Thursday, May 26, 2011

Economist or E-Con-No-Miss?

In an article produced by the Malaysian Insider, two so called economist blasted the Government for holding back the planned subsidy cut, the first was RAM Holdings Bhd chief economist Dr Yeah Kim Leng, who claimed that the money used to keep pump prices at current levels could have been put to “more productive use” such as bolstering Malaysia’s technology and innovation base to make the country more competitive The second comment was from Jupiter Securities research head Pong Teng Siew who felt delaying fuel subsidy cuts was “not the right choice” said it was critical that the government not reduce the quality of public services to pay for the higher than expected subsidy bill. With due respect, both these people either do not see the real picture (chances are slim, they are called ECONOMIST.) or refuse to see the bigger picture ( like the umpire in a wrestling match)...or just pure apple polishers, or are part of the 'spin' factory, whereby later when the Government, slashes the subsidies will quote these E-Con-No-Miss. I have maintained all these while that all kind of market distortion including subsidies are indeed bad for the economy, but we have to look at the bigger picture, the Malaysian Economy is leaking badly (kindly refer leak here,leak there,leak everywhere blog entry). All these leaks are draining our  hard earned money (yes...the Rakyat's money) , these leaks if plugged or corrected have far fetching  positive results compared to the mere subsidy saved.The above mentioned E-Con-No-Miss  also failed to mentioned about the subsidies to the IPPs (oopppss..apologies, my fault, not subsidies, but foregone profit by the Petronas). These jokers also fail to address the spiralling impact on the prices which will be caused by the increase in Petrol prices, which will hit hard the lower income (or they don't bother?) .Then another E-Con-No-Miss, this time from Kenanga Investment Bank Bhd Wan Suhaimi Saidi said that he was unsure Malaysia as a net oil-exporting nation would be able to offset the rising cost of fuel subsidies despite additional revenue from higher crude oil price (Please tell me that we do not have many of his species around, if not....GOD help us) But what makes me sad (or was it angry?) is when they suggested that biting the bullet earlier would mean less pain in the future The subsidy cuts when our backs are to the wall will be very much sharper. Yeah right, the rakyat (especially the lower income) bite the bullet while they dance the night away... ....bye for now.....a.h.baharom.

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