Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Racial Harmony : Are we stuck in the reverse gear?

One could feel the tension while glancing at the front page coverages of national printed medias (to be honest, I stopped reading mainstream newspapers since...mmmhh..wow...it seems to be in the distant memory), Is this the price we have to pay in order to become a high income country or so called developed country. We used to be a model country where everyone was living and leading a harmonious life.Ah, I could recall my early  days in the 70s and 80s,we mix around cheerfully without any hatred or prejudice among each other...sigh! it seems to be diminishing ...well thats how its being painted by all the reports in the mainstream media. Wait a second,or is it a ploy by certain parties to stroke hatred in order to gain some malicious personal or party agenda? One need not look far....look at the books produced by the legendary Lat, or movies by P.Ramlee the legend, you could clearly see the friendliness among characters between different races. So where did we go wrong? Should we blame the education policy or sytem? Or could we place the blame on the political system? Might it be that while climbing up the ladder of becoming a developed and more prosperous and richer country, suddenly we have been overpowered by sheer greed and envy?Whatever it is, it is high time for everyone to sit down together and think it over and try to stop the slide, if not, at the end of the day nobody would gain (except for some greedy,chauvinist minorities). It is high time to shift the gear from reverse to forward...


  1. Schools!
    It strikes us in a bad way. One end we're trying to push to become a developed nation, while at the other, we segregate education for younger generations to SJKs.

    Not forward thinking.
    Just my 2 cents. Glad to see you here Tuan.

  2. Glad to see you too...your two cents is much more valuable than the politicians million dollar view..
