Monday, May 9, 2011

Leak here leak there leak everywhere

For every man on the street.. the golden question is...What went wrong for Malaysia? Where did we go wrong? Or is it as per Ku Li's statement, the curse of oil? Our beloved country have gone thru numerous transformation...or in other words, the economic structure have changed drastically...from a poor agrarian country to manufacturing, industrialised, and now towards a high income country...WOW....we must be doing very well (are we?) We must be very well off(are you kidding?)Ask any man on the street..and the familiar sob story will be played over and over Beatles broken record (no pun intended). The stories more or less narrated like this...My father was the sole bread winner, my mother used to be the perfect homemaker...we had NINE father was just a clerk earning a meagre salary....but we led a wonderful life...he could provide for everything(well almost everything) NOW both of us working (husband and wife) and earning four figure income...having only TWO kids...yet we are struggling to make ends meet? It leaves most of us scratching our heads to look for answers....well dont' bother....Even if you manage to find an answers. it wouldnt make any sense....Cause someone..(I know what you did last summer) have siphoned all the income (really)?) Economic 101....the economy will prosper as long as the leakages are controlled...(Wait a minute, leakages?) Yeah when the money that belongs to each and every Malaysian is taken out for their (you know whom I meant) greed and wants....what is left for Malaysia...Eco-No-Money....Ever wonder how train gatekeepers,teachers,headmasters(none of my teachers of course ;-)) have gone on to become multimillionaires the moment they enter politics(or pulutikacang!) as the Penangites used to call...What? yeah! Right....they earned it and worked hard for Taib Mahmud (gotta be kidding!)...Khairy Jamalludin(errkkk)...Mukriz(mmmh) Lim Liong Sik Jr(whoa...) the late Zakaria (and the list goes on and would take me 7 days and 6 nights just to list all the names,\.....what if I want to list all their fortunes...(errr...3 years (and thats the minimum, yes, I am not joking)..  OOps  I better hurry... I am starting to leak...till next time ciao...asta la vista