election and are willing to sit down now(!!??!!)

It was quite a surprise seeing all walks of people were there, even the Bersih 2.0 organizers were surprised and taken aback (pleasant one though). Utusan Malaysia cannot play the racial card any more,( can't play the broken record of Malay's being played out). There were plentiful of Chinese, Indians and even other races...coming as far from Sabah and Sarawak.The statement by IGP saying that the demonstration failed and only 6000 people came, and the statement by Amar, the Acting CPO of Kuala Lumpur saying that the police used only minimal force falls flat, there are large number of video recordings, and galleries of photos proving otherwise.....ciao..................................a.h.baharom

I really hope and pray that the relevant authorities and sceptics will finally come to their sense and realizes that it is about the rakyat, not about certain individuals such as Anwar or Ambiga.  .

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