Thursday, May 26, 2011

The difference between an Economist and E-con-no-miss

An Economist is a specialist in economics.or an economical person.A person who calls oneself as an Economist should be the one who economizes, or manages domestic or other concerns with frugality; one who expends money, time, or labour, judiciously, and without waste.True blue Economist (especially those who are in positions to make policy decisions, or advice the policy makers) in Malaysia are a dying breed, save for a few, but the problem is most of these true blue Economist are Academicians, and most of their grievance are either neglected or not respected and falls on deaf ears.On the other hand we have an influx or over supply of E-con-no-miss, these people are the ones who formulate policies or advice policy makers, these are the glamour searching, publicity seeking, camera friendly, media frenzy,apple polishing...( I can't seem to be running out of words to describe them....only running out of time and space). Without fail, without any MISS, these people continue to CON...the rakyat, justifying the unjustifiable, rationalising the non-rational...and the great  (or is it worse?) part is, they could do it with a straight face and without even an ounce of remorse. Shame on them...
GOD help us........adios....a.h.baharom

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