Sunday, February 19, 2012

Rakyat gives and forgives, Politicians gets and forgets

Why is that we the rakyat keeps on giving and forgiving, we keep on giving the mandate, the votes, the responsibility to govern, the task to manage the treasure chest, but they, the politicians, after getting the mandate seems to be forgetting us the rakyat. All they think of is their own piggy bank, they pusue their own interest, they prioritize their families and cronies...the loop keeps repeating....When is it going to stop? How are we, the rakyat going to end it? When are we going to put a full stop?

We should stop forgiving.....because they would not stop forgetting.Numerous scandals have surfaced, from balinese bungalow scandal to cowgate scandal, they doesn't seems to repent, they are least bothered by the exposes, how else would you explain the never ending 'soap operas' we are fed with?

Say NO to corrupt politicians....say NO to corrupt coalition....if you do not gives mandate...they won't get opportunities to swindle.


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