Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tun M trying to make sense out of 'non'sensense

It was with utter disbelief (or was it disgust?) when I read the statement by our elderly statesman, Tun M...'better to choose the Devil we know, rather than the Angel we don't...."...and he went a step further when he reiterated and defended his statement by claiming that Angels do sometimes sin... 

Tun M, you we're a great statesman, you we're a respected leader, you we're one of the more active and progressive OIC leader's (read carefully....we're)...but this what elderly used to say...... what goes around comes around? Remember when Tun M used to say our founding forefather Tunku Abdul Rahman senile old man....? Tun M, you are dead wrong....Angels are obedient....they do not sin...they do not go against the wish of the Al-Mighty...wallahualam......where have all the Government religious advisers gone...hiding?...where is Jamil Khir Baharom...where is Harussani...whare is Fathul Bari....? Do you people fear the nations Be End leaders more than the Al-Mighty....Nauzzubillah....GOD forbids....

Tun M, you might have been a great leader, a visionary statesman, but do not go down the history books as the greatest joker....please do not try to make sense out of 'non' two grey area...full stop.

May GOD have mercy and help us..


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