Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Malaysian Politics in the Doldrums: Too Many Clowns

All of a sudden, we have an influx of clowns in Malaysia, coming from the state called Parliament, if other countries are proud of their elected Members of Parliament, we on the other side are rather amused by our Members of Parliament, Nazri Aziz, commented that Berahim Ali is a clown and should not be taken seriously, he further commented that since no riot is recorded or started after his crusade against Christians, that proves that Berahim  is indeed a bemusing Clown trying to amuse the rakyat. Nazri himself  was branded a clown for coming out with this ridiculous statement, since Zunar who was a cartoonist, was apprehended and his comic (Kartun Kini) was banned because the Home Ministry found it to have POTENTIAL to cause riot (although no riot was recorded, although some cases of hysterical laugh being detected spreading like wildfire here and there....mmmhhh no wonder. they (the authorities) might have equated hysteria with riot) , so tell me, is Hishamuddin a clown too?. Then there is another clown, a man in the MCA circle, call the Prez (or is it the Press...?) or known by his acronym CSL (mmmhhh....sounds similar with YTL wink...wink..) who vehemently claimed that the Government cannot remove billion-ringgit subsidies for independent power producers (IPPs) as it is tied up in agreements with them.
“Because the government is tied up in a lot of agreements, this cannot just be abolished like they  say,” He further commented to reporters.
“Then Malaysia will be seen by the world as a government that does not honour its agreements. That’s wrong,” he added. (Well you didn't honour your pledge to the rakyat either)
He said some of the agreements were due to lapse and the government could then start negotiations. (Well in your dreams I guess)
Who signed the agreement?...Why is it so lop-sided?...Why don't you  guys make it public.Why..Why...Why
Saved as usual as the saying goes...the last is the best...the Chief Clown....Peter Chin made a statement saying that, he flatly deny that IPP's are enjoying subsidies from the Government to tune of 19 billion ringgit, according to him that same 19 billion ringgit is a foregone profit of Petronas, for selling gas below the market price...(I am sure most of you do not know whether to laugh or cry, me too). And can anyone tell me how this clown/joker got elected...let alone be a Minister.
Sigh! heart goes for all the REAL clowns out are no match for these elected clowns....till we meet again...adios....a.h.baharom

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