The latest unwrapping news is that FELDA intends to float its sugar business, or in a lay man's term public listing its sugar business. or to be more specific to list MSM, in which it has an 85% stake, around July. The remainder stake is owned by Koperasi Permodalan Felda Malaysia Bhd. The initial public offering, to be managed by CIMB Investment Bank Bhd (mmmhh....sounds fishy?), values the company at RM2.46bil (wow...berniaga gula lagi baik dari berniaga unta) or RM3.50 a share.
MSM houses the sugar plantation and refining operations of Felda. MSM produces close to 60 % of the refined sugar production in Malaysia and is valued at approx MYR 2.3 billion, For 2010 MSM made a profit of RM 232 million.After making these gigantic profits, one would expect FELDA to cushion any adverse cost impact, but NO, the government thinks otherwise, they believe (dont you think so?) FELDA needs more protection and nurturing compared to the rakyat, sigh! ...........ciao..........a.h.baharom
Just heard abt RM6billion FELDA 'loan' from KWSP. not sure true or not;but if its true, for what?