Saturday, July 30, 2011

MIC sinking to a new low: Begging for Cabinet Post

MIC stooped to new low, never , ever in the history of Malaysian politics (or even in the history of the world politics), a leader of a a coalition party is seen as so hard up for a cabinet post and could be deemed for begging for a post albeit a full Ministerial post, but, this is Malaysia, the bolehland, the land of I help you you help me, but one thing for sure, how in the world are the MIC members going to redeem whatever pride they have left?.......a.h.baharom

Palanivel makes dubious history – the first “I help you, you help me” barter Cabinet appointment in nation’s 54 year history

MIC President Datuk G Palanivel has made dubious history – being the first, unashamed and most blatant “I help you, you help me” barter Cabinet appointment in the nation’s 54-year history, nothing to do whatsoever with his personal merit or quality!
It must rank as the most cynical Cabinet appointment ever made in Malaysian history under six Prime Ministers.
Palanivel also made dubious history in other aspects.
Although the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said that he was returning to his father Tun Razak’s practice of having two MIC Ministers, there is a great difference: In Tun Razak’s time in 1976, MIC was in a position of strength but today in 2011 MIC is in position of unprecedented weakness.
In his speech yesterday, Palanivel revealed that MIC had about 600,000 members nationwide of which 390,000 are voters.
MIC must be the only political party in the country where less than two-thirds of its membership are voters.
Palanivel’s “barter” appointment, announced at the “Don’t debate Interlok novel” 65th MIC General Assembly yesterday, will inflate an already over-bloated Cabinet and set dubious records of :
• The most number (six with Palanivel) of Ministers in the Prime Minister’s Department or some 20% of the Cabinet strength; and
• The most number of Senators in the Cabinet.
All in all, a Cabinet appointment not in the spirit of “People First, Performance Now” but “BN leaders first, Performance later” – further undermining the legitimacy of the Najib Cabinet. july2011

Government looking into ways to fight escalating inflation:Muhyiddin (Too little too late?)

Deputy Prime Minister announced today that the Government is looking into several options to combat the escalating goods prices, he further claimed that this was done to reduce the rakyats burden. Mr DPM, thank you for the noble action, so finally you are admitting that we are indeed facing inflation, when all this while you and your colleagues have been denying the facts, statements after statements were issued to show that our price level was stable, finally you guys realized and relented and somehow agreed. well as the saying goes, better late than never.

Among the options, according to Muhyiddin are:

1) Assisting farmers
2) Law enforcement
3) Special incentive for the rakyat
4) Subsidy increment for the rakyat (other than the petrol/diesel/gas subsidy, wait a second, I seriously thought that you guys were against subsidy and planning to abolish it slowly, why the flip flop?...General Election around the corner?)

Don't forget, Muhyiddin is the Chairman of the Goods Price and Supply Cabinet Committee, and only now they are looking at these options?...What law enforcement are they talking about, take for example the chicken's price ceiling, it have almost become the joke of the century, it is always on paper, never ever being enforced, save for a few publicized and pre-planned visits to the Hypermarkets. Monopoly or oligopoly power should not be given for certain firms involved in certain kind of goods, especially food item.Open up the market, the prices would stabilizes itself, no need to protect certain cronies.

Or is this a prelude to the election budget, very clever the budget you guys will throw all kind of goodies, and the rakyat will be on cloud nine...and you will come up with all kind of statements such as ...the peoples government...rakyat have to be grateful and God knows what...trying to pull a fast one ah.....mmhhh....I have something to tell can fool some people some time but you can't fool all the people all the time......ciao.........a.h.baharom

Penang the Pearl of the Orient destined to glow brighter:Penang As A Gateway To China

After the reign of the visionary Tun Lim Chong Eu, Penang or more famously known as the Pearl of the Orient,sadly never lived up to her full potential. Leader's who replaced Tun Lim we're more satisfied in strengthening their own and their party's position, they we're weak and  basically left the Island's development to the Federal Government.The Penangites  got frustrated and couldn't stomach it any more, in the last General Election, they showed their displeasure at the ballot box, and duly replaced the weak leadership with the Opposition. 

Since that historical day, they (the current State Government) have been hounded and pounded from every corner, but to no success. Racial cards we're played, also to no significant success, while  UMNO claims that the Malay agenda, or more specifically the Malays in Penang will be left out and neglected, the Malays in Penang we're counter arguing, what is left for them, even when UMNO was having the larger share in the Penang State Assembly, they chickened our and gave the Penang Chief Minister post to the name of coalition brotherhood.Koh Tsu Koon's weak character and the in-bickering in Gerakan doesn't help either.

The last straw was when suddenly out of the blue the Panang MCA is claiming and blaming the Penang government under Lim Guan Eng have been pampering and prioritizing the Malays and Indian Muslim's and have been neglecting the Chinese (I heard that Penang UMNO and KIMMA were totally taken aback and sent scurrying to re-strategize....when all this while they have been claiming otherwise). it takes another visionary Lim, this time Lim Guan Eng to emulate the legendary Tun Lim Chong putting Penang up there where it belongs.........kindly read the accompanying speech By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng during the Launching of the Rebranded Career Assistance & Talent (CAT) Center New Website On July 30 2011 At Penang Hill. I would like to wish him all the best in his endeavour to lift the economy of Penang and I sincerely believe that he can...GOD willing of course

.......ciao.......happy weekend........a.h.baharom

Penang As A Gateway To China Through ACFTA (ASEAN China Free Trade Area)

Speech By Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng During The Launching Of The Rebranded Career Assistance & Talent (CAT) Center New  Website On July 30 2011 At Penang Hill

Using Penang As A Gateway To China Through ACFTA (ASEAN China Free Trade Area).

Good Morning

It is a great pleasure to be up here in Penang Hill, breathing in fresh air while addressing you this morning for the launching of the Career Assistance and Talent (CAT) website. The Career Assistance and Talent (CAT) Centre was rebranded recently to replace the Career Assistance and Training Centre that was set up in the midst of the 2009 economic crisis to assist the retrenched and unemployed workers.

Penang experienced considerable economic growth after the recovery from the 2009 global economic crisis achieving estimated gross regional product (GDP) growth of 8.1% in 2010 after a decline of 1.9% in 2009.  This year’s growth is expected to sustain with a forecasted 6.3% increase for this year.

Similarly, for the past one-and-a-half years, Penang has benefited from the robust economic growth, not only in investments but also increase in income as well as job creation for the people of Penang.  Amongst some recent achievements:-

1.      Penang ranked top in terms of investments approved in 2010. With a total of RM12.2 billion investments approved for the State, Penang accounted for 36% of the total foreign direct investments (FDI) approved for the country in that year. For the first five months of this year, Penang ranks second with RM4.49 billion of investments, of which foreign investments accounts for 28% of FDI approved for the country.

2.      Penang Government’s Competency, Accountability and Transparency (CAT) Governance was commended by Transparency International in 2010 for anti-corruption efforts.

3.      Three straight years of budget surpluses by the Penang state government earned mentions from the Auditor General’s Report as the best financially managed state in Penang.

4.      Penang was voted as the top 8 islands in the world that “You must see before you die” by Yahoo Travel in February 2011.

5.      The Penang International Airport registered the highest arrivals growth amongst the other airports in Malaysia in 2010, recording a 25% increase with 4.1 million arrivals compared with 3.3 million in 2009.

6.       Penang tops in Malaysia in Green Initiative, as the first state in Malaysia that has implemented the “everyday is no free plastic bag day” ruling in shopping complexes, hypermarkets, pharmacies, fast food restaurants and chain outlets. The State authorities are going all out to make Penang cleaner and greener through various projects such as coastal cleaning and spring cleaning @ George Town World Heritage Site.

7.      Penang is the safest state in Malaysia with the highest reduction of 27% in crime index amongst all states in Malaysia. For the first 6 months of this year, Penang again topped the country in reducing crime by another 26%.

8.      Penang is the most liveable city in Malaysia with a vibrant art and culture. 

For this reason, Penang is an ideal place not only to live but to work and play. We want to transform Penang into an International City and intelligent city that reaches world-class standards so that we can scale the heights of a high-income economy. Only an international city can we enjoy the benefits of agglomeration - the networking avenues and skills specialization only available in cities.

The new investments today no longer look for sizeable supply of manual labour force. On the other hand, these new investments require knowledge-based, specialised and skilled human resource. To cater for these investments and their requirements, Penang hopes to be both the sweat shop of manufacturing to the smart shop of knowledge-based industry. To succeed, Penang must be a talent hub.

Penang had experienced a “brain drain” phenomenon in the past decades. Today, we are putting in all efforts to create a reversed situation, to measure up to the ever increasing demands and expectations for knowledge-workers by the investors.  The CAT Centre is the mechanism that has been set up to attract and retain talents in Penang. As a start, a website will be set up to reach out to talents from within and outside Malaysia. 

Efforts will continue to be put in to make Penang a liveable city as well as an intelligent city to retain the talents in Penang. As an intelligent city, Penang will evolve towards a strong integration of the 6 dimensions of intelligence as follows:-

1.     Human intelligence as the basic unit relates to people in Penang: the expertise, inventiveness and creativity of the individuals who live and work in Penang.

2.     Collective intelligence refers to the capacity of human communities to synergistically evolve together through integration, competition, cooperation and collaboration in knowledge and innovation.

3.     Digital intelligence is a prerequisite in this modern internet world where broadband is available to the population for communication infrastructure, digital spaces, and online problem-solving tools.

4.     Institutional intelligence applies to the techniques and technologies that support and enhance decision and management processes according to rule of law and competent leadership. No point having smart citizens if the leadership is stupid as that will only drive smart people away

5.     Integrity intelligence refers to adherence of moral and ethical principles.

6.     Residual intelligence refers to the advantages Penang has from its 40 years of experience with top cutting edge technology companies.

Nevertheless, we need to reinforce and strengthen these intelligences to make Penang the preferred location for investment and workplace as illustrated in our latest taglines “My Penang, My Choice” and “My Penang, My Workplace”

For Penang to succeed in transforming itself into a high-income, international and intelligent city, the hollowing out of Penang’s economy must be reversed. Three critical areas deserve attention.

One – building, retaining and attracting human talent. Human talent is the fuel of the 21st century. Making Penang a talent hub that stresses on performance, productivity as well as proficiency in English and technology is a prerequisite for a high-income economy.

Two – establishing Penang as a centre of excellence for science and technology. There is no doubt that creativity and innovation generates prosperity and investments. The formation of the Penang Science Council is an important step to rekindle interest in science, nurture scientific minds, mentor technopreneurs and inspire innovation. Amongst the major projects is the RM128 million Penang Tech Centre that demonstrates the state government’s commitment to rely on science and technology as an engine and catalyst for growth.

Thirdly is taking full advantage of globalization in connecting and networking with other international partners across borders. Penang’s position as a cosmopolitan city with 200 years of international exposure is valuable. Further the implementation of the ACFTA (ASEAN China Free Trade Area) agreement is considered one the world’s largest free trade agreements.

As of January 2010, it encompassed 1.9 billion people, had a combined GDP of US$6.6 trillion and total trade amounted to US$4.3 trillion. Under the ACFTA, more than 9,000 products imported from China to Malaysia are duty-free while China will reduce tariffs on more than 7,000 products from ASEAN.

Besides manufactured goods, the agreement also covers services and investment. Hence, there are opportunities for many MNCs to increase local content of their products to be above 40% to take advantage of the ACFTA so that products can be shipped from Penang, Malaysia into China.

Let everyone including MNCs and SMEs consider Penang as a reliable location that protects your investment and yet serve as a gateway to China through the ACFTA.

I would like to thank the companies that are participating in the CAT website, the talents who have come forward to share their stories as well as all the guests who are present today. With this, I officially launch the Penang Career Assistance and Talent Website. Thank you.


Friday, July 29, 2011

Now MCA says Guan Eng is anti-Chinese:Is he an Alien?

After being bombarded by UMNO for being anti-Malay, with almost nil success and seeing Lim Guan Eng the Penang Chief Minister, staying strong as a rock, , BN is now changing the script, they are sending MCA to bombard and attack him, the second wave of attack is with a slight twist, now he is being painted as anti-Chinese....what is in store after this....would BN be sending some other stooge to portray him as anti-human....maybe they want to convince us he is an alien....anyway enjoy reading the article below by Clara Chooi which appeared in The Malaysian Insider....for Pakatan, indirectly it is a boost, an unexpected one, robbing UMNO of its ammunition....what a folly by MCA...I wonder what the UMNO supporters have to say about it, when all this while they have been painting him as anti-Malay and pro-Chinese....and their own allies are claiming otherwise.....
Adios for now..........a.h.baharom

Now MCA says Guan Eng is anti-Chinese

By Clara Chooi
July 29, 2011
GEORGE TOWN, July 29 — The MCA is now griping that Lim Guan Eng is sidelining the Penang Chinese community, claiming he has awarded all Drainage and Irrigation Department (DID) contracts to Malays, Bumiputeras and Indian Muslims.
Penang Wanita MCA chairman Tan Cheng Liang said today this was likely because the chief minister was “currying favour” with the non-Chinese community as the DAP has realised that it could not forever rely on support from the Chinese.

Lim is now accused of not being fair to the Chinese in Penang. — File pic
“It is DAP’s foresight that they realise they cannot forever rely on the Chinese to consolidate their political power in the next general election, but I hope that their currying favour among other races is not done at the expense of the Chinese,” she said in a statement here.
As such, Tan said Lim’s anti-Chinese slant would erode the rights of the community, who makes up the majority of Penang’s population.
“Since DAP took over as the Penang state government, not a single Chinese contractor in all the five districts has been awarded contracts for the state’s DID.
“This is proof that despite the support from the Chinese for Lim Guan Eng and DAP, the interests of the Chinese have been threatened after DAP came into power,” she said.
Tan was referring to a statement Lim had purportedly made on Wednesday that the contractors in all five districts in Penang for DID contracts are Malays, Bumiputeras and Indian Muslims, with women accounting for 20 per cent.
Ironically, the Penang administration under Lim’s rule has often been accused by Umno, the MCA’s partner in the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) pact, of being racist by allegedly discriminating against the Malay community.
But Tan insisted today that Lim’s failure to award contracts to at least one Chinese contractor proves that he has been ignoring the community’s support for him and his party.
“I am aghast and am unable to comprehend as to why there isn’t a single contract awarded to a Chinese contractor.
“I believe Chinese contractors are aware of the projects and have submitted applications. So has the state deemed their applications incomplete?” she said.
Tan also revisited BN’s playbook for the Sarawak elections in April, pointing out that the DAP’s success in the polls had caused the Chinese to lose their representation in the state government.
“In my opinion, Lim Guan Eng as the chief minister of the state government should be fair to everyone in the awarding of contracts.
“The DAP-led state government should not simply award contracts to Bumiputeras to make themselves look fair, but they should also ensure that the contractors are capable of guaranteeing the successful completion of the project and that there will not be any problems to the infrastructure of the state so as to safeguard the people’s welfare and safety,” she said.

Now MCA says Guan Eng is anti-Chinese:Is he an Alien?

After being bombarded by UMNO for being anti-Malay, with almost nil success and seeing Lim Guan Eng the Penang Chief Minister, staying strong as a rock, , BN is now changing the script, they are sending MCA to bombard and attack him, the second wave of attack is with a slight twist, now he is being painted as anti-Chinese....what is in store after this....would BN be sending some other stooge to portray him as anti-human....maybe they want to convince us he is an alien....anyway enjoy reading the article below by Clara Chooi which appeared in The Malaysian Insider....for Pakatan, indirectly it is a boost, an unexpected one, robbing UMNO of its ammunition....what a folly by MCA...I wonder what the UMNO supporters have to say about it, when all this while they have been painting him as anti-Malay and pro-Chinese....and their own allies are claiming otherwise.....
Adios for now..........a.h.baharom

Now MCA says Guan Eng is anti-Chinese

By Clara Chooi
July 29, 2011
GEORGE TOWN, July 29 — The MCA is now griping that Lim Guan Eng is sidelining the Penang Chinese community, claiming he has awarded all Drainage and Irrigation Department (DID) contracts to Malays, Bumiputeras and Indian Muslims.
Penang Wanita MCA chairman Tan Cheng Liang said today this was likely because the chief minister was “currying favour” with the non-Chinese community as the DAP has realised that it could not forever rely on support from the Chinese.
Lim is now accused of not being fair to the Chinese in Penang. — File pic
“It is DAP’s foresight that they realise they cannot forever rely on the Chinese to consolidate their political power in the next general election, but I hope that their currying favour among other races is not done at the expense of the Chinese,” she said in a statement here.
As such, Tan said Lim’s anti-Chinese slant would erode the rights of the community, who makes up the majority of Penang’s population.
“Since DAP took over as the Penang state government, not a single Chinese contractor in all the five districts has been awarded contracts for the state’s DID.
“This is proof that despite the support from the Chinese for Lim Guan Eng and DAP, the interests of the Chinese have been threatened after DAP came into power,” she said.
Tan was referring to a statement Lim had purportedly made on Wednesday that the contractors in all five districts in Penang for DID contracts are Malays, Bumiputeras and Indian Muslims, with women accounting for 20 per cent.
Ironically, the Penang administration under Lim’s rule has often been accused by Umno, the MCA’s partner in the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) pact, of being racist by allegedly discriminating against the Malay community.
But Tan insisted today that Lim’s failure to award contracts to at least one Chinese contractor proves that he has been ignoring the community’s support for him and his party.
“I am aghast and am unable to comprehend as to why there isn’t a single contract awarded to a Chinese contractor.
“I believe Chinese contractors are aware of the projects and have submitted applications. So has the state deemed their applications incomplete?” she said.
Tan also revisited BN’s playbook for the Sarawak elections in April, pointing out that the DAP’s success in the polls had caused the Chinese to lose their representation in the state government.
“In my opinion, Lim Guan Eng as the chief minister of the state government should be fair to everyone in the awarding of contracts.
“The DAP-led state government should not simply award contracts to Bumiputeras to make themselves look fair, but they should also ensure that the contractors are capable of guaranteeing the successful completion of the project and that there will not be any problems to the infrastructure of the state so as to safeguard the people’s welfare and safety,” she said.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Resign Or Snap Election For Najib, Here’re The Reasons

By Finance twitter

As much as I would like to stop writing about PM Najib administration, the plot just got interesting and I think he may just hit the bull’s eye as far as my prediction that his downfall may be faster than his predecessor, Abdullah Badawi, is concerned. Compared with Najib, Badawi now seems like a cute adorable little kitten, who merely likes to sleep (on the job). Malaysians tend to be more forgiving on lazy prime minister but not a prime minister who lies, cheats, brutal, dirty (allegation on Mongolian Altantuya’s murder), hypocrite but above all stupid yet arrogant.
One cannot help but fell off the chair laughing after read that Najib said he cancels a family vacation because he wants to spend more time with Malaysians. This was perhaps the best joke ever by premier Najib since he took over from Abdullah Badawi. This joke actually worth a thousand “Like” on his facebook page. Forget about Bersih 2.0 because this guy may quit under pressure – not from opposition parties or Bersih 2.0 but from his internal UMNO party. Boy, if it was true that the US$24 million controversial diamond ring indeed belongs to his wife Rosmah Mansor, that ring is cursed.

Anyone notice the deadly silence from Mahathir after the Bersih 2.0 rally that instantly flush Najib’s popularity into the toilet bowl? I’ve wrote earlier that Najib administration’s extreme stupidity in tackling the simple issue of Bersih 2.0 made the whole episode smells rat. Najib can’t be that foolish (or was he?) and even if he was indeed stupid, his wife would have save the day, unless of course the plan to unseat him has been brought forward by his own circles. Mahathir doesn’t like Najib for two main reasons – his wife and his close connection with Singapore Government.
It seems Najib may have to quit soon, probably before his term expires in 2013. And if Najib plans to stay until next year to enjoy more free overseas holidays using taxpayers money under his capacity as the prime minister, his dream is now short-lived based on his emergency return to take control of Putrajaya. How on earth could everything turns upside-down before his “shopping” trip to United Kingdom and Italy ends? It appears he has no other option but to call an early election, possibly before 11-11-2011 in order to neutralize his enemy from within UMNO, if he’s able to do that.

1) Perkasa Ibrahim Ali
Ibrahim Ali, the guy whom you love and hate has successfully performed his duty, if indeed it was true that he was actually a mole, regardless whether he was planted by Anwar or Mahathir. His job was to create chaos and racial disharmony. Both Anwar or Mahathir knew the Malay votes and to a certain extent the Indian votes have return to UMNO under Najib’s leadership. If the Chinese voters were to go back in droves to UMNO- led National Front coalition, then the opposition is toast and Najib would become very powerful, so much so that he can ask Mahathir to fly kite.
One has to remember Mahathir is a master in the game of divide-and-rule. As long as Ibrahim Ali can continuously feed the racial hatred cookies to both ethnic-Malay and ethnic-Chinese, Najib’s strength is being checked. And wasn’t Ibrahim Ali a director in Vincent Tan’s Berjaya Group, one of the closest cronies during Mahathir administration? Well, if Najib truly believed that Ibrahim Ali was God-sent Angel to help fish runaway Malay votes for his administration, then he deserves what he’s getting now.

2) Deputy PM Muhyiddin
One needs to see the bigger picture on how the deputy PM seems to be pouring kerosene everytime his boss, PM Najib Razak, starts a new project in his bid to gain voters’ support. When Najib was shouting till foam at mouth his 1Malaysia concept, Muhyiddin declared he was Malay first and Malaysian second. And of course Mahathir almost swear he doesn’t actually understand the concept of 1Malaysia. Muhyiddin is indeed a strong deputy as he was one of the warlords who enjoys ground support.
Najib doesn’t like a strong deputy because it would make him looks weak, which is true because his political rising star was purely based on his father’s name, the second prime minister Tun Razak. In short, Najib was born with silver platter hence he has never been known to be a risk-taker. The fact that Muhyiddin together with Mahathir were extremely quiet post-Bersih 2.0 rally speak volume about how both were equally pleased with the public and international criticism on Najib administration in handling the peaceful demonstration. Muhyiddin can almost smell the aroma of the premiership.

3) Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein
Given the option, Muhyiddin would like to become the Prime Minister yesterday but there’s another opportunist who like to climb the ladder and he’s none other than Najib’s own cousin – Hishammuddin Hussein. In Malaysia, it seems only the elite groups have the priviledge to become the prime minister. Just like how Najib leveraged on his daddy’s priviledge name, Hishammuddin was drooling about becoming the next prime minister since his father was the country’s third prime minister.
Needless to say, Mahathir was also architecting the plan to build his own dynasty. Time is the luxury Mahathir doesn’t have considering his current age. Going by his plan, he would like to see his own son takes over the throne while he’s still alive – after Muhyiddin warmed the seat. But with Hishammuddin controlling the police force, this little obstacle needs to be neutralized and what better way than to promise a deputy prime minister-ship to Hishammuddin after Mahathir’s son gets to sit on the throne? Hishammudin must be a fool to believe such a promise but then he is not a very clever fellow nonetheless.
He’s an opportunist who would not think twice about jumping ships, cousin or not. Judging by how he declared the Bersih 2.0 an illegal organization, made wild but laughable allegations that PSM-6 were waging war against the King and linked them to communism but later accused them of being involved as “movers and activists” to Berish 2.0, arresting people for wearing yellow T-shirts and whatnot goes to show how he tried to make Najib administration looks very foolish. As fast as he plucked accusations on PSM-6 from the sky, he disappeared with equal speed after Bersih 2.0; leaving the police to take care of their own mess. Has Najib ever wonder that his own cousin has jumped ship to Mahathir-Muhyiddin tag-team?

4) Bersih 2.0 and Marina Mahathir
Many people praise Mahathir’s daughter, Marina, for taking part in the Bersih 2.0 although strangely she didn’t participate in Bersih 1.0 (or did she?). Of course that was after she blogged about it and fortunately she didn’t get tear-gassed by the police. Silly me, of course she didn’t get to taste the water cannon or tear-gas because she didn’t lead the marchers. It would be fun to see if the police would still spray her knowing she’s the daughter of former powerful dictator Mahathir Mohamad.
Coincidently Mahathir was deadly silent while the daughter suddenly become super vocal in condemning Najib administration. She can’t possibly speak on her daddy’s behalf in pouring fuel into the fire in the plan to unseat Najib, can she? But how could anyone suspect Marina’s noble intention in supporting the Bersih 2.0. For goodness sake, she won’t kill an ant so how can she has ill-intention towards Bersih 2.0. Compared to her monster daddy, Marina is such a charming angel so let’s give her the benefit of the doubt.
At most, Marina may have “consulted” his daddy and his daddy “encouraged” her to “speak as she sees fit” (*grin*). Maybe Marina should speak about the brutality in Teoh Beng Hock, Ahmad Sarbani or Kugan’s death in the hand of MACC and police as well, no?

5) Utusan Malaysia
The only role of Utusan, the newspaper owned by UMNO, was to publish racial articles – the more the merrier. The justification of doing so was to drum the support of Malay voters. The rural illiterate Malay voters will always support UMNO while the urban educated Malay voters are with the opposition parties. The fence-sitters will swing to whichever side depending on the respective party’s campaign. But assuming the Utusan is still under Najib’s control, won’t it be over-kill to not only fans the racial hatred, Christianity would take over from Islam as the country’s official religion and opposition trying to revive communism but also in taking the slingshot at Jews?
Utusan’s latest loose cannon was aiming at Jews by alleging that the Bersih 2.0 rally could open the door to Jews and Israel to infiltrate Malaysia. B’nai B’rith International, a Jewish humanitarian organisation, called the allegation “preposterous” and “offensive” and which only serves to perpetuate an anti-Semitic attitude. Heck, if there’s one thing you do not wish to disturb, it’s in toying with anti-Semitic game. Mahathir had learnt his painful lesson in sticking the nest of anti-Semitic and certainly the coward Najib won’t dare to even think about such idea.
The fact that Utusan was happily sowing anti-Semitic hatred while Najib administration was busy doing damage-control by explaining to the international media and foreign government about police repression and intimidation on peaceful protestors goes to show that Najib was not in control of Utusan. If Utusan was not within Najib’s control, then Utusan is reporting to someone much more powerful than the prime minister.

6) Matthias Chiang
Mahathir’s die-hard fan and adviser, Matthias Chiang had slammed Najib administration about its handling of the country economy and practically didn’t put any hope that Najib could overcome the global financial crisis. To be fair, Matthias Chiang was also super critical about Abdullah Badawi and his son-in-law administration. Heck, this guy would even criticise Abraham Lincoln and Queen Elizabeth because his only idol was his former boss, Mahathir Mohamad, simply because Mahathir can do no worng as the former premier was the only visionary ever born in this world, literally.
Before the Bersih 2.0 rally, Matthias wrote that Najib should just let the rally proceed and not make a big fuss out of it, something which I wrote earlier as well. But knowing Najib’s arrogance, such advise would not reach his ears. Maybe Matthias was giving Najib last opportunity, after consultation from Mahathir, to stop, think and act rationally rather than emotionally (or rather stupidly). The water is under the bridge now and Najib has to face the consequences of his stubbornness and arrogance.

7) Angkatan Amanah Rakyat (Amanah)
Don’t you smell rats (what’s wrong with my nose?) that UMNO veteran Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah chose to launch his new group, Angkatan Amanah Rakyat (Amanah), at this hour? Suddenly this Kelantan prince called on the silent majority to voice their discontent against “rife corruption, cronyism and racial crisis” despite his many decades serving UMNO as if he has just awaken from hibernation. The fact that he’s still not willing to quit UMNO and focus in this so-called third force raised many questions and doubts.
It’s not difficult to conclude that his new Amanah is more of a political movement set up to take advantage of the current chaos within UMNO and the huge support Bersih 2.0 is enjoying. The fact that the group consists of political veterans (or rather rejected) such as former tourism minister Abdul Kadir Sheikh Fadzir, former Sabah Chief Osu Sukam, former MCA president Ong Tee Keat and others triggered suspicious about its real intention. If you believe these people have Bersih (Clean) themselves, then you also believe Paris Hilton is still a virgin.
Wasn’t Kadir Sheikh Fadzir the person who tried to parachute a proton car into South Pole to impress his boss Mahathir only to find out the oil used couldn’t handle the low temperature? And wasn’t Osu Sukam the guy whom gambling debts snowballed to RM7.1 million that two foreign casinos, London-based Ritz Hotel Casino Ltd and RHC Ltd, had to seek High Court help to recover the debts, despite the fact that as a Muslim Osu Sukam should not had gambled? Sure, they have repented and become the good guys and are now on a mission to save the world (*grin*).
Anyway, is Razaleigh trying to hijack the situation in an attempt to lock-in discontent votes especially from Bersih 2.0′s 709 Facebook revolution and UMNO rejected warlords or little Napoleans who are about to be dumped by Najib in the next general election? As much as Razaleigh tries to lead the third force, he couldn’t even explain the real role of his new pet project, let alone in assuring people that his movement is indeed neutral and not another power broker opportunist. Maybe Razaleigh sensed this will be the golden opportunity for him to become the next prime minister after all.
In a scenario where opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim is sent to prison and both opposition and Najib coalition locked in a stalemate in the next general election, PM-wannabe Razaleigh would play the role of the kingmaker, if his Amanah managed to capture some strategic seats. Hey, he didn’t say his Amanah group is purely a NGO and not a potential political party, did he? Mahathir is more than willing to offer the prime ministership to Razaleigh than to lose it to opposition while the opposition would see Razaleigh as a good fit in case of a vacuum left by Anwar Ibrahim.
Razaleigh is old – the most he can walk the corridors of powers is one-term so it seems everybody would favours him, in case of a stalemate. Whether Amanah is the brainchild of Razaleigh or was indirectly sponsored by Mahathir is immaterial. The objective was to unseat Najib Razak as he carries too much baggage so much so that he may bring UMNO down to a level which is beyond repair. When that happens all the corrupt UMNO warlords would need to take the first flight out of the country so you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to decide whether it’s worthwhile to keep Najib Razak. Gosh, the plot thickens and become super interesting.

8 ) Bourdon-French-Scorpene Connection
French human rights lawyer William Bourdon was already in the country since earlier this week and the government had full knowledge about the purpose of his trip and yet the Immigration Department did not refuse him entry into Malaysia, until PM Najib Razak rushed back from his unfinished shopping trip. Surely it can’t be that the Immigration Department was sleeping on the job. Obviously some very senior and influential leaders (more powerful than PM Najib) were pulling the string in allowing the French lawyers into the country to do maximum damage by embarrasing Najib Razak.
The moment Najib rushed home, the French lawyer was deported. Bourdon was arrested after Immigration officials boarded his plane which landed in KLIA from Penang. As expected, the excuse given for the deportation was that the French lawyer violated the conditions of his visit to Malaysia. But if even my cat can tell that it was the government’s RM7.3 billion purchase of submarines from French shipbuilder DCNS that got Bourdon deported, who is Najib administration to bluff?

9) Mahathir Mohamad
There’re two main things that Mahathir doesn’t like about Najib administration – his wife and his close relationship with Singapore, not to mention the dictator just realized Najib is another Abdullah Badawi clone – slogan king without substance. It’s perfectly alright to corrupt but the country’s economy gravy train has to continuously churning out moolah. The pace of corruption and economic progress have to work hand in glove. If you wish to take 100 bucks you have to make sure the economic train can generate at least 200 bucks. But the way the country’s economic is moving, it seems it was in reverse order – too many hands in the cookie jar.
During Mahathir’s era, the corruption was done in a systematic way, you let the goose lay its golden egg before you take it and not the current way of slaughtering the goose hoping to get all the golden eggs. When there’re not enough eggs to be distributed, chaos erupts as everyone would get anxious, panic and greedy thus triggering the process of massive corruption. This is bad for next UMNO leaders (such as Mahathir’s own son or dynasty) as there would be nothing more left. Suddenly it appears bringing Najib down is much more easier than Abdullah Badawi.
However, there’s a risk that Mahathir’s plan may backfire if the opposition manage to capture Putrajaya in the next general election. And that was why Razaleigh’s Amanah is in the picture now. Razaleigh’s Amanah would be able to split the votes which would otherwise ended up in the opposition’s bag as well as to act as bargaining chip should Najib needs them to stay in power. Razaleigh is noble enough to act as the airbag to absord impact in case of a sudden car crash. Razaleigh doesn’t play dirty politics as he put priority on his dignity as a Kelantan prince. Time will tell if he’s still a fool to be played out, again, by Mahathir. But after more than 20-years since his defeat, maybe Razaleigh is mature and smart enough this time aorund and may spring some surprises for Mahathir.
Now, Najib’s choices reduced to two – to resign honourably, which is highly unlikely, or to call a snap election this year, earlier than his favourite lucky number 11-11-2011. PM Najib actually doesn’t have much choice and he has only himself to blame. If only he would listen to the voice of bloggers, the Bersih 2.0 rally would proceed and the whole problem would be non-existent. Negotiate and comply with probably half of the Bersih 2.0′s demands and he can still win handsomely as Sabah and Sarawak are still the fixed deposit. Ambiga is not a politician and surely she would be more than happy if Najib can promise half the demands, buy some time until the next delineation exercise takes effect (another round of gerrymandering) and Najib can still remains as the prime minister.
Of course, he can still gamble his last chip by calling a snap election this year, before Mahathir pull his string from behind getting UMNO Supreme Council warlords demanding Najib’s resignation. Either way, it’s quite difficult for Najib to win two-third majority when his own people are sharpening knifes for his head. It’s game over for Najib Razak. He already made his moolah and can retire young retire rich, at Port Dickson. And Abdullah Badawi may call him from his iPhone poking joke why Najib resigns sooner than his (Badawi) term.

*This article originally appeared in

Najib's goodies galore : Why only in the Opposition states?

Today, Najib was in his usual buoyant mood in his famous (or is it infamous?) walkabout re-packaged as official state visits, announcing allocation of RM1.12 million for the enhancement of Al-Rahmah Mosque and RM1.1 million allocation for the Chinese type school and private Chinese schools,in Alor Star, Kedah. I am perplexed and it beats me where these allocation comes from, we're they from any Malaysian Plan or Emergency allocation or is it purely election 'gula-gula'.Don't bother reporting it to the Election Commision, they are toothless tigers (hopefully the Malaysian football team playing against the Singaporean counterparts wouldn't follow suit). This is not the way to administer the country, don't get me wrong. I am all for good development expenditures, but this one smells fishy as the one in Selangor, Kelantan, Penang and Kuala Lumpur.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist or an Economist for that matter, to analyze and make conclusions. Why are all these so called goodies are targeted only on states controlled by the Oppositions?. Somehow, I pity for those hardcore BN supporters, like those in Johore, Malacca, Pahang and Perlis, who have been loyally and diligently supporting BN all these years, can't you guys see and feel, you guys are taken for granted, you guys are taken for a ride, you miss all the monetary support, or as the old Malay proverb,'Habis madu sepah dibuang'...or is it 'Kera dihutan disusukan, anak dirumah mati kelaparan'...wake up guys..stop dreaming...the morale of the story is .....if you need any for the Opposition...they will come begging after you...and will pamper you....if you still vote for them...they will take you for will be forgotten untin the next cycle of General Election...'Tepuk dada .....tanya selera......"

Adios for now..........a.h.baharom

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Teoh Beng Hock RCI: A Sham That Deceived Malaysia

A sham that deceived Malaysia — Marcus van Geyzel (

July 25, 2011
JULY 25 — As the news filtered in on Thursday that the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Death of Teoh Beng Hock (“the TBH RCI”) had issued its findings, the conclusions seemed simple enough. The TBH RCI concluded that Teoh Beng Hock had been driven to commit suicide due to interrogation by 3 MACC officers in a manner that was “aggressive, relentless, oppressive and unscrupulous”. It seemed straightforward.
The newspaper reports of the findings were simple — after considering the evidence (70 witnesses, 750 pages of written submission, 19,200 pages of written testimonies, and 256 exhibits) before them, these learned members of the TBH RCI had come to this clear conclusion.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Nazri Aziz, added that the TBH RCI findings were supported by psychiatric forensic expert Paul Edward Mullen, hired by the Bar Council as part of the proceedings. When announcing the findings, Nazri was quoted as calling Teoh Beng Hock a “weak character” and that “Professor Mullen said that Teoh Beng Hock had truly committed suicide based on his character…”
If I had stopped at reading those reports linked above (and many similar reports in other media sources), I would think that the TBH RCI findings had finally cleared up the mystery. Further, Nazri Aziz’s seemingly helpful extraction of the findings of a psychiatric forensic expert would have solidified the conclusion that yes, Teoh Beng Hock committed suicide after all. And previous RCIs have resulted in findings and recommendations that seemed very reasonable based on the known facts — the Anwar black-eye incident, the nude squat fiasco, the revamp of the police force, and of course VK Lingam’s infamous “correct correct correct” video clip. The individuals who make up RCIs are respected and assumed to be independent and knowledgeable. They could be trusted to reveal the truth.
But I did not stop at reading these convenient summaries.
A blatant deception of the Malaysian public
I downloaded and read the full report by the TBH RCI (please download it here and read it for yourself). I researched the numerous articles and reports that had been written about the proceedings. I discussed the matter with many friends, some of whom had been very closely following the twists and turns since Teoh was found dead on July 16, 2009.
Having done all that, it appeared obvious that things were not as simple as they seemed. It is not an exaggeration to say that the seemingly straightforward conclusion that Teoh had committed suicide is in fact blatantly deceiving the Malaysian public.
Before going into the reasons why I firmly believe that the conclusion of the TBH RCI that Teoh committed suicide was wrong, allow me to give a brief summary of some of the findings of the TBH RCI for the benefit of those who have not been following the proceedings, or the report.
Some conclusions from the TBH RCI
The TBH RCI made the following findings:
1. It rejected the suicide note because it was from the chain of evidence an “afterthought” and further, not authenticated to have been written by Teoh.
2. It rejected the evidence of Arman and Ashraf, Teoh’s interrogators at the 2nd “interview” (July 15: 10 pm to 12/1 am).
They said they only asked Teoh basic questions, and did not threaten or abuse him. The Commission found that “threats of physical harm were most probably used by Arman and Ashraf when interrogating” Teoh.
3. It rejected the evidence of Nadzri, the Recording Officer who recorded Teoh’s written statement (July 16: 1.30 to 3.30 am). The Commission found that the session “turned out to be another forum of interrogation”.
4. It rejected the evidence of Anuar, the Investigating Officer of the 52/2009 operation regarding the use by Ean Yong of his allocations. Anuar said he was sleeping at a sofa in front of his room from about 1.30 to 3.35 am, and then at the surau to 5 am, and then at the bilik tamu next to the main lobby from 5 to 8.30 am. The Commission found that Anuar’s alibi “had been proved to be false”, and continued to say:
Further, Anuar lied about the role he had played in order to cover up for HH [Hishamuddin Hashim]. And on top of these factors he was a trusted senior officer of HH who was prepared to sacrifice himself for HH, the other such officer Hairul Ilham having gone home by that time.
5. It rejected the evidence of Hishamuddin, the leader of the 52/2009 operation and the highest-ranking officer in the premises that night.
The Commission found Hishamuddin to be “arrogant, given to falsehoods, untruthful and uncompromising in his stand”. Despite his denials, Hishamuddin conducted cross-checking of witness statements obtained and actively interrogated Teoh in a 4th interrogation session from 3.30 am onwards. He only left the building at about 6.15 am on July 16 and returned at about 7.55 am. Hishamuddin is to “be held responsible for the actions taken by him and his officers which propelled TBH to commit suicide”.
6. It rejected the evidence of Raymond, a MACC officer who said he saw Teoh at about 6 am lying on the sofa outside Nadzri’s room.
The Commission found that Raymond “was not a reliable witness and was used by those responsible for TBH’s death to distance them from their wrongdoings by creating an impression that TBH was not only alive at 6.00am on the 16th but was also resting comfortably and peacefully on the sofa outside Nadzri’s room”.
7. It rejected the MACC’s contention that Teoh was free to leave the building at about 3.30 am but Teoh wanted to stay behind to rest.
The Commission found that the MACC, through Hishamuddin, Anuar and Ashraf continued to interrogate Teoh post-3.30 am.
8. It accepted the Bar’s theory that cross-checking (or the cross-interrogation of suspects/witnesses) occurred in the early hours of the morning of July 16. Teoh was not released after his statement was taken by Nadzri at about 3.30 am, but was interrogated further. The respective statements of Teoh, Tan Boon Wah and Lee Wye Wing were being cross-checked and cross-referred during that time.
9. It accepted the evidence of two MACC officers, Azian and Azeem, who revealed that Hishamuddin attempted to cover up his actual role in the 52/2009 operation by directing his officers to say he was not involved. In fact, he was “the one who gave all the instructions and directions on how the witnesses were to be interviewed and interrogated and by whom”.
10. It accepted that the MACC erected a “blue wall of silence” in the spirit of brotherhood between the MACC officers that hindered the Commission’s work:
The characteristics of  this “blue wall of silence” came amply into play in the present case as evidenced by the untruths spouted by the MACC officers to cover up the nefarious activities that took place on the 15th and the 16th. This clinging to brotherhood ties by those officers has resulted in our facing extreme difficulties in gathering evidence to arrive at the truth.
Did the Commission make these mistakes by design, or through sheer inadvertence?
The TBH RCI, to its credit, adopted a purposeful and unflinching attitude when it came to the extraction of information at its hearings. During the course of proceedings, the media played its part in highlighting important issues and inconsistencies in the MACC’s version of events.
Why then did the TBH RCI commit unforgivable errors of fact and further, decided not to consider or appreciate the “killer points”? Consider at least 10 of these for yourself:
1. Time of death
The Commission held that Teoh’s death occurred from 7.15 to 11.15 am (July 16) relying on the evidence of Dr Prashant and Dr Khairul. Estimating the time of death is not an exact science but Dr Khairul actually said the time could be narrowed down to as early as 6.30 to 7.00 am. In fact, the MACC’s expert, Dr Vanezis said that it could have been as early as 11 pm to 12 am (July 15).
Why did the Commission then say the earliest time of death was to have been 7.15 am? Was it to “match” its theory that Teoh was driven to suicide after the 4th interrogation session after Hishamuddin and Ashraf had left the MACC building?
2. Raymond’s evidence as to the sighting of Teoh at 6 am
The Commission rejected Raymond’s evidence that he saw Teoh at 6 am:
If this was true, then TBH must have committed suicide after 6.00 am on the 16th. This would fit into the estimated time of death of TBH which was between 7.15am and 11.15am on the 16th as determined by the forensic pathologists. However, despite this, we entertained grave reservations over Raymond’s evidence.
With the rejection of Raymond’s evidence, it must follow that there is little to suggest consistency with the time of death between 7.15 and 11.15 am, as the Commission itself points out in the paragraph above. Without any further record of Teoh’s movements after 6 am, how could the Commission then reject Raymond’s evidence yet say Teoh died after 6 am?
3. The death window, and avoidance of it from 3.30 am onwards
The Commission held that there was a 4th interrogation session of Teoh after about 3.30 am. The interrogation was conducted by Hishamuddin, Anuar and Ashraf. What the Commission failed to do was to buttress this finding by also holding that every MACC officer, for the strangest of reasons, “avoided” the window from which Teoh fell from 3.30 am onwards. For example, one officer whose room was near the window said he cramped into and slept with another officer in the latter’s room that was far away from the window.
The Commission failed to hold that pursuant to the 4th interrogation, Teoh was brought to the window for whatever that might have taken place there that led to him falling, by design or accident, from the window. Otherwise, why would everyone distance themselves from the window in the wee hours of July 16?
4. Cause of death: the 4th interrogation session
On the evidence of the MACC, Hishamuddin left the building at about 6.15 am (and returned at about 7.55 am), Anuar was sleeping throughout until 8.30 am and Ashraf left at about 5 am. If so, then surely Teoh would have been free to go by 5 am when Ashraf left or 6.15 am when Hishamuddin left. Would any person who was finally relieved and free to leave the building exit vide the window in a sudden act of suicide or walk out to his car and drive home? The Commission does not deal with this but assumes that after the 4th interrogation, Teoh suddenly gives up, and jumps.
Surely if the Commission held the view, as it had done in this case, that the 4th interrogation occurred, something must have happened to Teoh directly caused by his interrogators for him to have fallen either by design or accident, i.e. it was murder or homicide, and not suicide whether driven or voluntary.
The time of death of about 6.30 – 7 am (allowing for a small margin of error) corroborates this argument because the Bar had pointed Hishamuddin as the main culprit, and he left the building at 6.15 am without stamping his punch card.
5. Role of Zulkefly Aziz
On July 15, a MACC Klang officer by the name of Zulkefly Aziz was one of those specially called in by Hishamuddin to assist in the 52/2009 operation. Zulkefly is Hishamuddin’s junior in the MACC.
At about 9.45 to 10 pm, Zulkefly along with Bulkini and Hadri brought Tan Boon Wah back to the MACC Selangor office. Zulkefly then returned to his MACC Klang office at about 10.15 pm to collect his car, and drove to the MACC Selangor office. He reached at 11 pm and went to sleep at the surau. (One wonders why Zulkefly was back in the office only to go to sleep.)
At about 3.15 am on July 16, Zulkefly woke up only to go to another surau on the 13th floor to change his trousers, and stayed there. In his earlier statement to the police (taken shortly after Teoh’s body was found), Zulkefly said he had gone home at about 3.15 am. Zulkefly had to change his story before the Commission because the Bar revealed CCTV footage showing Zulkefly only leaving the MACC Selangor office at 7 am.
So what was Zulkefly actually doing from about 3.15 to 7 am on the 16th? Why did he lie to the police that he went home by 3.15 am? And notice that key suspects Ashraf left the building at 5 am, followed by Hishamuddin at 6.15 am, and finally, Zulkefly at 7 am.
6. Time the MACC knew of Teoh’s death: Zulkefly Aziz
The significance of Zulkefly’s role in the puzzle is much clearer after he left the MACC Selangor office at 7 am. On oath, he testified that he went back to his office, stamped his punch card and immediately returned home. He did not return to work the whole of the 16th. To-date, Zulkefly has not explained why he did not work that day.
The MACC official line is that Teoh’s body was only found at about 1.35 pm on July 16. But the evidence presented at the RCI TBH showed that MACC officers namely, Azhar, Amin, Fauzi Shadollah had already been speaking about Teoh’s death before or about 1.00 pm! How could MACC Klang officers at the MACC Klang office be talking about a death in another office miles away even before Teoh’s body was found?
The answer lies here. Amin in particular said that at about 12.45 pm, he overhead a group of officers at the MACC Klang office talking about Teoh’s death. He said that the information about Teoh’s death came from a MACC Klang officer who was at the MACC Selangor office on the morning of July 16 and returned to the MACC Klang office that morning. Zulkefly is as described. By 7 am, he already knew that Teoh fell from the window and died.
Why did the MACC hide the fact they knew of Teoh’s death by 7 am? The Commission failed to appreciate and deal with this crucial area that nails the MACC coffin of its suicide story.
7. The MACC cover up started by 7 to 8.30 am: Anuar and Hairul
Lee Wye Wing testified that between 7 and 8.30 am, he went to Sachi’s room at the MACC Selangor office to ask for his handphone and if he could return home. Sachi was asleep. Wye Wing then proceeded to Hairul’s room to ask the same of him. He saw both Anuar and Hairul in discussion over a computer. But Anuar at all times at the hearings said he was sleeping at the particular time.
If one accepts that Zulkefly already knew of Teoh’s death as early as 7 am and Anuar was part of the 4th interrogation, coupled by Anuar having to lie that he was sleeping at that time, the only available inference to be drawn is that Anuar and Hairul were discussing about Teoh’s death between 7 and 8.30 am.
8. The MACC cover up blown
The Commission disappointingly failed to act on the clear instances of cover up by the MACC of Teoh’s death alluded to by MACC officers’ own testimonies.
Among others, evidence elicited at the TBH RCI hearings showed how the MACC and AG top brass had meetings to “streamline” the statements of MACC officers and “coach” them, to build a wall of silence (i.e. not to freely offer information and not to reveal too much) and to distance Hishamuddin from the 52/2009 operation. The extent of the cover up initiated by the MACC even had its own officers, namely Azian and Azeem, expressing their unhappiness and uneasiness at the state of affairs.
Why did the MACC plan this elaborate cover up?
9. Misadventure not explored
The Bar’s alternative theory of misadventure by accident finds support in Dr Vanezis’ testimony who said:
•  That he could not rule out that Teoh was held by a neck hold with the forearm.
•  That such a neck hold may not show bruising.
•  That one could be restrained without having obvious marks on the body.
•  That without marks found on the window, one could exclude the possibility that Teoh climbed out the window himself.
The Commission failed to consider that Teoh may have been asked to and/or helped onto the ledge of the window as a means to threaten him into confessing during the 4th session. Held by a neck hold, an accident occurred which led to his death. DNA evidence of an unknown person was found subsequently.
10. Positive factors to live “transformed” into negative factors to die
It does not take a rocket scientist to surmise that Teoh had everything going for him in terms of his personal life — a baby was on the way, he was getting married, he was planning to leave his job to move back to Malacca and spend more time with his family, he had no history of mental illness, he was of strong character, organised and had a good relationship with his employer and friends, etc.
In relation to the 52/2009 operation, he as a seasoned political activist was prepared to be investigated and had by then also informed his colleagues to be ready with documents. The positive list in favour of Teoh goes on.
Mullen unequivocally said that suicide is a rare cause of death and Malaysia has a particularly low rate being one of few countries where the rate is lower than for homicide. His opinion was that Teoh was firmly in the lowest risk group where the chances of suicide are extremely small.
How the TBH RCI construed to pick and choose Mullen’s report to fit its pre-judgment theory of “driven suicide” is most unprofessional. Even Badi’ah and Nor Hayati’s report showed how hard-pressed they were to conjure up reasons for Teoh to commit suicide without implicating the MACC.
I leave you to decide if the TBH RCI deliberately or by design chose to ignore the 10 points above.
The big question — murder or suicide?
The MACC argued that it was “voluntary suicide”. The Bar argued that it was murder or at least homicide not amounting to murder, by causing Teoh’s death by misadventure during the interrogation.
Looking at the conclusions of the TBH summarised in the previous section, the TBH RCI had completely rejected the version of events given by the MACC’s key personnel regarding what happened on the evening July 15, 2009 and the wee hours of July 16, 2009. The MACC’s defence of “voluntary suicide” — which had rested on the testimonies of its officers — was therefore completely demolished.
Neither the MACC nor the Bar at any time pursued the “driven suicide” theory.
Cue the findings of the TBH RCI then — driven suicide. The TBH RCI somehow concluded that Teoh had committed suicide, having been driven to do so by the intense interrogation tactics employed by the MACC’s officers. As I mentioned, the MACC did not run the “driven suicide” theory during the TBH RCI proceedings. The MACC must be as baffled as the Bar and any reasonable person as to how the TBH RCI managed to come up with that conclusion.
The applicable standard of proof in these RCI proceedings is on a balance of probabilities tilting towards beyond reasonable doubt. Looking at how the TBH RCI had rejected the MACC’s version of events, it should have had no other option other than to adopt the Bar’s contention of murder, or homicide not amounting to murder.
The MACC’s evidence was demolished, and there was therefore no evidence — absolutely none — to support a finding of any kind of suicide. In criminal proceedings, once the evidence of the accused (in this case the MACC, as Teoh’s captors) is not accepted, there is no doubt that the conviction of the accused must follow.
This common practice was, shockingly, not followed by the TBH RCI. It is completely illogical how the TBH RCI came to the “driven suicide” conclusion — it appears to have invented it out of thin air, or the collective imagination of each of the Commissioners.
The way it was worded certainly sounds like bad fiction. Here is the relevant paragraph:
Tormented by this predicament, TBH experienced a change in his state of mind. And in a matter of hours, this change transformed him from being in the low-risk group for suicide into the high-risk group. The doubts, extreme emotional conflict and the immense feeling of guilt were all intolerable. Finally, precipitating the irreversible crisis that happened to him between 3.30am and 7.00am on the 16th, was the last straw that broke the camel’s back. Finding no viable strategies to surmount the hurdle of accusations leveled, he found himself unable to escape from the suffocating quagmire in which he was trapped. Losing all hope, TBH would have felt trapped and have succumbed to despair. Since the window on the 14th floor was either open or could be easily opened and it was conspicuous and easily accessible near where he was on the sofa outside Nadzri’s room, TBH would have found that the only way for escape from the torment he was undergoing was by jumping out the window, even though it meant taking his own life.
Wow. Read that again. Consider all the facts that had been accepted. Consider that the MACC’s version of events had been rejected. Consider that no one had suggested “driven suicide”. And read that paragraph again. The Bar issued a press statement saying that the conclusion “requires a leap in logic and an assumption of facts not in evidence.” This is a stylish way of saying that the finding of “driven suicide” was make-believe. It appeared out of thin air.
The Bar’s press statement also reveals the misleading nature of Nazri Aziz’s summary of the findings of the psychiatric forensic expert. Professor Mullen did not say that Teoh had a “weak character” — in fact, he said that “in [his] opinion, what we learned of Teoh Beng Hock’s personality and behaviour do not suggest any increased risk of suicide” and that the events were not such “which, in [his] experience, leads to suicide in custody”. This is not slightly different from what Nazri said — it is completely different. One of these parties is lying.
What happened?
The purpose of the TBH RCI was to reveal the truth. Looking at the chronology of events, and the findings of fact made along the way, and the sudden and inexplicable conclusion, it is obvious that it has failed to reveal the truth behind the death of Teoh Beng Hock.
I am in shock. The five Commissioners are respected experts in their fields, and are held in high regard. There seems to be no reason to doubt their integrity. The way the report was written points to only one logical conclusion — murder, or at the very least culpable homicide not amounting to murder due to an accident during the interrogation process. But suddenly, without any basis, without any evidence (and in fact with evidence pointing to the contrary), the TBH RCI turns all its key findings on its head with one fanciful, speculative, fantastical — and fictional — paragraph.
No reasonable person of the calibre of those five Commissioners could possibly have come up with that. It beggars belief.
In the spirit of the TBH RCI report, perhaps I should try my hand at a fanciful conclusion. Here we go.
Maybe there was a political intervention — or at least some heavy influence.
Maybe the Government would not have been able to cope with the backlash that would have resulted from a finding of murder. Perhaps, having been pre-informed that the TBH RCI was going to conclude that Teoh was murdered, someone somewhere forced the TBH RCI to invent this “middle ground” — this cop out solution which has cheated Malaysia of the truth. Do you find this theory unbelievable? Well, it is no more unbelievable than the ridiculous finding of “driven suicide” that was contained in that report.
Malaysia is going through some interesting times. Our Judiciary is failing us. Our Government is failing us. Our politicians and leaders are failing us. Our police force are failing us. So many of our institutions are failing us.
With their finding of “driven suicide”, the TBH RCI has most certainly failed us. It was supposed to reveal the truth, but instead has thrown up even more deception and doubt. —
* This article was originally published here.