Monday, July 4, 2011

If Bersih 2.0 is held in the Stadium: Would it be considered a legal rally/entity?

After the decree by DYMM Yang DiPertuan Agong, Sultan Mizan, Prime Minister, Najib made the statement that the Government is willing to assist Bersih 2.0, and willing to provide the Stadium for the gathering purposes, Dr Asri (the former Perlis Mufti) strongly urged the Bersih 2.0 organizers to grab this opportunity, he further suggested a campaign preluding the gathering with distribution of yellow flags to be attached to vehicles and the rakyat could show support by openly wearing yellow Bersih shirts and if possible for it to be even held for  a week. I too, support the suggestion by Dr Asri.

But, I have a few disturbing questions, would the Police willingly provide assistance to the organizers, giving protection from foreseen disturbance and opposition from groups such as Perkasa and UMNO Youth?

Would the Police be dropping charges against those who are arrested and charged for siding with an outlawed organization? After-all Bersih would not be an illegal entity any more

Would the Police be returning all the confiscated items such as paraphernalia, t-shirts, fliers etc.?

Would the media, printed as well as the electronic stop painting and calling it as an illegal rally and start calling it Bersih 2.0 and promote it?


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