Monday, May 30, 2011

Power Tariff Hike will have minimal Impact on Inflation rate: They gotta be kidding

Peter Chin should not be called Energy Minister, in fact he should be addressed as the Hyena-G Minister, because he is an ultimate entertainer, without failing to make people to laugh a Hyena. In fact if he ever took part in Maharaja Lawak, he will win hands down, (Jambu, Jozan, Sepah and Nabil are no match for him) (Note:- For those who are not familiar with Maharaja Lawak, it is a reality show for comedians) His latest statement made be burst with laughter, it really tickles the bone (I believe most of you felt the same too).He claimed that ''Low electricity users such as domestic or commercial  users, including the cottage industry and food outlet operators will not feel the pinch as "they do not use electricity to fry kuey teow or to fry rice" (yeap, you've read it right, I too couldn't believe my eyes when I read the news today (The Star page 4). You gotta be kidding. who appointed this Joker to the Cabinet, he is not fit to become a member of parliament, let alone a Minister, if this is the kind of statement that he is capable of coming out, the whole world will be laughing at us. Mr Minister, I guess these people (both the lower incomer group and food outlet operators) have solar powered shops and houses and charcoal powered refrigerators, kerosene powered lights, human powered fan,hydro powered utensils...OMG, which planet you come from? And he keep insisting that IPPs doesnt enjoy subsidy from the Government, but rather foregone profits...I wish he could go and fly a kite...and to all the rakyat, please (I beg you) do not elect these kind of Jokers to the Parliament....bye for now........a.h.baharom

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