OMG! How low can we go?, Poor Professor, one of the most respected Academician in the area, was slapped with suspension order. What was his offence again? Stating the facts...for telling the truth....for standing up for his principles...for being an obedient Muslim...for being Honest...for being Sincere...for adhering to ethics...and the list goes on...and on...and on......Darn!
It is indeed the saddest day for academicians...the blackest day for Malaysia....GOD, please help us...GOD please have mercy on us.
Rather than listening to him (Aziz Bari), whom do they listened to? They listened to Rais Yatim (the guy who doesn't believe in even his own thesis)...They listened to Zulkifli Nordin (the guy who betrayed his own voters)...they listened to Ezam Kotak (the guy who betrayed everybody, and doesn't believe in his own boxes of evidence)....They listened to the editor of Utusan (the most dangerous poison article writer and King of spin....)....They listened to Tun Dr Mahathir (the guy who couldn't remember most of of his own actions...Apa nama...?)...they listened to TV3 suku...(the station full of lies and slander).....and the list goes on...and on...and on.....Darn!
No wonder Malaysian universities keep slipping away in the don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out...How do yo you expect to retain the 'brains'....if you can't appreciate them? I bet if he(Aziz Bari) is pro-government....he would be somewhere up there now...
I really hope that they are aware of the saying...for every action...there is a reaction.....Only GOD knows what in store for us. those who could inflict a situation with a stroke of afraid , be very afraid...there is after would be questioned on your actions...are you prepared?
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Yucks! : CSL and KJ stooping to a unthinkable low
Politic sucks.... that's a well known factor, but never imagined in my wildest dreams it will suck this bad. Chua Soi Lek aka the Prez aka the self confessed porn actor aka MCA leader proudly claimed that gutter politics is the norm today, and it was reported in his party owned newspaper, The Star.Again , he shows his .'liking'. to 'boots', by boot licking UMNO, justifying the use of gutter politics against Lim Guan Eng’s son.It is not only arrogant, but a shameless act of condonoing something so cruel against a poor soul, who didn't commit any wrongdoings, the only 'wrong' he did was being born to Lim Guan Eng, the Chief Minister of Penang, and the senior leader of DAP, the oppositions. And it was found out later that in this case, there is no truth whatsoever in the allegations as opposed his own infamous unnatural sex expose whereby , the incident was real. The best (or is it worst?) part was the adulterer/wife cheater/boots lover was elected to lead the second largest party in the coalition (BN).
Now on KJ, he was supposed to be an educated man, coming from the 'Oxbridge' elitist group, but he showed his true colours, by getting involved in the same incident, by tweeting and supporting the allegation against Lim Guan Eng Jr. without verifying the facts of the cases, what a cheapskate, and imagine he is the youth leader of the largest party in the coalition UMNO/BN).
Now imagine this.....if the same mandate is given to the current coalition aka BN, you are going to be led and represented by parties with shameless, arrogant and dumb politicians as above. Scary eh?....Embarassing eh?
Disgusting eh?...Feel wanna puke?.....The ball is in your court.....make a wise decision,
Say 'Tak Nak" to arrogant leaders
Say 'Tak Nak" to shameless leaders
Say 'Tak Nak" to dumb leaders
Say 'Tak Nak" to immoral leader
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Great Truths: Courtesy of Malaysian Chronicle
The piece below appeared on the Malaysian Chronicle and was shared by a friend...enjoy reading...well...I did.
1. In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is the Malaysian Parliament.
2. If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.
3. Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Parliament. But then I repeat myself.
4. I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
This is otherwise known as 1Malaysia Boleh.
5. A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money.
6. Democracy in Malaysia must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
7. Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.
1. In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is the Malaysian Parliament.
2. If you don't read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.
3. Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Parliament. But then I repeat myself.
4. I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
This is otherwise known as 1Malaysia Boleh.
5. A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money.
6. Democracy in Malaysia must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
7. Foreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.
8. Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.
9. Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.
10. Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.
11. I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.
12. If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free!
13. In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other (after pocketing most of it).
14. Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you!
15. No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while either the Malaysian Parliament or the Malaysian Court is in session.
16. Talk is cheap...except when Parliament does it.
17. The Malaysian government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a
happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other.
18. The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery.
20. The only difference between a tax man and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist leaves the skin.
21. The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools.
22. There is no distinctly Malaysian criminal the Malaysian Parliament.
23. What this country needs are more unemployed politicians.
24. A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
25. We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.
1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealth out of prosperity.
2. What one person receives without working for...another person must work for without receiving.
3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.
5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work, because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work, because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation!
Can you think of a reason for not sharing this?
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Sisters in Islam (SIS) or Anti-Islam Sisters (AIS)?
I was flabbergasted and disgusted to read to comments and reply by so-called Sisters in Islam (SIS) which appeared in Sunday Star's column today, they branded Hudud as intolerant, cruel, biased and belligerent engender...I was shocked...wait....shocking would be an understatement,,,,,I am lost for words to describe my feelings.I seldom curse....but I am making an exception for this case....Shut the F*** up think logic could be used for everything?...Well you are dead wrong.The Hudud laws are not man is from the Al-Mighty, so branding it as what you have done....would be degrading the Al-Mighty....'Nauzzubillah'
Where are the.Islamic Scholars?...especially those in powers...Jamil Khir B...(I don't want my name to be associated with him)....why the deafening silence....afraid of losing your source of income?
What gender equality and justice are SIS talking about?....There is always a reason on every inequalities, I thought you people are supposed to be smart, What you people want? Same treatment for both genders....Women can marry four...women can have the same aurat as men?....What would be the repercussions? Think with your brains...and not with....
SIS is full of craps....and the other side loves them so much.... that's why they always have great media coverage....but for me their stupidity have no bounds...that is why SIS have leaders who still uses the name...that literally translated into prostitute....and refuse to get married at the age of 50....because of frustration against the male gender especially the Muslim brothers.
Where are the.Islamic Scholars?...especially those in powers...Jamil Khir B...(I don't want my name to be associated with him)....why the deafening silence....afraid of losing your source of income?
What gender equality and justice are SIS talking about?....There is always a reason on every inequalities, I thought you people are supposed to be smart, What you people want? Same treatment for both genders....Women can marry four...women can have the same aurat as men?....What would be the repercussions? Think with your brains...and not with....
SIS is full of craps....and the other side loves them so much.... that's why they always have great media coverage....but for me their stupidity have no bounds...that is why SIS have leaders who still uses the name...that literally translated into prostitute....and refuse to get married at the age of 50....because of frustration against the male gender especially the Muslim brothers.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
MCA and HUDUD: WTF (What the Fuss?)
It is actually mind boggling, baffling and absurd of the highest standard the way MCA 'jaga tepi kain orang'...why the 'busy bodiness' on the issue of Hudud. For the umpteenth time it does not covers non-Muslims, zero impact on them, so I seriously do not see the need for them to start a signature drive against it.Indirectly it also further strengthen the notion of UMNO being not a honest partner in the coalition, not educating and explaining Hudud properly to its partners. The signature drive initiated by Ipoh Timur division is nothing more than a stupid publicity gimmick aiming for cheap political mileage.....what a cheapskate party....well....on the other hand...what do you expect from a party which is helmed by a self confessed porno video actor aka the Prez aka Chua Soi Lek and flanked by indecisive comrades in Liow Tiong Liar...ooppss sorry...Lai....and the soap opera actor...Wee Ka Siong.
I just wonder why Utusan or Perkasa or Sisters in Islam or Women's Ministry Minister or the so-called Independent Front MPs do not want to start a signature drive against MCA for abusing the women. First , the Prez abused a woman who was not his wife in a pornographic movie (it is not an accusation....he confessed...right?}....and recently they 'used' or was it 'abused' some pretty women (whose membership is yet to be clarified) to boost it's image as though MCA is now very attractive.....but then know and I know that these groups are very selective in issues to pursue....or as they call it in my not have the balls...
I just wonder why Utusan or Perkasa or Sisters in Islam or Women's Ministry Minister or the so-called Independent Front MPs do not want to start a signature drive against MCA for abusing the women. First , the Prez abused a woman who was not his wife in a pornographic movie (it is not an accusation....he confessed...right?}....and recently they 'used' or was it 'abused' some pretty women (whose membership is yet to be clarified) to boost it's image as though MCA is now very attractive.....but then know and I know that these groups are very selective in issues to pursue....or as they call it in my not have the balls...
Post Budget 2012: Its Complicated!
Finally, I am going to write something on the latest budget....albeit budget 2012. Many quarters we're curious on the absent of any blog entry from Malaysianeconomomey on the budget...err...mmm...well, I need to read and understand on the Budget as a whole, including the hidden asterix, the inbetween the lines and 'udang sebalik the batu'....Many names we're given to the budget....the peoples budget....teachers budget...caring government's budget...brave budget...and the usual....election budget, but one name attracted me the most....Muhyiddin's conspiracy budget...(!!??)...they claimed that Muhyiddin had a hidden arm twisting the budget to benefit his Ministry and teacher's generally to boost his standing (!!???!!)...baffling?....don't think too hard....
Back to the budget, while the apple polishers we're as usual praising their numero uno, saying that this is a brave budget, planned and meticulously prepared with the rakyat in heart, the other's are showing their concern on the continuos deficit budget, they are indeed very concerned on the burgeoning or balloning debts.It seems like Najib and Co seems to put their position as their primary concern, getting the mandate is seen as the main objective, as for the repercussions on the viabilty or the manageability of the buget...'we'll cross the bridge when we come to it' kinda of attitude.
But for me personally, on the Budget 2012, it is more 'rhetoric' rather than meaningful, read the Budget line by line....and you will understand.The teachers......will vouch for that, the Government servants will vouch for that....the rakyat (if they really read and understand the documents rather than relying on media reports or comments from politicians) will vouch for that.
In Malaysia....generally you could divide the population into three groups, the poor, the super rich and others(which is the majority).The poor undoubtedly benefitted from the budget, the super rich don't bother while the others (you, me and most of the people are) be honest....almost nil...the impact of the budget.
Some ridicluous announcement includes...upraising the bar of the maximum price of the houses that can be bought under the special program for those earning RM3000.00 and below, well what is the point if they can't afford, how do you expect them to pay more or less RM2000.00 per month for the next 30 years...why don't you make it more attractive, increase the price bar to RM1 million....doesn't make sense at all.Secondly, a one off payment of RM500 is expected to tackle the misery of inflationary that is the solution, than the least we could do is reccomend them for a Nobel Prize.And I wonder how are they going to implement it....I mean identifying households who earned RM3000.00 and relying on information provided by Tok Penghulu or UMNO/MIC/MCA divisional heads?....Imagine the abuse....or what a nightmare?
Announcing that teachers final salary is increased from RM6K something to RM8K something..this is nothing more than a work of an illusionist, for those who understand the way the salary movement in public sector works, would appreciate it better....previously we had three different categories of salary movement....P1.P2 and P3, what they actually did was collapsing it to a single tier....RM6K something used to be at most bottom tier whilst RM8K used to parked the end of the top most tier.Another absurd announcement is the minimum increment rate...they proudly announced that it is now increased to RM80.00 per annum (yessss.....eighty).....Sigh!what a cheapskate the saying...celah gigi only...
Like I is complicated....for some it is fantastic budget....for some it is worrisome...for others NA(not applicable)
Back to the budget, while the apple polishers we're as usual praising their numero uno, saying that this is a brave budget, planned and meticulously prepared with the rakyat in heart, the other's are showing their concern on the continuos deficit budget, they are indeed very concerned on the burgeoning or balloning debts.It seems like Najib and Co seems to put their position as their primary concern, getting the mandate is seen as the main objective, as for the repercussions on the viabilty or the manageability of the buget...'we'll cross the bridge when we come to it' kinda of attitude.
But for me personally, on the Budget 2012, it is more 'rhetoric' rather than meaningful, read the Budget line by line....and you will understand.The teachers......will vouch for that, the Government servants will vouch for that....the rakyat (if they really read and understand the documents rather than relying on media reports or comments from politicians) will vouch for that.
In Malaysia....generally you could divide the population into three groups, the poor, the super rich and others(which is the majority).The poor undoubtedly benefitted from the budget, the super rich don't bother while the others (you, me and most of the people are) be honest....almost nil...the impact of the budget.
Some ridicluous announcement includes...upraising the bar of the maximum price of the houses that can be bought under the special program for those earning RM3000.00 and below, well what is the point if they can't afford, how do you expect them to pay more or less RM2000.00 per month for the next 30 years...why don't you make it more attractive, increase the price bar to RM1 million....doesn't make sense at all.Secondly, a one off payment of RM500 is expected to tackle the misery of inflationary that is the solution, than the least we could do is reccomend them for a Nobel Prize.And I wonder how are they going to implement it....I mean identifying households who earned RM3000.00 and relying on information provided by Tok Penghulu or UMNO/MIC/MCA divisional heads?....Imagine the abuse....or what a nightmare?
Announcing that teachers final salary is increased from RM6K something to RM8K something..this is nothing more than a work of an illusionist, for those who understand the way the salary movement in public sector works, would appreciate it better....previously we had three different categories of salary movement....P1.P2 and P3, what they actually did was collapsing it to a single tier....RM6K something used to be at most bottom tier whilst RM8K used to parked the end of the top most tier.Another absurd announcement is the minimum increment rate...they proudly announced that it is now increased to RM80.00 per annum (yessss.....eighty).....Sigh!what a cheapskate the saying...celah gigi only...
Like I is complicated....for some it is fantastic budget....for some it is worrisome...for others NA(not applicable)
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Hassan Marican: Unwanted at home,much sought after abroad
I am pretty sure most of you knows the guy very well, he used to helm Petronas till somewhere February 2010, 15 years at the top, steering Petronas magnificently, in fact he is widely credited with turning Petronas into the only other state-run major international player in the oil and gas space apart from Norway's Statoil. so what happened?...You might ask......well....he fell on the bad book of Najib.....or Najib woke up on the wrong side of the bed (or is Rosmah?), Two of Hassan Marican's so called glaring mistakes we're:-
- He and a few other board members clashed with Najib on the apointment of Omar Mustapha, the former aide of Najib
- Petronas under his tutelage had also decided not to sponsor the Malaysian-backed Lotus F1 Racing team going instead with the Mercedes Formula One team
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Pre-Budget2011: Which is better, Higher Income or Lower Price?
Talks have been rife on the expected gist of the upcoming budget which will be revealed tomorrow, while it is widely expected that civil servants would be the group that will enjoy the most (after all they make the largest group of voters) the form of increased income and monetary benefits, the real issue here is , this is a nominal increase, increase in NOMINAL wage and not REAL wage. It would be meaningless if the increase in nominal wage is 20% where else the increase in price is more than 20%, it would mean in other words a decrease in the REAL wage.
While NOMINAL reflects your salary/income/wage or whatsoever you want to call it........on paper, REAL will reflect your Purchasing Power....but sigh!.....most of the people are more interested on the NOMINAL value compared to the REAL value. Don't get me wrong, I am not against the increment, but what is the point if in fact you are poorer compared to before.With the General Election looming, of course popular decisions are prefered to right decisions, and somehow I also have the exact same feeling with some quarters, that this is going to be a 'morphine' the short run you are in the long run you will be in the bloodiest 'Hell'.
I strongly believe and vouch for a better policy planning and execution which could ensure a lower and stable price, which in turn will enable a prosperous and healthier life, compared to higher income which is meaningless.
While NOMINAL reflects your salary/income/wage or whatsoever you want to call it........on paper, REAL will reflect your Purchasing Power....but sigh!.....most of the people are more interested on the NOMINAL value compared to the REAL value. Don't get me wrong, I am not against the increment, but what is the point if in fact you are poorer compared to before.With the General Election looming, of course popular decisions are prefered to right decisions, and somehow I also have the exact same feeling with some quarters, that this is going to be a 'morphine' the short run you are in the long run you will be in the bloodiest 'Hell'.
I strongly believe and vouch for a better policy planning and execution which could ensure a lower and stable price, which in turn will enable a prosperous and healthier life, compared to higher income which is meaningless.
Parliament,Legislators and Malaysian Economy: What is the striking similarity?
It is interesting to note that there is a striking similarity between the Parliament building, our legislators and the Malaysian economy.....they all leaks.....I mean major leaks, the next question is would they land up as the next Titanic..mmmhhh? Shaziman mansor, the Works Minister announced that the Parliament would go thru another round of repair with the cost estimated to be around a whopping RM520 million.How many rounds of major repair does the building needs to go thru?, I am pretty sure it is still fresh in the rakyat's memory billions of Ringgit spent by Samy Vellu, yet, the problems are not resolved yet? I just wonder if the Parliament could be listed in Guiness World Record Book as the most expensive Parliament building in the world to be maintained. I also wonder if the damages are too severe, would it be rendered unsafe after many more millions are spent? I seriously think the powers to be owe it to the Rakyat a detailed explanation on what kind of repairs we're done, would be done, who got the project, why are the problems reccurring etc...or maybe a white paper on it?
Now to the legislators and the Malaysian Economy, even the Tun, I mean Tun Mahathir have mentioned that the rakyat are getting disgusted at some of the appointed representatives who are flashing their new gotten ill wealth, how they got it is anybodys guess, did they puncture the Malaysian Economy to create leaks so they could ......errmmm....mmmhhh....arrrgghhh....well...your guess is as good as my guess. And look at the Malaysian Economy, we should be doing well, the rakyat should be rejoicing, and not complaining and whining, but it is only possible if it is managed well, the leaks are controlled, you do not need a Nobel prize winner to become our Finance Minister, only honest and sincere person, and we could stop or at least minimize the leakages, and the rakyat could prosper.....or else both the legislators and the Malaysion Economy would sink as well... I wouldn't mine the legislators sinking but certainly not the Malaysian Economy
Now to the legislators and the Malaysian Economy, even the Tun, I mean Tun Mahathir have mentioned that the rakyat are getting disgusted at some of the appointed representatives who are flashing their new gotten ill wealth, how they got it is anybodys guess, did they puncture the Malaysian Economy to create leaks so they could ......errmmm....mmmhhh....arrrgghhh....well...your guess is as good as my guess. And look at the Malaysian Economy, we should be doing well, the rakyat should be rejoicing, and not complaining and whining, but it is only possible if it is managed well, the leaks are controlled, you do not need a Nobel prize winner to become our Finance Minister, only honest and sincere person, and we could stop or at least minimize the leakages, and the rakyat could prosper.....or else both the legislators and the Malaysion Economy would sink as well... I wouldn't mine the legislators sinking but certainly not the Malaysian Economy
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Police did break SOP in Tung Shin Hospital incident: Would Liow Tiong Lai apologise?
It is found that Police, who vehemently denied that they had broken any SOPs, and rigorously defended the Health Minister, Liow Tiong Lai, had indeed broken their SOPs, would the Health Minister do the honorable thing, apologise? For once....please act gentlemanly....or else it will further tarnish MCA's reputation which is already bad, headed by Chua Soi Lek, the self confessed porn video actor, and now will be known as deputized by Liow Tiong Liar.....please read the report below by The Malaysian Insider report below for further facts, and for those MCA/BN still want to be associated with the Party headed by self confessed porn video actor and deputized by Liar....Tepuk dada tanya selera
Police fired tear gas, broke rules in Tung Shin incident
UPDATED @ 12:04:52 AM 05-10-2011
By Shannon Teoh
October 04, 2011
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 4 — Riot police broke their own standard operating procedures (SOP) by firing tear gas and water cannons when dispersing Bersih 2.0 rally marchers at the Tung Shin Hospital on July 9, a Health Ministry investigation has concluded.
Home Ministry secretary-general Tan Sri Mahmood Adam said tonight that errant policemen would be referred to the police’s disciplinary board.

File photo of tear gas in the Chinese Maternity Hospital car park, next to Tung Shin Hospital at the July 9 Bersih rally.“The investigation results concluded that there were unethical actions which were beyond the SOP of the Royal Malaysian Police when enforcement was performed on rally participants who were wrongly using the hospital premises,” Mahmood said in a statement.
Putrajaya and police had earlier denied any wrongdoing despite proof given by Bersih 2.0 and those at the rally.
The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) is now waiting for police to answer questions into the incident after a complaint from Bersih, which held the rally to call for free and fair elections.
The Health Ministry probe confirmed police fired water cannons at demonstrators who were converging at the hospital.
“This action was solely to disperse groups of protesters who were gathering at the hospital area,” said Mahmood.
But Mahmood also said that tear gas was only fired in the direction of a car park outside the hospital compound and not into the hospital itself.
The report also found that smoke bombs were hurled by police at demonstrators who gathered in the car park of the neighbouring Chinese Maternity Hospital.
But it noted that the maternity hospital had ceased operations since September 2006 and would only reopen in December.
Mahmood said the Home Ministry “will not compromise on disciplinary action if it is found that there are (staff) who are proven to have violated operational guidelines.”
Police had absolved themselves of any wrongdoing during the July 9 rally after setting up six internal teams to investigate claims of police brutality that followed after nearly 1,700 were arrested, scores injured and an ex-soldier died during chaotic scenes in the capital.
But Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai ordered a second probe into the Tung Shin incident on July 14 after a group of medical consultants had written to the media refuting the hospital board and police who claimed that no gas canisters or water cannons were fired into the hospital.
The DAP then accused the authorities of sweeping the incident under the rug as its eye-witnesses were told by the Health Ministry in August to join “the police in building an investigation report that will be held soon.”
Police finally admitted on July 21 that Tung Shin was hit with tear gas canisters and water cannons during the rally, but denied shooting directly into the compound.
But this claim flies in the face of various video clips uploaded on the YouTube video-sharing site showing water cannons and tear gas being fired into the hospital
Police fired tear gas, broke rules in Tung Shin incident
UPDATED @ 12:04:52 AM 05-10-2011
By Shannon Teoh
October 04, 2011
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 4 — Riot police broke their own standard operating procedures (SOP) by firing tear gas and water cannons when dispersing Bersih 2.0 rally marchers at the Tung Shin Hospital on July 9, a Health Ministry investigation has concluded.
Home Ministry secretary-general Tan Sri Mahmood Adam said tonight that errant policemen would be referred to the police’s disciplinary board.
File photo of tear gas in the Chinese Maternity Hospital car park, next to Tung Shin Hospital at the July 9 Bersih rally.“The investigation results concluded that there were unethical actions which were beyond the SOP of the Royal Malaysian Police when enforcement was performed on rally participants who were wrongly using the hospital premises,” Mahmood said in a statement.
Putrajaya and police had earlier denied any wrongdoing despite proof given by Bersih 2.0 and those at the rally.
The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) is now waiting for police to answer questions into the incident after a complaint from Bersih, which held the rally to call for free and fair elections.
The Health Ministry probe confirmed police fired water cannons at demonstrators who were converging at the hospital.
“This action was solely to disperse groups of protesters who were gathering at the hospital area,” said Mahmood.
But Mahmood also said that tear gas was only fired in the direction of a car park outside the hospital compound and not into the hospital itself.
The report also found that smoke bombs were hurled by police at demonstrators who gathered in the car park of the neighbouring Chinese Maternity Hospital.
But it noted that the maternity hospital had ceased operations since September 2006 and would only reopen in December.
Mahmood said the Home Ministry “will not compromise on disciplinary action if it is found that there are (staff) who are proven to have violated operational guidelines.”
Police had absolved themselves of any wrongdoing during the July 9 rally after setting up six internal teams to investigate claims of police brutality that followed after nearly 1,700 were arrested, scores injured and an ex-soldier died during chaotic scenes in the capital.
But Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai ordered a second probe into the Tung Shin incident on July 14 after a group of medical consultants had written to the media refuting the hospital board and police who claimed that no gas canisters or water cannons were fired into the hospital.
The DAP then accused the authorities of sweeping the incident under the rug as its eye-witnesses were told by the Health Ministry in August to join “the police in building an investigation report that will be held soon.”
Police finally admitted on July 21 that Tung Shin was hit with tear gas canisters and water cannons during the rally, but denied shooting directly into the compound.
But this claim flies in the face of various video clips uploaded on the YouTube video-sharing site showing water cannons and tear gas being fired into the hospital
Monday, October 3, 2011
Hudud: If that's what Kelantanese wants, that's what they are going to get
Lately, many people have people have become experts in the field of Islamic law albeit Hudud. While it is a common knowledge that we have two 'Professor Serba Tahu' in the form of Tun Mahathir and Dr Chandra Muzafar (both these people think that they are experts of everything, from Economic to Religion, and the world should listen to them...Duh!), we now have new players who have jumped on the wagon, Zainah Anwar, the former head of widely despised and hated Sister's In Islam (SIS) (yeah! its true....ask around) also wrote on the subject in a column in the weekend Star daily.Even Chua Soi Lek is making comments (doesn't make sense right?....hudud is for Muslims).What made me sad is, while it is acceptable for non-Muslims to not understand it and blindly opposing it, what about the Muslims who opposed it.
It is really disgusting to read comments such as it is not suitable for a mixed racial country such as Malaysia, labeling it cruel law, it is not suitable for current time and much more.....unreasonable comments. I am not a religious scholar, I admit. I am not an expert in the field of Islamic Studies, I agree, but one thing for sure, I am indeed a God fearing person.By labeling Hudud as cruel, indirectly they are implying God is cruel, labeling Hudud as not time proof nor society proof, you are implying the God can't foresee the future, guys are wrong...dead wrong.God is Fair, God is Al Mighty, God is Great, Hudud comes from him, thus it is time invariant and suitable for all time and all kind of society and places. So ....please....I beg you people, if you do not want to implement Hudud, just say so, do not shift the blame on Hudud.
And back to Kelantanese, if that is want they want, Tuan Guru Nik Aziz have to respect their wishes and implement them, unless outsiders are so very afraid that it will be hugely successful and it will reflect badly on them....well go and fly a have no business interfering in Kelantan, and remember....there is after life...where you will be brought back from the dead...and questioned.....How are you going to very afraid.
It is really disgusting to read comments such as it is not suitable for a mixed racial country such as Malaysia, labeling it cruel law, it is not suitable for current time and much more.....unreasonable comments. I am not a religious scholar, I admit. I am not an expert in the field of Islamic Studies, I agree, but one thing for sure, I am indeed a God fearing person.By labeling Hudud as cruel, indirectly they are implying God is cruel, labeling Hudud as not time proof nor society proof, you are implying the God can't foresee the future, guys are wrong...dead wrong.God is Fair, God is Al Mighty, God is Great, Hudud comes from him, thus it is time invariant and suitable for all time and all kind of society and places. So ....please....I beg you people, if you do not want to implement Hudud, just say so, do not shift the blame on Hudud.
And back to Kelantanese, if that is want they want, Tuan Guru Nik Aziz have to respect their wishes and implement them, unless outsiders are so very afraid that it will be hugely successful and it will reflect badly on them....well go and fly a have no business interfering in Kelantan, and remember....there is after life...where you will be brought back from the dead...and questioned.....How are you going to very afraid.
Chua Soi Lek vs Anwar Ibrahim
It is funny that immediately after I posted the blog entry on Chua Soi Lek a number of rebuttals we're received, some of them we're pointing out that PKR is no different, it is being led by Anwar Ibrahim, another immoral leader, well I pointed out politely, there are world of difference among those two, while Chua Soi Lek admitted that he is indeed the actor in the porn video, Anwar Ibrahim is fighting for his innocence. While Chua Soi Lek received the assistance from relevant agencies to stop the distribution of his confirmed video.....can the same be said for Anwar's case....think will find the answer.
Note: The blogger wish to state that he is neither the fan of Anwar nor the sworn enemy of Soi Lek, he is just a human being trying to think the wise saying....with grey hair comes wisdom, with age comes some common sense....
Note: The blogger wish to state that he is neither the fan of Anwar nor the sworn enemy of Soi Lek, he is just a human being trying to think the wise saying....with grey hair comes wisdom, with age comes some common sense....
GE13: MCA staring at Game of Survival or Game of Death?
Looking at the aggressive, sometimes overzealous approach adapted by Chua Soi Lek and his trusted comrades...err...nope....suspicious comrades (don't forget, at one point of time Liow Tiong Lai and Wee Ka Siong we're staunchly against him), some quarters have pointed out that Chua Soi Lek is playing the Game of Survival, and that his approach would ensure the survival of MCA, well I for one beg to differ, I am pretty sure he is playing the Game of Death, yes, I am dead serious and pretty sure.He thinks he is leading a crusade against Pakatan, asking people albeit the voters to deliver the killer blow, rejecting them totally, well I have a strange feeling, and I pray and hope that the voters would be delivering the killer blow, but not flooring the Pakatan, but MCA, oh GOD please ensure the demise of MCA on GE13.
No sane people would want to be associated with a self confessed immoral person, whats more having him as a leader or having a coalition pact with such party.Wake up guys.....think....use common sense!.I felt a sense of relief when he inflicted self damage to his party, when he vented his anger on Ong Tee Keat, the former President of MCA, suggesting that he should leave MCA and for his portrait to be removed from the HQ (there is a section in the HQ where portraits of former Presidents are displayed) he expected Ong Tee Keat to come out fighting, but Ong Tee Keat did the opposite, he welcomed the move and announced that he himself doesn't want his portrait displayed besides an immoral person (CSL)....what a deft reply...!
Chua Soi Lek is trying to play a game in which he thinks he is smart, by playing the inner sentiments of the voters, well I am not sure whether he is smart or not, but one thing for sure....he is him the door, like the famous dialogu by Ahmad Nisfu in the P.Ramlee movie......Ada nampak itu pintu....Get Out. Deliver the killer blow for MCA, let the be the next GERAKAN, mati segan hidup tak mahu.....say No to immoral leaders....say No to MCA....
No sane people would want to be associated with a self confessed immoral person, whats more having him as a leader or having a coalition pact with such party.Wake up guys.....think....use common sense!.I felt a sense of relief when he inflicted self damage to his party, when he vented his anger on Ong Tee Keat, the former President of MCA, suggesting that he should leave MCA and for his portrait to be removed from the HQ (there is a section in the HQ where portraits of former Presidents are displayed) he expected Ong Tee Keat to come out fighting, but Ong Tee Keat did the opposite, he welcomed the move and announced that he himself doesn't want his portrait displayed besides an immoral person (CSL)....what a deft reply...!
Chua Soi Lek is trying to play a game in which he thinks he is smart, by playing the inner sentiments of the voters, well I am not sure whether he is smart or not, but one thing for sure....he is him the door, like the famous dialogu by Ahmad Nisfu in the P.Ramlee movie......Ada nampak itu pintu....Get Out. Deliver the killer blow for MCA, let the be the next GERAKAN, mati segan hidup tak mahu.....say No to immoral leaders....say No to MCA....
GE13: MCA staring at Game of Survival or Game of Death?
Looking at the aggressive, sometimes overzealous approach adapted by Chua Soi Lek and his trusted comrades...err...nope....suspicious comrades (don't forget, at one point of time Liow Tiong Lai and Wee Ka Siong we're staunchly against him), some quarters have pointed out that Chua Soi Lek is playing the Game of Survival, and that his approach would ensure the survival of MCA, well I for one beg to differ, I am pretty sure he is playing the Game of Death, yes, I am dead serious and pretty sure.He thinks he is leading a crusade against Pakatan, asking people albeit the voters to deliver the killer blow, rejecting them totally, well I have a strange feeling, and I pray and hope that the voters would be delivering the killer blow, but not flooring the Pakatan, but MCA, oh GOD please ensure the demise of MCA on GE13.
No sane people would want to be associated with a self confessed immoral person, whats more having him as a leader or having a coalition pact with such party.Wake up guys.....think....use common sense!.I felt a sense of relief when he inflicted self damage to his party, when he vented his anger on Ong Tee Keat, the former President of MCA, suggesting that he should leave MCA and for his portrait to be removed from the HQ (there is a section in the HQ where portraits of former Presidents are displayed) he expected Ong Tee Keat to come out fighting, but Ong Tee Keat did the opposite, he welcomed the move and announced that he himself doesn't want his portrait displayed besides an immoral person (CSL)....what a deft reply...?
Chua Soi Lek is trying to play a game in which he thinks he is smart, by playing the inner sentiments of the voters, well I am not sure whether he is smart or not, but one thing for sure....he is him the door, like the famous dialogu by Ahmad Nisfu in the P.Ramlee movie......Ada nampak itu pintu....Get Out. Deliver the killer blow for MCA, let the be the next GERAKAN, mati segan hidup tak mahu.....say No to immoral leaders....say No to MCA....
No sane people would want to be associated with a self confessed immoral person, whats more having him as a leader or having a coalition pact with such party.Wake up guys.....think....use common sense!.I felt a sense of relief when he inflicted self damage to his party, when he vented his anger on Ong Tee Keat, the former President of MCA, suggesting that he should leave MCA and for his portrait to be removed from the HQ (there is a section in the HQ where portraits of former Presidents are displayed) he expected Ong Tee Keat to come out fighting, but Ong Tee Keat did the opposite, he welcomed the move and announced that he himself doesn't want his portrait displayed besides an immoral person (CSL)....what a deft reply...?
Chua Soi Lek is trying to play a game in which he thinks he is smart, by playing the inner sentiments of the voters, well I am not sure whether he is smart or not, but one thing for sure....he is him the door, like the famous dialogu by Ahmad Nisfu in the P.Ramlee movie......Ada nampak itu pintu....Get Out. Deliver the killer blow for MCA, let the be the next GERAKAN, mati segan hidup tak mahu.....say No to immoral leaders....say No to MCA....
Chua Soi Lek fighting for free press: Look who's talking?
On one side it looks like the perfect saviour of press freedom, but wait a second, who? Chua Soi Lek? The MCA president? The self-confessed porn video actor? The guy who Wee Ka Siong used to loathe, but now idolize and address as the Prez? The guy who is in-charge either directly or indirectly the top selling English medium daily the Star? Yeah right....whom are you trying to kid, are you trying to pull a fast one...don't tell me it is one of the worst joke (or is it nightmare?) of the decade.
The Star have taken almost a 180 degrees turn compared to yesteryears, I for one who have been an avid reader of The Star, since Tunku Abdu Rahman, Malaysia's Independent Father (yeah...I know you are going to say....technically we were never colonialised....thus....sigh!) was behind the scene, who could forget his column, 'As I see it', those we're they days.....Damn! I missed those golden days when they we're one of the independent daily around, and you know and I know, that led the daily to be banned during the infamous 'Ops Lalang'.....sigh. Pause, fast forward, and now, look where is The Star now, in fact I am disgusted to call it a newspaper, tabloid would be much more appropriate.
Notice how it would barrage the oppositions with white lies, unproven accusations, while highlighting the MCA cause and uplifting MCA until you feel wanna puke? Not forgetting the two infamous column writers(or are they ghost writers?) know whom am I talking about.....Mr B and Miss my sincere advice to Chua Soi Lek is....clean up your own backyard (of course I am talking about The Star, not the bedroom)...before you start advocating press freedom.
The Star have taken almost a 180 degrees turn compared to yesteryears, I for one who have been an avid reader of The Star, since Tunku Abdu Rahman, Malaysia's Independent Father (yeah...I know you are going to say....technically we were never colonialised....thus....sigh!) was behind the scene, who could forget his column, 'As I see it', those we're they days.....Damn! I missed those golden days when they we're one of the independent daily around, and you know and I know, that led the daily to be banned during the infamous 'Ops Lalang'.....sigh. Pause, fast forward, and now, look where is The Star now, in fact I am disgusted to call it a newspaper, tabloid would be much more appropriate.
Notice how it would barrage the oppositions with white lies, unproven accusations, while highlighting the MCA cause and uplifting MCA until you feel wanna puke? Not forgetting the two infamous column writers(or are they ghost writers?) know whom am I talking about.....Mr B and Miss my sincere advice to Chua Soi Lek is....clean up your own backyard (of course I am talking about The Star, not the bedroom)...before you start advocating press freedom.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Crossover offer for DAP rep: Muhyiddin claims it might be a harmless joke, Duh!
Last week the Bentayan assemblyman, Gwee Tiong Hiang made a sensational allegation( Was it sensational?..I believe by now we are all accustomed to such news). He claimed that he had been enticed to leave DAP and become a BN friendly independent rep. He further claimed that the offer is 'huge', although the cash is just RM150 000.00, the other perks accompanying it are too good to resist.As usual, neither the MACC nor the Election commission has any comments, the deafening silence from these agencies are expected, imagine if it was the other way around, every Tom, Dick and Harry, from various agencies, not forgetting the flimsy non-governmental organizations would have jumped from all angles, it would have made front page news in all the BN controlled main medias.TV3 would have been playing the recordings every 5 minutes....... There even would be 'puking' comments from the so-called independent front, consisting of filthy frogs..... Berahim Ali might have called a press conference by now claiming that he could easily assembles 12 million supporter and will sent a memo to the King, Tun Mahathir would have commented....Apa nama...depa....pembangkang ni memang macam ni sejak dulu....Apa nama.....saya tak berapa ingat BN pernah buat macam ni...
Back to what I actually trying to highlight here is the comment made by the DPM, Muhyiddin, when asked by reporters, he claimed that it is usual for BN members who usually jokes about this, they would jokingly invite those on opposing sides to cross over, and it is a harmless joke, whose leg are you trying to pull?...You seriously expect us to believe your reply? What a sick joke and a sick reply from you Mr DPM, people.....imagine if he could stoop so low and give these kind of comments for things like this, what kind of sick and stupid replies could he give if he DID become the PM.......Scary eh?
Back to what I actually trying to highlight here is the comment made by the DPM, Muhyiddin, when asked by reporters, he claimed that it is usual for BN members who usually jokes about this, they would jokingly invite those on opposing sides to cross over, and it is a harmless joke, whose leg are you trying to pull?...You seriously expect us to believe your reply? What a sick joke and a sick reply from you Mr DPM, people.....imagine if he could stoop so low and give these kind of comments for things like this, what kind of sick and stupid replies could he give if he DID become the PM.......Scary eh?
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