Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Third force: The tried, tested, failed and rejected force

All of a sudden, the political scene was buzzing and hissing on the hyped up issue of the so called third force. Much of the hype were due to Hassan Ali and his latest NGO, Jalur Tiga (JaTi)...hmmm....sounds familiar...a striking resemblance to Pekida@Tiga Line. Road shows were held and are still being conducted to kick-off the NGO, and these road shows are also meant to discredit PAS. Poor Hassan Ali, the more damage he thinks he is inflicting on PAS, he is dead wrong...by the way things are developing, it is back firing. it is indeed causing severe self damage...any respect he used to garner...is fading very quickly...... I wonder how long would it take for him to realise that he is merely being used or rather abused by the ruling coalition for their own purposes. Heck! I wouldn't be surprised if he indeed knew that....but still carrying on just for the sake of getting back at PAS and Pakatan Rakyat. I also kinda agree with the former Perlis Mufti, Dr Asri, on the tagline of JaTi, namely Islam,Malay and Raja....Dr Asri's argument is if you really follow Islam it kind of take care of all, and there is no need for you to specifically cater for certaing group or people.It seems Hassan Ali's move is nothing more than a cheap gimmick gaunning for cheap publicity, sympathy and empathy.

Now back to the issue of the force, to begin with, it is not even a force, it consist of political jokers, idiots, swindlers, two timing clowns.......or to put it simple, rejects. Seriously.......Zul Nordin, Berahim Ali, Abu Zahrain, Wee Choo Keong, Gopalakrishnan, and of course Hassan Ali included, do you seriously think any of them still command respect or trust from the rakyat?....I can safely say that in a clean and transparent election all these jokers would lose their deposits, Berahim Ali can vouch for that, he has experience of losing his deposit.

These so called third force in fact could be called Parti Australia....the continent where convicts used to be dumped.

May the force be with the rakyat....God willing....we will be back on the right track...adios for now.....a.h.baharom

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