Thursday, November 17, 2011

'Cowgate' scandal is getting murkier

Today, NFC brought some selected journalist from selected media's for a press conference, while unselected journalist and unselected medias we're locked out. The PC was given by Mr Shahrizat (Shahrizats husband) and accompanied by his lawyer (no prizes for guessing who...who else Muhammad Shafee Abdullah la.....) The PC looks so the saying of old Malay proverb...'cuba nak tegakkan benang basah'

Mr Shahrizat tried to justify....the location of NFC restaurant Meatworks' in Mont Kiara,“We chose Mont Kiara because it's cosmopolitan and the response was very good. The bosses at Tesco, Carrefour, Jusco ate there and placed orders straight away for our meat,” he said.Dr Salleh also justified NFC purchase of two condos in Bangsar, saying it was a sound investment.NFC had bought each condo for RM6.9mil each. And each condo was rented out at RM70,000 a month giving NFC a yield of RM900,000 each which was a 12.9% return on investment.He said if they had put the money in a fixed deposit instead, they would have only received 2.6% to 3.25%.

My foot.....the money that was given to you was MEANT for what? Not for you to make sound investment decisions, it is simple...produce BEEF.....stop treating the rakyat as 'cows'....come clean...admit....and ask your other half to resign with dignity.


Political Development (Courtesy of a Good old Friend

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

'Cowgate' Scandal: The beginning of the end for UMNO?

Whats with UMNO and the 'cows', previously, UMNO played with a cowhead to destroy the oppositions in Selangor, it falls flat on their face, now the 'cow' made a return, in the form of 'Cowgate' scandal, it create factions among UMNO, and it might be the beginning of the end for UMNO.

While Shahrizat and family, Noh, KJ, Kota Belud rep, and many more tried valiantly to justify it, the rakyat just refused to buy it. Now Shaziman (the work Minister) and Zulhasnan (ex-FT Minister) are also implicated in the same scandal. The impact is so severe than some of the big shots in UMNO have distanced themselves, leaving those implicated to clear the air and fend for themselves.

They didn't see the attacks within BN, from the infamous Bung and Aziz Seri Gading coming at all. It was totally unexpected, or is a part of shrewd strategic plans within factions within UMNO?...mmmhhh...conspiracy theory....never say never...especially im UMNO politics.

Whatever  it is...this time, the cut is too deep, the damage is quite severe, I am pretty sure Najib will try to prolong GE as later as possible, he definitely doesn't want to witness another 'tsunami'....he simply cannot afford to...


KR1M:What's the fuss all about?

All of a sudden, Mydin Wholesale Hypermarkets are enjoying free advertisements, albeit thru their sister store, KR1M (Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia), supposedly the hypermarket for the lower income groups, a personal initiative of Najib.KR1M is nothing more than Mydin, repackaged or rebranded, with staunch support from the Government in the form of soft loans, publicity gimmicks and announcements. In return they champion the aspirations of Najib's 1Malaysia. Basically, it is you scratch me, I scratch you thingy....

Lately KR1M have been making the headlines without fail, mostly for the wrong reasons, from comparatively higher price to comparatively inferior quality. They produce mostly generic goods rebranded as KR1M, which was supposedly be cheaper than branded goods, yes they are, agreed, but if you compare an apple for an apple, compare them to other generic goods such as Tesco or Giant brand, they are generally comparatively much more expensive, so now you tell me, is it an attractive avenue for the rakyat, or is it an avenue for Mydin to make a quick buck?

Worse developments have surfaced, some of the goods are found to be healthwise not good, such as the the ketchup (consumer group claims a lab test shows higher-than-permitted levels of lead and mercury in the product.and milk (found to be contaminated) , to name a few, what does these tells you? It is a daylight is the opposite of Robin Hood, they are robbing the poor to feed the disgusting is that?


Monday, November 14, 2011

Malaysia 15th Largest trade partner with Israel: Cakap tak serupa bikin ka?

Below is the excerpt from Harakah Daily, Apa sudah jadi? Sudah tukar ka?....Lain di mulut, lain dihati ka?


(Harakah Daily) - The Barisan Nasional government's secret trade ties with the Zionist regime in Tel Aviv have come under renewed scrutiny with the revelation of a new document by a DAP member of parliament.
Citing a report on Europe-Israel trade ties published by the EU's European Commission of Trade on June 8, 2011, Bakri MP Er Teck Hwa revealed that the report placed Malaysia at the 24th spot in a list of 50 countries in their value of import trades with Israel. It also placed the country at the 11th position for export and an overall 15th for trade with Israel.

Click on link to download the full version of the EU report (Excel file, 655 kb)

“The revelation of this document clearly shows we have trade ties with Zionist Israel,” said Er in a statement to Harakahdaily, which includes snapshots of a customs-registered document bearing the serial number W20204004087.

“In the document it was clearly stated that the importer was Chayon Distributor-Computers Limited, 4, Haomanut Street, 42504, Netanya, Israel, and worse, the document has a chop of International Trade and Industry ministry,” he said.

Strengthening the claim of official trade links with the regime, Er pointed that the International Air Transport Association's rate weighing system also clearly spelt out the charges for materials sent from Kuala Lumpur to Tel Aviv.

“IATA’s rate weighing system is used at all entry points to the country. IATA will not display rate for countries which do not have ties with Malaysia,” he stressed.

Earlier this month, Dewan Rakyat speaker denied Er (right) a chance to question International Trade and Industry Mustapa Mohamad over alleged trade ties between Malaysia and Israel following a revelation on the internet.

Er (right) revealed that a cabinet decision on November 9 as mentioned by Mustapa’s deputy, Mukhriz Mahathir in his 2012 Budget debate, had apparently ignored the Customs Act in allowing multi-national companies to have transactions with Israel.

“This raises the question whether the country is faced with a big crisis so much so that laws can be set aside by the cabinet,” he said.

Er further added that the revelation only confirmed UMNO's hypocrisy in its well-publicised Gaza humanitarian mission.

Last month, senior UMNO leader and Youth and Sports minister Shabery Cheek drew criticism for personally intervening to allow an Israeli kickboxer into the country, despite immigration regulations prohibitng those carrying Israeli passports.

Shabery later accused the Selangor state government of approving Ilya's participation, drawing a strong denial from Selangor's tourism exco Elizabeth Wong who maintained the PR state's support to the Palestinian cause, and pointed out that immigration matters were under the Federal government.

Wanna know the secret to rocketing share price?: Appoint the PM's son

Harvest Court Industries Bhd, one of the lesser known firm on the Malaysian, have been hogging the lime lights, I am not sure whether it is for the right reasons or the wrong ones. Bursa Malaysia had been forced to pull the reins on it's shares following an outrageous surge in trading following a report that the PM's son has been appointed a director. The shares which we're hovering around 8 sen, is now priced at RM2.14 as of 4 pm yesterday, that is an increment of 2,575 percent, and all these within the frame of, less than one month. Wow!, 'ini macam lagi untung dari meniaga unta'.

What was the reason behind the phenomenol increase? None other than the appointment of Mohd Nazifuddin Najib, PM's second son, albeit with the former wife, Tengku Puteri Zainah Tengku Eskandar. it is reported byThe Edge Financial Daily that Nazifuddin bought 2 to 3 million shares or equivalent to 1.7 percent shares, while his business partner, one by the name of Raymond Chan, controls 13.83 percent, and both of them we're appointed as Directors of Harvest Court Industries Bhd on October 28th 2011.Raymond Chan is the man behind $agajuta (Sabah) Sdn Bhd, which was responsible to develop 1Borneo Mall in Kota Kinabalu.By the way, Nazifuddin is the Chairman of $agajuta.

Mmmm.....something fishy?...I bet you could also smell the rat from miles away....but what do you expect, this is the Boleh land.....I bet the MACC(pronounced as MA Sissy) has a blocked nose...especially those not regarding the oppositions.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

NFC: Nation For Cronies/National Feeder for Cronies?

As been pointed out and requested by one of my 'old' friend, NFC is indeed proving to be 'cash cow' for the cronies rather than being the 'cow feeder' for the Nation. How else could you explain the recent developments? Some quarters (believe me, these are either the minorities or cronies) vehemently protested on my article. They claim that NFC is a runaway success and I should not keep harping on the shortcomings alone. I asked them one simple question, how do you recognize it as a success? They we're taken aback....they threw back the question to me and do I deem it to be a failure?

Well, firstly, they didn't meet up the expectation of production....isn't that a failure?...Secondly....the price of beef is on the way up...RM18...RM19...RM20...RM21....and climbing high to a new high of RM23.00 per kilo,.... isn't that a failure? Many small scale cow herders....without any single help from the Government could produce much more efficiently, when in the first place....NFC should have the economies of scale..and what rubbish is KJ is talking about when he claimed that RM250 million that was given to NFC was not only for production, but as well as enhancement of logistics and infrastructures betterment of the whole industry as well...what?...Are they are going to build new roads  for cow transportation?...or special airport for 'cows'...maybe KJ is referring to  the new joint venture between AirAsia and NFC....Go and fly a kite KJ....take a hike...get lost...if possible are a disgrace to the 'Oxbridge' elitist...unwanted by your own party...shame on you for seeking cheap publicity...and creating some B-grade stunts and gimmicks.And for Noh, from helping the genuine poor farmers, you rather help your fellow cabinet member who is already super rich....'Tarak malu punya orang'....



National Feedlot Corporation: The laughing stock?

After laying low for quite some time, Sharizat Jalil emerged trying to clear up the air on the NFC issue, but rather than clarifying and clearing the murky issue, she is trying to fish for sympathy.Too many versions of the stories are being reported, but no matter what, it still remains a thorny issue for the Government. how do you expect them to justify the award of the project to the husband and children of Shahrizat, who is an active Minister of the cabinet? No matter how hard Noh tried, no matter how vigourous KJ tried to assist, it falls flat on their face.

While the issues of hundred of millions of Ringgit are given to the Corporation is debated, whille the issue of millions of Ringgit are given to the sister company as discount is being aired, while the issue of close to a million Ringgit is claimed to be siphoned for a family trip is reported, the opposition certainly kept the best (or is it the worst?) for last. The breaking news is that millions of Ringgit from the soft loan are being used or laundered to buy a posh condominium in Bangsar. What the F***!....While the rakyat is suffering from inflation and ever increasing food prices, made worse by the recent floods in our neighbouring countries, while the rakyat are finding difficulties in making ends meet, while the Rakyat are facing challenges in securing loans , even for a few thousand they are enjoying the taxcpayers money like no body's business.

Shame on Shahrizat, Shame on on Noh, and Shame on KJ as well as all those who are involved in approving,securing,disbursing the loan or keeping an eye closed, they should all resign if they have dignity.....but.what do you expect..Sigh!

NFC is supposed to feed the nation....not certain cronies


Monday, November 7, 2011

Dr Juanda: The next fall guy?

For some quarters, Dr Juanda (Mufti of Perlis) is an exemplary Muslim Scholar, for others (especially staunch Najib supporters), he is a thorn in the flesh. While Juanda's supporters yearn for more Muslim Scholars, especially those who are in executive positions to be at least as brave, honest and GOD fearing (and not Najib fearing or in fear of loss in source of income), those staunch Najib followers, or apple polishers, or cronies, or partners in crime, must be clamoring for his head. Might Juanda have gone too far this time? or like the analogy in the famous movie, A few good men, is it the time for code red?

So you might be asking, what did Juanda do this time around, well the controversial (is he?) Mufti, questioned and requested further clarification on the report by BERNAMA, the tweet by Najib as well as reports by the TV news, on the completion of the Haj pilgrimage as per claimed by them on 06th of November 2011, Dr Juanda claimed that this is just not possible, he further reiterated that it will mean an incomplete Haj and requested those in powers, especially Muslim scholars to clear the air. Juanda definitely have stirred the hornets nest, he has ruffled some feathers. with some claiming that the writings are already on the wall. Sigh! just what examples are we setting for the kids......Follow Nallakaruppan....don't follow Aziz Bari.....follow Ezam Kotak.......don't follow....Juanda...yucks! sucks!...are we paving the way to Hell!...and distancing ourselves from Heaven?


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Malaysian Senator-ship: Reward for the 'dogs'?

I thought we had already hit the rock bottom, when Ezam Kotak was rewarded with senator-ship for his incessant barking at the opposition, was I dead wrong, I was astonished to read a recent newspaper report on the appointment of Nallakarrupan ( his name is literally translated as Goof Black Man in Tamil (Is he?)) as a Senator. I keep repeating these low can Najib go? How else do you justify the awards to these two 'criminals' (it is a fact that they do have criminal records...go and check it out).

Who is next in line? Zulkifli Noordin?....Berahim Ali?...Nothing surprises me anymore in the Boleh land....Malaysia. If you are against are bound to be gagged...harassed...arrested...detained... ostracized...and God knows what...if you follow their orders....bark and per their are bound to be else do you explain the happenings? Do not try to make sense.....chances are you can't.......

GOD....please help are the Merciful....

Adios.....Salam Aidil Adha.....Life needs many forms.......are you game for it?.....Or you want to  bark and roll as well, it is your choice...but remember...the time will come...we will have to face the very afraid....
