Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bersih 2.0: Could it be handled differently?

Bersih 2.0 is history, but as the saying goes, Those who don't learn from history are condemned to repeat it. I was just pondering, if all the parties involved, handled it differently, would it have ended up differently.

If  SPRM had handled it differently.....rather than painting Bersih 2.0 as an opposition tool and is full of hidden agendas
If Najib had handled it differently......rather that flatly rejecting it as a minority voice movement
If Hishamuddin had handled it differently.....rather that banning anything and everything related to Bersih 2.0
If the Home Ministry handled it differently....rather that declaring Bersih 2.0 as an illegal group
If Rais had handled it differently......rather than initiating propagating news on National television
If Police had handled it differently........rather than the hostile approach
If Khairy Jamaluddin had handled it differently.....rather than organizing a rally against it (though not successful)
If Berahim Ali had handled it differently...........rather than initiating a confrontation against it (though chickening out later
If Silat exponents had handled it differently.......rather than issuing warnings of duels( fizzled out...)
If SUHAKAM had handled it differently........rather than being a mere bystander doing nothing
If the Courts had handled it differently.......rather than issuing orders of prohibition on 91 people
If the FRU had handled it differently ......rather than being trigger happy on tear gas canisters
If Liow Tiong Lai had handled it differently.......rather than talking without thinking
If Chua Soi Lek had handled differently........rather than saying that the Police have to tear gas the Hospital in order to protect the patients (Joke of the Year)

Sigh! it could have been a peaceful march in a carnival like life's need to be lost, no shops need to be closed, no public should have endured troubles of jammed traffic....and the list goes on....if only it was handled differently..........ciao.......a.h.baharom

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