Monday, September 26, 2011

Tora! Tora! Tora: Najib leading the onslaught against Pakatan

The last few weeks had seen the amazingly fierce onslaught against Pakatan, with the media's such as the Shhhtar, Utusan Meloya, Berita Hairan, Not so Straight Times and of course the infamous TV3suku, playing crucial parts and dedicating major parts of the their broadcast or prints on news aiming to create wedges amongst the parties in Pakatan, mainly PAS and DAP. It clearly shows that Najib seriously subscribe to the tenet of 'divided they fall'.The waves of attack are so huge, fierce and strong, it seems like it is make or break for Najib and Co.

The eagerly awaited PRU13, seems to be bane for most, in fact some of us are wishing if we could just get thru it to lead a normal life, and so that they(whoever is given the mandate) could finally steer the economy and administer the country wisely without thinking and talking politics.Given the current scenario, and all the recent unwrappings of crazy and unbelievable incidents, one could be forgiven if they thought they are a part of Hollywood or Bollywood movie.The outcomes of the PRU13 is also going to be difficult to be predicted seeing the pendulum of support swinging violently from one end to the other. If Najib succeeds in his shrewd and strategic plans, he could wipe out Pakatan and delivers a killer blow that Pakatan would find it difficult to ever recover, however bear in mind, if he takes one wrong step, it could backfire, and the damage would be on the National front (BN).

The latest twist and attack is on the Hudud issue, which was brought back into limelights by all the media's, while Najib vehemently protested and was against it, which could be seen as an initiative to win the hearts of the non-Muslim voters(mainly chinese voters), he should not forget that it could also the trigger the mass losses of Muslim voters.The most ludicrous and ridiclous thing about it is, Hudud does not have anything to do with non-Muslims (baffled?) why is there a need to convince the non-Muslims?.It puzzles me as to why Gerakan,MCA (and DAP included) are so violently against Tuan Guru Nik Aziz pointed out has nothing to do with the.....then....why the furore? really beats me....

The sad thing about it is when Najib, and strongly supported by Muslim cabinet members who parroted him are arguing and claiming that Hudud is not suitable in a multi-racial country such as Malaysia...or unsuitable during the modern times...Wake is the law of the is valid throughout all time and all kind of society, if you do not want to implement it just say so.....don't twist and turn the facts...

Another silly mistake done by the current ruling Government is when they decided to put a stop to the airing of the UNDIlah video clip by Pete Teo, with the reason of it being laced with hidden Pakatan agenda (Duh!...Grow up), but the best thing coming out of it was when the people finally realized that what a silly guy was Rahman Dahlan a.k.a Kota Belud....who all these while having portrayed himself as the smart alex....when some of us know that he belongs to the dumb and dumber exclusive group....just read at his tweets and comments on the issue....


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Difference in opinions: Why the hostile approach?

At first I chuckled when I read the comments by Mick McCarthy, the Manager of Wolverhampton Wanderers (Wolves), a football team in the Barclay's Premier League, on the recent twitter accusation by a Queens Park Ranger's newly acquired bad boy a.k.a Joey Barton, but then again after a while I realized that it makes perfect sense and are indeed wise comments and shouldn't be taken lightly and brushed aside, in fact it is a general statement and valid across the board , in fact quite appropriate for the Malaysian so called experts and analyst in the political and current affairs(including yours truly!) who keep shooting out words without thinking, blinking or evaluating.

His first comment when a reporter asked for his opinion of Joey's tweet was:
"Opinion's are like backsides-we've all got them but it's not always wise to air them in public"

OMG! How true it is. Do you realize that how people in Malaysia especially, voicing out their opinions on certain matters, or people, without even an ounce of knowledge or any inkling on the subject matter?. have you realized that some of them simply jumps on the bandwagon and starts criticizing without even evaluating it? I will give you two great examples, the first, a few years back when they ridiculed the book by Shahnon Ahmad aptly titled..."SHIT!".....the worst part is the majority of the commentators didn't even bother to browse the book....let alone reading it.

The second example is when all quarters start ridiculing and condemning Mat Sabu for his speech or statement or whatsoever you call it...and again....majority of them doesn't even have a clue on what he actually said.....flabbergasted would be a understatement...disgusted...would be close...but still...I can't find a perfect word to explain it....

The second reply from Mick McCarthy was better....he further said...."With grey hair comes a bit of wisdom and with age comes a bit more common sense...."

Spot on Mick, you certainly have class (hey....I am still an ardent Fan of Man Utd...and admirer of sir Alex...)......
How I wish all of us could have the same dignity..and wisdom of Mick....


Friday, September 16, 2011

Scare tactics and absurd reasoning: Wake up guys, it is outdated

It is baffling, puzzling, and absurd of the highest standards when the ruling coalition resort to scare tactics, scaring the Malays of the consequences if they lose the power. They are claiming that it is compulsory for them to remain in power, and if the unthinkable happens, then the world will come crashing down, chances are Lim Guan Eng or Lim Kit Siang will end up as Prime Ministers and only they (Barisan Nasional and UMNO) can prevent it from happening.But what is puzzling is where were this people all these while, why the deafening silence when in Penang for as long as we could remember, even when UMNO was the majority state seat holders the Chief Ministers post was not held by UMNO. Was Chong Eu a Malay or an UMNO member? Was Koh Tsu Koon a Malay and an UMNO member? Why the double standards?

Why is there a different sets of rule for you guys and the others? This is the new millennium, scare tactics are outdated, wake up....come up with something new and original.Another strange thing is how UMNO members could still keep quiet as though nothing happens and they still keep sleeping and waking up on the same bed as MCA, a party which is tainted, with a number of its Presidents being dragged to court for major offences, Tan Koon Swan, Ling Liong Sik, Chan Kong Choy, and even now headed by a self-confessed Porn actor, yet they have the guts to point their finger into the direction of the PAS, and saying that they should stop courting with DAP. Tell me how many senior members of PAS and DAP are brought and charged in court for major criminal cases.

Sorry guys, like the great Baihaqi once said, "Say what is true, although it may be bitter and displeasing to people."

Take a deep look into the mirror, be sincere and honest, remember there will come a time, when we would be answerable to the Al-Almighty......what and how are you going to answer?


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Najib's Malaysia Day Announcement:Reason to rejoice?

I contemplated for a long period before blogging today, there seems to be some quarters who have painted me as someone who always see the glass half empty...sigh! Does criticizing, commenting and voicing out your opinion makes you a villain?, Then after dwelling on the matter for a while, and after some soul searching (seriously!)....I said this to myself....What the *smurf*....It is just some people's perception, I am gonna keep my momentum, will keep voicing out, as long as I believe in my principles.. Oh! *Smurf* you....some people are going to win their bets today....they are going to say....there...I told you so....he will come up with some negative comments about Najib again.....well to be honest.....I don't give a *smurf*

Okay, back to our topic, I am pretty sure most of you have read or heard the major points of the so-called Malaysia Day announcement by Najib, while the Blue Corner....albeit the back benchers are hailing it as historical and brave, and Najib really meant it when he said that he is going to transform the country, he also says these changes were part of the reform strategies initiated when his administration took over two years ago. In contrast people from across the political divide albeit the Green Corner  remain skeptical .They claim that whatever being announced are at best   half-baked reforms: They reiterated that Art 149 remains and two new preventive laws are being formulated, At the same time nothing concrete seems to be happening on Police Act, on top of that licence for newspapers is seen as a joke.As for comments from Rights activists, they  say that laws replacing the ISA cannot allow arbitrary detention, while media activists say permit requirements must be lifted.

While the back benchers are claiming that the rakyat should rejoice, the Green corner begs to differ, and the most intriguing comments are coming from some political analyst a.k.a conspiracy theorist, who are claiming that this is Najib's way of getting back at Mahathir who seems to be meddling actively nowadays, albeit by denouncing whatever is championed by Mahathir...mmmhhh while for some it may sounds absurd, for makes perfect sense.Some even claim that this is a sign that GE13 is indeed around the corner

As for me, it is still too early, it would be foolish to ignore the in between the lines, I will rather wait, and reserve my comments till later after actually seeing, reading,understanding,evaluating....etc.

Wait a second, I didn't say anything bad or negative, did I?, so I guess, you are not going to win the bet just as yet.

Till then....adios...a.h.baharom

Whats with 'Khir' and 'lavish houses'?

Previously it was Khir Toyo a.k.a the former Menteri Besar of Selangor and his Balinese concept million ringgit bungalow in Shah Alam, and the case is still pending in court, and now it is Jamil Khir Baharom (no relations whatsoever with me) and his multi-million ringgit renovation of his house(or is it called mansion?) in Batu Caves. After lying low for a couple of days, finally Khir Baharom came out fighting, claiming that the renovation project was funded by no-one, and that it all comes from his hard earned salary during his tenure in Army, with his last position as Major General, and that he also obtained gratuity and retirement benefits due to his services.He also claimed that his need for a big house is justified because his parents are staying with him and that the large number of vehicles in front of his house is of his six children who are staying with him (the justification sounds similar...deja vu...ah.....similar with the late Zakaria).He is also willing to take oath in the name of the God. I am not saying anything more, all I can say is God Al Mighty is watching....whoever in the wrong better watch-out, be it the one who accuse or accused......ciao.....for now....a.h.baharom

Khir number 1

Khir Number 2

Lodging police Report: The new craze in Malaysia

Ever wonder on this new 'phenomenon' of making or lodging police reports against an individual or a group on trivial matters? Yes, sometimes the reports can be in hundreds, and it leaves me wondering, what are their real motives or intentions. they come in droves, carrying placards, and they will invite the media's and showcase their antiques. Sometimes it clearly shows their foolishness, not understanding the fundamentals of  the Malaysian law. And the media (TV and printed) will keep tab and continue announcing the number of these reports as though there is a competition or record to be broken. Favourite victims of these reports are such as Mat Sabu and Karpal to name a few.

Multiplying the number of reports does not add extra weight to the case neither does it proves the guiltiness of the parties involved. It only burdens the Police department, giving unnecessary work loads and many man hours of the Police officers are drained out doing unproductive work leaving the other critical areas unattended. How I wish the lawmakers could come up with some suggestion to penalise those who make these unnecessary reports and make them pay for their ignorance and stupidity.Most of these people are only publicity crazy and crave for public attentions and they should be taught a stern lesson.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Malaysia: Land of "Associations"

Sometimes it is baffling and tickles me to the bones to see the number of mushrooming associations in Malaysia, and it beats me, the real reasons of their existence.Another strange thing is that most of the so-called Presidents or Chairmen or whatever name you call them....are the same recycled face.... They also try to come up with fancy acronyms and jostle for places in the local media's, be it printed, or others. To name a few, we have PAPA which claim to be championing the cause of employment agencies, we have MAMA for the maid employer's cause and welfare, we have ANAK the PAKATAN version of the group that champions the later generation of Felda settlers, which is opposed by BAPAK, the Barisan Nasional's version, than we have Ghani Jiman, the infamous Penang guy who seems to head a number of groups including Suara Anak2 Pulau Pinang, lately we have PERBIT, the association for mobile phone owners ( read it right!), you have PEMBINA (Persatuan Belia Islam Malaysia) as opposed to ABIM (Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia, Persatuan Pengundi Malaysia (Malaysian Voters Association....whats next?.....It is scary ..... eh! ....adios.......ciao.......a.h.baharom

MAS to sponsor QPR jersey: What a slick move by Tony

"The ball is passed into the box, OMG. Tony jumps and poked the ball using his hand, he twist and turn, and he scores.....what a dirty move...and dirty goal...what? its the hand of GOD?....yeah right......"

I am pretty sure by now most of you had read or are aware of the news that MAS is joint sponsoring the jerseys or kit of Queens Park Rangers (yeah....the team recently acquired by Tony Fernandes).I hate to say.....I told you so..... Remember when I wrote previously on the so called smart partnership (what was it called...CCF...duh), some of you politely pointed out that I am jumping the gun, and that his presence is much needed to improvise and enhance the 'operational' side of MAS and you guys painted him as the Messiah....? Remember when I told you that he is no Messiah and he will 'screw' and 'squeeze' MASin every possible way to boost his personal standing and fortune and will have no regards whatsoever for the national carrier albeit MAS? Unless you have the Tun Mahathir syndrome...of ...apa name...saya tak ingat...I don't remember...mudah lupa...I hate to tell you this guys. You are wrong and I am right.

Do you think if Tony is not in the so-called board of decision makers, MAS would have entered into this agreement and pumped money into QPR, a team owned by Tony? Of course Tony and Co would want to differ, and will claim that this is a brilliant stunt and marketing act, yeah right, whose leg are you trying to pull?.Take my word, if left unchecked, Tony will plunder,squeeze,screw,smurf...or whatsoever name you call it,and by the time you people realize, it is too late, the damage is too deep, and you can't turn back the clock.At least now I have the comfort of knowing that...there seems to be a small bandwagon of people led by MASEU (MAS employees Union) smell the rat and starts initiating some form of resistance.

Tony, like the legendary Bob Marley sung "you can fool some people some time, but you can't fool all the people all the time"....ciao.......adios.......a.h.baharom  

Friday, September 9, 2011

Prepaid mobile 6% service tax: What's the furore?

Effective 15th Sept 2011, prepaid mobile users will need to pay a six per cent service tax whenever they buy a starter pack or reloads.So what does it means literally or to the man on the street? Well. basically it means, a customer will need to pay RM10.60 for a RM10 prepaid reload..Urghhh? Why? Why now? What is a service tax?

The Service Tax Act 1975 requires telecommunication companies to levy service tax at the prevailing rate on telecommunication services, including mobile prepaid services. This is similar to the service tax levied on food and beverage purchases from restaurants and hotels,and since it is an indirect tax, it could be passed and charged to the consumers.Why all the furore? It is not something which is alien to us, argghhhh.....but now it hits you hard, right?

Since the launch of mobile prepaid services in 1998, mobile operators have been absorbing the service tax.
According to mobile operators, the move was to ensure mobile prepaid services remained competitive compared with postpaid.So the question is, can't they keep absorbing it? Of course they can, but back to Econs101, the main or ultimate objective of these firms is profit maximization, ant not social obligation nor charity.Can't we force them? You could.....after all you have the consumers power, don't forget without you, they doesn't solidarity.....unity....fight back!

While the operators claim that it is unavoidable with prepaid rates progressively reduced over the years and it is currently offered at very competitive rates, in contrary they are raking billions of dollars in profits. Though telecommunications analysts view the news as "generally positive" for mobile operators, with DiGi.Com Bhd seen as the biggest beneficiary and Maxis Bhd benefiting the least, it will be hitting hard on the people, and we do not deserve this, especially during hard times like now, with all the inflation etc.

As at June 30 this year, 83 per cent of DiGi's customer base comprised prepaid users. In contrast, about 75 per cent of Maxis' customers were prepaid users.Today, prepaid users are spending about RM36 to RM51 a month on an average, imagine the service tax they could recoup.....Analysts believe the implementation of the service tax is unlikely to reduce prepaid users spending significantly, or in Econs, we call them inelastic demand


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tony and MAS: Cracks appearing?

Well, while at one point it seems like Christmas came early for Tony Fernandes, it seems now that all is not that rosy, as expected by many, Tony is finding some resistance. Though it was widely reported and understood that Tony's expertise was much needed for the operation side of MAS, his invaluable experience and knowledge was expected to restore MAS, pulling it out of the doldrums and out of RED. Though many expected (including yours truly) a difficult and almost impossible marriage, considering the conflict of interests, it was swept aside by powers to be.who were quite optimistic, even Tony kept ensuring that it will be beneficial for MAS especially.

Well, now the honeymoon or rather the Christmas is over, MASEU, the largest union representative of MAS, smelling something bad, have already taken the aggressive step before it is too late and damage is to bad to be reversed. Words are being passed around of a massive restructuring, though MAS in a late reply confirmed in the negative.And another bigger news, which is fresh from the oven, is that Tony is forcing FireFly to move out completely from KLIA and to operate from Subang only. Not many knows or realize that FireFly do operate from KLIA, from the selected fleet of airplanes.And it seems that  the powers to be are keeping quiet on the forced removal of FireFly.

Well, I guess it is high time for Tony to be told that he can't have it his way all the time and to get his wishes granted whenever he fancies, he is a businessman, for him it is always the dollars and sens that matters, he is no national hero as some quarters painted, and as for MASEU, do something before it is too late.


E & O and Kenchana shares purchase : Securities Commission privileged information?

Does the name Azizan Abd Rahman rings a bell?, well he is the husband of SC chairman, Zarinah Anwar, Well, he is the one who caused a ripple in the market recently when he purchased nearly half a million Eastern & Oriental Bhd shares this year (before Sime Darby made a RM2.30 payout to buy 30 per cent of the company, only from the major shareholders of the company). That news has certainly got people riled up, whats more it is coming hot on the heels of the incident whereby Azizan also emerged as a substantial shareholder of Kencana Petroleum Bhd in July, just days after an offer was made to take over the company at RM3 a share!

If you think that is puzzling and mind boggling, how do you think the folks albeit the shareholders of Ramunia Bhd would have felt upon learning and finding out that their chairman was a substantial shareholder of a rival oil and gas firm? And back to the E&O issue, it has been spreading like wildfire on the bloggers circa on the strange relationship, or could we say the sharing of beds between Sime Darby and E&O, triggering a conclusion of a possible insider trading by the Chairman of E&O, Dato Azizan Abdul Rahman. Like Rocky Bru jotted in his blog, though Azizan was not party to the sale but considering that other E & O board members who were party to the sale had also bought E & O shares from the open market, one is left wondering: Did the Board members know of the coming "windfall"? It seemed Azizan did not just buy for himself but tipped his long time business partner and collaborator, Dato Kalimullah to buy into E&O. Whether Kalimullah went in also is not certain, but ECM Libra definitely went in big time.

Well , like they say, Malaysia is the boleh land, anything goes, but to preserve the good name of SC, voices are getting strong urging Zarinah to leave......whatever it is ....Selamat Hari Raya...hey...its still Syawal... adios...a.h.baharom