Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ezam: The boy who cried 'box'

Remember Ezam?...Yes, the Malaysian version of the folk story, the boy who cried wolf once too many times, until nobody believes him, the only twist in the Malaysian version is, the boy ended up as a Senator (yeah...you read it right!, after all this is Boleh land....anything is possible). Some background of the boy....oopppss Senator.
He was born in 1967, had his secondary education in Victoria Institution.Continued his tertiary education in UIA, and obtained his degree in Economics(sigh!). He grew up really fast in UMNO (mmhhh...something fishy eh....), from Divisional Youth Chief (Petaling Jaya Selatan) in 1993 to UMNO State Secretary in 1996 to Divisional Vice in 1998.

He served as the Political Secretary to Anwar (during UMNO days), he also use to serve Nazri in the Prime Minister's Department. When Anwar was kicked out from the party, he quit UMNO and followed Anwar and became one of his staunchest supporter assuming the post of PKR Youth Chief. The rest is history...it was the beginning of the story ....the boy who cried 'box'....or shall we say...Episode 1.He went on a nationwide tour claiming that HE (not Anwar) has 6 boxes of secret documents (something like the Watergate scandal). To be honest....he repeated the same statement many times, its been 14 years....nobody has a clue what happened to the damn boxes, until one day he made a confession saying that he actually didn't have those boxes...but Anwar told him to say so...( doesn't he has his own brain?...ooppps I've forgotten. ...he is a politician).

After some misunderstanding with Azmin, he left PKR (rumours has it that he had a crush on Nurul Izzah but it was one way traffic). He set up GERAK (the so-called Anti Corruption Movement), and he used this platform for quite some time, and after the Barisan Nasional's thrashing in the last General Election, when Pak Lah was looking for some new bloods, he volunteered, and rejoined UMNO. Najib appointed him as a Senator (for his contribution to the Nation in fighting against corruption..can you believe that....feeling wanna puke?...me too). Najib also gave him another task, wrest Selangor back, and he start to dream big again, in fact he was already fantasising to be the next Menteri Besar. How foolish of him to think that it will be smooth sailing, how he could ever thought that Noh Omar and Khir Toyo will be accepting that just like that. In the end the infighting among them led it to become a disaster.

Now he has been left with a task to discredit all the Pakatan leaders, he moved from Selangor (after the disastrous attempt) to Penang and start to attack Lim Guan Eng. How foolish of him, how he could ever think that the rakyat will accept him with open arms. He doesn't even have an inch of credibility left in him.Nobody believes in him any-more..not even the UMNO people,  let alone the others.He is the other person that will sink into oblivion just  like his brother Berahim Ali, come post next GE.......ciao.........a.h.baharom

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