Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Subsidy Cut Reprieve:Hold the Celebration

PUTRAJAYA (May 25, 2011): The prices for RON95, diesel and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) will remain for now

- Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob-.

When cornered by journalist, the Minister vehemently denied that this is due to to the looming general election ( Do you honestly believe him?. And I hate to say...there..I told you so). The risk is just too high for them, the reaction would be too extreme.Asked if there will be further reduction in subsidies if the global fuel price increases, he said that the government will “cross the bridge when we get there”.(Yeah right, the bridge is after the General Election)

“If it increases drastically, we will see. That is why I said the (subsidy rationalisation) study is continuous,” said Ismail Sabri.(What study? Who is studying?,Is the study on the impact of the grassroot or rakyats reaction?)

He also urged the public not to speculate on the matter as the government will take into consideration all angles before making a decision on the matter.

But the most 'fake sounding' statement is the one below:-

“The people should trust the government because we are a government that listens to the needs of the people. We are always concerned for the rakyat, so let’s not speculate,” he added. (Ha! Ha! Ha!)

Khairy came out with a supporting statement saying this move shows that the Government is 'people-centric' (another clown in the house) (I am so touched, I feel like I wanna cry...or do I wanna puke?)(Didnt I mention in my previous entry that these kind of statements are forthcoming?)

My gut feeling is telling me that these are temporary General Election gimmicks....Hold your guns, the celebration can wait.........see ya soon......a.h.baharom

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