Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Petrol subsidy cut: What's your guess

Suddenly the not so popular minister Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri bin Yaakob (he is now more unpopular ) set the nation abuzz with his announcement of a possible hike in RON95 petrol (the spin doctors call it subsidy rationalization or realignment...well whatever name you call it,,,,sigh!...its the same). What tickles me is the reaction from some of the consumer groups and NGOs advising the rakyat to make proper planning to prepare themselves (I honestly do not get it)...How do we plan? Employ public transport...rather than drive?..Doesnt these people get it? If it is POSSIBLE for us to use efficient public transport....we WOULD..(and I wonder what happened to the money that we were suppose to save and spend on upgrading the public transport system when Pak Lah increased by a gigantic rise about a couple of years ago). Some factions of so called smart people...or wanna be smart people...(.and trust me they fall flat....with a thump) ...came up with numerous amusing statements.Some said that it is just a small increase...after all the lower income group doesn't consume much...they will be the least to feel the pinch..(get are either dumb or playing dumb) ...then some said...our petrol is still one of the cheapest...and they start comparing with Singapore,Thailand, and Britain...(get a life...come up with some better reasons...the rakyat are getting bored to death with the same one liner ...since. ..what... David Arumugam sang...Andainya aku pergi dulu....or was it much earlier than  that?. What these narrow minded ...ego's as big as a dinosaur's egg...idiots doesn't foresee or just plainly refuse to see is the spiralling effect that these increases in petrol prices have on other goods...such as food and other necessity you tell me...who will be hit hard? The poor a.k.a lower income group or the rich? Have you forgotten that not so long ago (about a couple of years ago) how prices were inflated? Don't tell me you have forgotten.....For is deeply embedded in my the Willie Nelson song...You are always on my mind...And what irks me is when these fatso(s) come up with ridiculous Government is finding it hard with the increases in world oil prices...we are net exporters... aren't we suppose to be happy when the world oil price increases while we are still net exporters of oil...I remember reading  somewhere when the oil price slumps...Pak Lah was groaning ...and saying that our revenues are shrinking...What exactly is that we want? For the world oil price to increase or decrease?....Coming back to the main the subsidy cut going to prevail at this point of time...well, my honest opinion...there are 2(two) possibilities..

Possibility 1
The government will cut the subsidy in June, and by October announce a people friendly budget....and will hope and pray the rakyat gets over  the anger and hatred...and announce General Election...and after GE increase the price.....but then the risk is too high, what if the anger and hatred is too much....and they lose....

Possibility 2
As what we can see might be a gimmick...after the announcement...KJ and Zahid Hamidi pleads with the Government...and later Najib will make an important announcement...after taking the rakyats plight, the Government decided not to cut the subsidy....and all the mainstream newspapers will hail him as the the greatest Malaysian Hero.

Whatever it is .....GOD help us...for now...ciao...a.h.baharom


  1. Ismail Sabri and Muhyiddin really want to educate people especially Malays to know what is the meaning of 'Sediakan payung sebelum hujan' (refer to Muhyiddin statement to dignite Malay language usage)..kehkehkeh

  2. Nampak macam ada kroni nak buat projek jual payung je

  3. salam, Bro A.H Baharom, hope can provide some input/opinion about this article (believe writer is a pro-government).Thanks.


  4. Anehnya, andakjauhar tak bagi kita banding dengan Arab Saudi...tapi dia suruh bandingan Indonesia, yang pengeluarannya hampir sama ngan Malaysia..tapi tahu ke dia penggunaan di Indonesia adalah beratus kali tinggi dari Malaysia, dia buat perbandingan dengan Singapura...tapi bukan SD ngan RM...tapi RM ke RM...tahu ke dia berapa pendapatan...per kapita di Singapura. tapi bila tiba Brunei, pandai pula dia pusing kata..Brunei penduduknya sedikit..sabsidi sedikit, kenapa tidak gunakan hujah ini ketika banddingkan Malaysia dan Indonesia?...nampak sangat tipikal pro-kerajaan sanggup memutar belitkan keadaan mengikut ketikanya..Wallahualam.

  5. Indonesia's population 238 million vs Malaysia's population 27.56 million; bandingkan dengan population Saudi Arabia 27.14 million...kehkehkehkeh. Tu la pasal...pandai depa putaq alam
